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/lit/ - Literature

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2705928 No.2705928 [Reply] [Original]

Quick survey
Five favorite books
I'll collect the data and compose a top 5-10 for the board.

>> No.2705936

Light in August
Mason & Dixon
The Brothers Karamazov
Blood Meridian
Green Eggs & Ham

>> No.2705939

Atlas Shrugged
50 Shades of Grey
Hunger Games
The Long Halloween

>> No.2705943

The Bible
The Koran
Atlas Shrugged
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Infinite Jest

>> No.2705945

Assless Tugged by Rank, Heiney

>> No.2705947

No Country For Old Men
Naïve. Super
All Quiet On the Western Front
A Canticle For Leibowitz

>> No.2705952
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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

>> No.2705955

All Together Dead, Charlaine Harris
Dead as a Doornail, Charlaine Harris
Club Dead, Charlaine Harris
Dead and Gone, Charlaine Harris
Game of Thrones 2: A Clash of Kings, J.R.R. Martin

>> No.2705959

The Sirens of Titan
Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said
The Stranger
The Sailor Who Fell from Grace With The Sea

>> No.2705960

I'm bored; I'll bite.

In no order

The Sound and the Fury
The Man in the High Castle
Cyrano de Bergerac
Heart of Darkness

>> No.2705965

Blood Meridian - Cormac McCarthy
A Song of Ice and Fire (series) - George R.R. Martin
Salem's Lot - Stephen King
Dune - Frank Herbert
Les Miserables - Victor Hugo

BTW, this board's favorite book is The Stranger.

>> No.2705971
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The Stranger sucks. This is the only book /lit/ will ever agree on.

>> No.2705972

I know it. There's probably going to be some Dostoevsky in the mix, too.

>> No.2705975

I predict Blood Meridian as well

>> No.2705976

The Stand
Down And Out In Paris And London
Breakfast of Champions

>> No.2705978

Trying to compile any sort of top list for /lit/ is pointless, since it will inevitably reflect the opinions of Vonnegut, Pynchon, Foster Wallace, Orwell, Huxley, Camus (etc.) fanboys.

>> No.2705983
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Paper Towns
Catcher in the Rye
The Fault in Our Stars
Of Mice and Men

>> No.2705989

Actually Rand and Rowling are in the lead so far.

>> No.2705995

Here's what I like. Just by MENTIONING The Stranger, Dostoevsky, and Blood Meridian, /lit/ will do everything they can when they say their list to NOT mention those books, even if they love them. That's how badly they need to be original, how perfectly they define the "hipster" insult. It's pathetic and hilarious.

>> No.2705998
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To Aru Kagaku no Railgun
To Aru Majutsu no Index
Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
The Fundamental Verses of the Middle Way

>> No.2706001

Count of Monte Cristo
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Divine Comedy
At The Mountains of Madness

>> No.2706005

One Hundred Years of Solitude
Labrynths by Borges
Blood Meridian
The Trial
The Satanic Verses

I like magic realism, yes. Weridly, I don't even believe in magic realism and don't see a huge difference between it and fantasy.

>> No.2706030

how the hell can there be so much yume nikki fan art?

>> No.2706051

Thousand Cranes
Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.2706055

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Fahrenheit 451
Journey to the West

Everything else I like is moreso writer based than particular books.

>> No.2706065

At Swim-Two-Birds
Winesburg, Ohio
The Day of the Locust
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Good Soldier Svejk

>> No.2706080

One Hundred Years of Solitude
His Dark Materials
Brave New World

>> No.2706085

Harry Potter
The Hunger Games, first two books
Princess Academy
Finnegan's Wake

>> No.2706109

Master and Margaret
Journey to the end of the night
The Karamazov brothers
Infinite Jest

>> No.2706118

Identifying Wood
Everybody Poops

>> No.2706139

To The Lighthouse
Death With Interruptions
The Body Artist
Oblivion: Stories
The Bell Jar

>> No.2706145

Collected Fiction of Borges
Jin Ping Mei
A Canticle for Leibowitz
Don Quixote
The Oresteia

Making lists like this reminds me how many books I have to reread. I can't really count a book as my favorite if I can hardly remember what happens in it.

>> No.2706148

American Gods
The Graveyard Book
Daniel Copperfield
A Tale of Two Cities
The Amber Spyglass

>> No.2706155

- Dune
- Game of Thrones
- The Hobbit
- Carrie
- The coffee table book of coffee tables.

>> No.2706181

War and Peace
Brave New World

>> No.2706190

LOTR (It counts as one because it was written as one, and I have it as a single-volume)
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Sun Also Rises
Brothers Kamarazov

>> No.2706197

I think we should have a cocktail party.

