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/lit/ - Literature

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2706187 No.2706187 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: tl;dr the last book you read in the most concise way you can

>> No.2706205

The Inferno
>"Hey bro, you want to go to hell with me?"
>"Yeah, sure!"

>> No.2706209

>it's mom's funeral today and I'm not sad
>I killed a guy and I don't feel bad
>I'm gettting the death penalty and I feel glad

>> No.2706211

>im so hungry

>> No.2706216

to make this a more interesting thread, you shouldn't say the title and have other people guess what it is.

>> No.2706219

>I hate you John
>And then some things happened

>> No.2706220

sun also rises
>lets go to spain bros
>wut ensues

portrait of the artist as a young man
>my soul hurts
>he walked to the herpa derpa to the left of the derpa herps to say hi diddily derp derp to the derpmans*
>*random annotation
>still a ridiculously beautiful book

>> No.2706224

>got my sister pregnant
>people mad
>kill her so nobody else does

>> No.2706235

A world-weary, young schoolteacher is best friends with a quirky lesbian whom he also loves.

>> No.2706236

A spoiled asshole tells buddha to fuck off, gets rich, fucks a prostitute for several years, then loses his mind.

>> No.2706239

>people found a town
>some dude writes a secret coded manuscript
>civil war
>workers massacred
>oooh the manuscript said all this would happen

>> No.2706247

>a nerdy man goes to take notes on a planet where sometimes people are girls, some times they're boys
>I can't remember the main plot
>a women wrote this?

>> No.2706248


>> No.2706250
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>Two dudes stand near a tree

>> No.2706251


100 years of incest

>> No.2706263


Kinda gave that one away with the filename on the pic, bro.

>> No.2706264

>business suits
>i like to kill people

>> No.2706266

>Jews settle Alaska during WWII instead of Palestine
>book turns out not to be a forced metaphor for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
>Jerusalem gets bombed at the end anyway

>> No.2706271


>> No.2706272

tl;dr robots made a god to fight God and the battles happened both forward and backwards in time. Also, it was robots the whole time.

>> No.2706276

>dude check these cities
>some of them don't exist
>reality warp

>> No.2706278
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ITT: Nobody reads anyone else's posts. Everybody posts crap.

>> No.2706281

>Two migrant workers
>Dreamer and tard
>Tard goes crazy and dreamer kills him

>> No.2706282


I don't know why /lit/ likes that book. The premise is so... simple. Read it in High School, chose my IB project to be writing the chapter missing between Part 1 and Part 2 using the guy's same mindset, scored highest grade of peers.


>> No.2706287

>guy thinks

>> No.2706288

>did well in high school
Why are you telling us your life story here? Also, the book is simply written, yet conceptually deep, even if existentialism is now irrelevant.

>> No.2706296


>> No.2706302


I'm saying the concept is simple. It was a different idea but not very impacting, nor worth its popularity. That's my own opinion on it. I found Chronicle of a Death Foretold far more impacting from the same year.

>> No.2706299

Close. Montaigne.

>> No.2706300

The Yiddish Policemen's Union

>> No.2706303

> Voyeurism
>Girl kills herself
> Voyeurism
>Her Sisters Kill themselves

>> No.2706305
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>now irrelevant


>not absurdism



>> No.2706312

>simple concept
>a bad thing

pick one

>> No.2706313

>he doesn't know what existentialism is
And yes, it is irrelevant, except among you teenage fucking babbies who haven't bothered to read the stuff that renders it worthless.

>> No.2706314

just because he says he isn't existentialism, doesn't mean he isn't.
If you were here right now, I'd ask you to take a shower with me

>> No.2706317

what 'stuff'' renders existentialism worthless?

>> No.2706329

>buy a house
>its too big
>brother gets killed
>move out of the house

>> No.2706338

Norwegian Wood
>People killing themselves
>Handjobs & masturbation

>> No.2706356

>Pakistan and India are separating
>mother seeks husband for her daughter
>three options:
>girl picks worst possible choice due to parental pressure rather than following her heart

>> No.2706376

>Dude builds a cone
>Bitch dies in the cone

>> No.2706383

I could try but I'll just leave you with this instead:

>> No.2706385

>Biological hedonism
>Internet tough guys
>The prostitute poisoned everybody
>Mass naked child event

I'm not sure that worked at all. It's also in chronological order, which is reverse order by the book.

>> No.2706389

>I'm getting old
>Cheat on the wife
>I'm too old...
>Ask forgiveness

>> No.2706392

>Dude goes on a trip, astral projection perhaps
>sees demons having a party
>some dude comes saying the witches own them
>they tell him to fuck off, and will settle the matter by melee
>witchking cheats, demon gets mad and throws him
>witchking breaks his neck in the fall
>new witchking sends some eldritch horror after the demons who just wanted to be left along
>still need to finish reading

>> No.2706394
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"Escape" by Rupert Holmes

>> No.2706407

>Is future
>illigal drugs are nanobots and not illigal
>guy with no pants gets chased by robots
>guy who has a crush on Lord Byron does nothing
>Abraham Lincoln fights a triceratops
>Space hooker melts people's faces
>Chick with one leg acts like a schizophrenic
I'm suspicious as to if I actually knew what was going on in the last half of the book.

>> No.2706413

someone answer this, if not that guy.
I would enjoy such knowledge. For reasons.

>> No.2706416

>language kills people

>> No.2706423

I didn't know Pontypool was a book first

>> No.2706436
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>mfw either no one got it or just didn't find it clever

>> No.2706447


>> No.2706454

>Labor conscript helps build a building and thinks about stew a lot.

>> No.2706661

i love Calvino

>> No.2706671

>70 year old man sure likes to set things on fire and rob banks
Is not a novel

>> No.2706672

WoT: Fires of Heaven
> Rand unites the Aiel and carries them into Cairhein to begin dominating the world. Also he fucked Aviendha
> Mat is like a battle general master now
> Meanwhile.jpg, nynaeve and elayne spend some time at a fucking circus, Birgitte gets torn out of the world of dreams, and bonded by elayne as warder
> Perrin is a no show
> Moiraine sacrifices herself to kill Lanfear

>> No.2706674


>Perrin is a no show

Ah, the best kind of WoT book, all the way to flipping Towers of Midnight.

>> No.2706676
File: 761 KB, 1017x579, FOSERIOUS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American Psycho
>I'm a business man who isn't really important and no one notices me :(
>I must kill
>I killed
>no one notices :(