>> No.2706200

The Magic of Lewis Carroll by John Fisher
The Job: Interviews with William Burroughs by Daniel Odier
Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon
The Arcades Project by Walter Benjamin
Madness and Civilization by Michel Foucault

>> No.2706203
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American Psycho
Brave New World
Catcher in the Rye
A Confederacy of Dunces
A Clockwork Orange

>> No.2706212
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Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow
Catcher in the Rye



>> No.2706214


>implying cocktail party doesn't mean "roofies in your drink and a good raping".

Run Anon, Run!

>> No.2706221

Bro, you should get out of the mainstream and look at some /real/ novels.

I was just thinking the same thing when making my list. Of Mice and Men is, luckily, short enough and maybe even a day read. How is Don Quixote? Keep hearing it around...

>Infinite Jest
>same post

>> No.2706223


Rum and Jack Daniel's are the only thing that I drink. And I only drink what I make, except when I order something from a bartender.

This is the Anon from >>2706001

>> No.2706227

Winter's Heart
Anything Dresden Files
Ender's Game

Close runner up: Hyperion

>> No.2706233

You sound like a boorish knave, I recant my invitation.

>> No.2706238


>implying bartenders never spike your drinks then rape you.

It's not funny actually, it happened to my sister.

>> No.2706241

It's still kinda funny.

>> No.2706249


You're right, it is. That will teach the bitch to fuck about with my Warhammer Minis when she was four, stupid little baby.

>> No.2706261

I actually read a book where something like that happened. It's really well done, you should check it out. It's called "Shut the Fuck Up" By: No One Cares.

>> No.2706270


Oh wow. That told me. Phew. I think I'll have to go and put some after-sun on that fucking burn.

My status:

[ ] Told
[ ] Fucking TOLD
[ ] Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtold
[x] Not actually told at all because you're just a fucking girl.

>> No.2706285
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u r so autism

i just told you didn'teven car shit on your face im like heh

>> No.2706292
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>> No.2706294


lol if you didnt caer you wouldnt post so fuck u u girl.

>> No.2706297

Infinite Jest
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Catch 22
2001: A Space Odyssey

>> No.2706298

You are mentally retarded fetal alcohol baby, yes?

You have absolutely no comprehension of good writing... Why the fuck are you on lit, retard?
GTFO LIT NOW. Stupid fucking faggot.

>> No.2706315

Ok, what I'm about to say probably doesn't carry any weight around here, but some of you really should be ashamed of yourselves.

>> No.2706320

You are so fucking annoying, this was actually a good thread.

I completely agree...

>> No.2706333


>this was actually a good thread.

No it wasn't - it's the same thread we have every three days, with exactly the same books mentioned, nobody reading any previous posts, and absolutely no discussion at all.

Here, have a list of books:

Ghostwritten - David Mitchell
The New York Trilogy - Paul Auster
The Malus Darkblade Series - Dan Abnett
To Have and Have Not - Ernest Hemingway
A Visit from the Goon Squad - Jennifer Egan

Happy now? Have I made the thread good again with a list of the last few books I can remember reading? Want to talk about them now you fucking waste of skin?

>> No.2706344
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>Have I made the thread good again with a list of the last few books I can remember reading
Lmfao, you're still trying to impress people even when condemning this whole fucking thread.
I wanna actually discuss some books in a worthwhile way, and I doubt you'd even do that on a regular thread.
I'm the fag from >>2706221 I actually tried to start conversation. You could've tried to actually talk about something instead of exploding with rage for no reason.

Top-notch post.

>> No.2706347
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>still trying to impress people

>Malus Darkblade

pic related - I was expressing the randomness of this fucking pointless thread.

Seriously, is this your first fucking day here? These threads are just a waste of everything that's holy.

>> No.2706348

The Master and Margarita
The End of Eternity
Snow Crash
General History of Drugs

>> No.2706373
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You're right. You're master race with your pro-ness at everything in life.

>These threads are just a waste of everything that's holy.
Christ almighty. You can't appreciate other people's opinions for shit, huh? You're probably the kind of guy that when you hear what someone thought of a movie or some shit you go "AHAHAHA FAGGOT. FUCKING WRONG THAT MOVIE GOT AN 8.9 ON FUCKING ROTTEN TOMATOES SO I LIKE THAT SHIT."

Get your own opinions faggot. Stop TRYING to bully and, instead, just looking like an autist with a short attention span. Get some Ritalin you ADD fucker.

>> No.2706377

I can't post in this thread without sounding like a pretentious /lit/tard trying to fake my way into acceptance. It's not my fault that I enjoy Nabokov and Pynchon, alright?

>> No.2706388

100 anos de solidão
o velho e o mar
a era dos extremos
confesso que vivi
a náusea

>> No.2706403


>You can't appreciate other people's opinions for shit, huh?

What fucking opinions, you absolute shitstorm of piss? The precise essence of my fucking point, which you are clearly too stupid to understand, is that THERE IS NO OPINION IN THIS THREAD, NOR IS THERE EVER ANY OPINION IN THESE THREADS WHICH WE HAVE EVERY FUCKING DAY.

Where is OP's "survey"? It will never happen - this is a subtle troll and everyone ITT is basically tyoing the titles of novels into their computer.



Are you happier now? Do you understand? Because you seem rather perplexed.

>> No.2706421
File: 4 KB, 458x184, ThisGuyIs Raging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see you hitting your keyboard really hard.
Your Rage-o-meter is nearing the red zone and when that happens, oh shit, we're all fucked.

If it helps, I'm very impressed that you have a wide selection of novels that you know of and have read.

Must've been a rough day at the cash register.

>> No.2706425


"Hourney to the End of the Night" was also obviously not written by "Celine Dion" either, you fucktard.

>> No.2706435

Would it help if I named five more books for you?

>> No.2706441
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Hang on a minute. Have we swapped roles now? Or are you me?

>> No.2706450
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I dunno bro. Sometimes I like reading stuff, and Im sure you do too.

>> No.2706470

Somebody should delete this thread.

>> No.2706642

This Side of Paradise
A Skanner Darkly
The Call of the Wild

>> No.2706752

The Hobbit
The Gunslinger
The Colour of Magic
Farenheit 451.

>> No.2706760

Arabian Nights
Voyage of Argo
Jurassic Park
The Phantom Tollbooth
The Odyssey

>> No.2706808

Harry Potter and the Deathly hallows
Harry Potter and the Half-Blooded Prince
A Clockwork Orange
Battle Royale

>> No.2706813

hard boiled wonderland and the end of the world
john dies at the end
cats cradle
oryx and crake

>> No.2706820

+ jitterbug perfume

>> No.2706986

Catch 22
Slaughterhouse Five
The Man in the High Castle
Death of a Salesman
A Streetcar Named Desire

>> No.2706991

The God Delusion

>> No.2706992

Atlas Shrugged
Finnegans wake
New Moon
Hunger Games
On the Road

>> No.2707007

American Psycho
A Storm of Swords

>> No.2707012

The Red and the Black - Stendhal
This Side of Paradise - Fitzgerald
The Magus - Fowles
Tom Jones - Fielding
The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist - Tressell

>> No.2707022

Catch 22
Fear and Loathing
Atlas Shrugged
End of Mr Y

>> No.2707026

Martin A Hansen - Løgneren
Villy Sørensen - Ragnarok
Mikael Niemi - Populärmusik från Vittula
Herman Bang - Ved Vejen
Flemming Jensen - Vejledning I Sælfangst

hurp :(

>> No.2707033
File: 51 KB, 640x480, DSC00066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Brothers Karamazov
Journey to the End of the Night
Post Office
Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.2707035

Holy shit lit you are as edgy as fuck.

I mean your favourite books include your actual favourites like Harry Potter/A song of fire and ice/The hunger games and other teen shit as well as something like Atlas shrugged/the bible/infinite jest to make you look inteligund

Do most of the clowns ITT really think they're fooling anyone?

>> No.2707041

I have not read every book mentioned that was written by men and pre-1950, and as such I feel quite dejected.

>> No.2707044

2/10 for effort. Unfortunately, no one is actually that stupid.

>> No.2707064

A Christmas Carol
Wuthering Heights
The Lair of the White Worm

>> No.2707070

The Ego And Its Own
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Beyond Good and Evil
Classical Cynicism

Come at me.

>> No.2707072

1. Infinite Jest
2. Moby-Dick
3. Under the Volcano
4. Crime and Punishment
5. V.

>> No.2707078

Mah nigger.

>> No.2707083

As soon as they leave land Moby Dick turns to shit.

>> No.2707089

Mother Night
The Brothers Karamazov
A Storm of Swords
The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.2707093

This this this.

But don't tell Americans this.

>> No.2707100

I disagree wholeheartedly. >dat portentous atmosphere and dose beautiful soliloquies

>> No.2707107

Dat clunky marine biology. Like standing on gum on a hot street.

>> No.2707110

Much like the cruel sea herself, Moby Dick crests and falls in mighty waves of quality. It alternates between drudging boredom and beautiful clarity almost evenly.

>> No.2707132

To the Lighthouse
Poems of WB Yeats
The Dream Songs
A Scanner Darkly

>> No.2707135


>Poems of WB Yeats

I hate when people do this. Name a specific collection. You wouldn't say "my favourite book is Beckett's complete works".

>> No.2707138

Hmm well I have his poems as one book, but I guess if I had to pick one collection it would be The Tower.

>> No.2707146

divine comedy
crime and punishment
thus spake zarathustra

>> No.2707294

Gravitys Rainbow
The Castle
Tropic of Cancer

>> No.2707298

Infinite Jest- DFW
Pale Fire- Nabokov
Franny and Zooey- Salinger
Flow My Tears the Policeman Said- PKD
The Sun Also Rises- Hemingway

>> No.2707299

Confederacy Of Dunces
A Scanner Darkly
Cat's Cradle
The Picture of Dorian Gray
If On A Winter's Night A Traveler

>> No.2707350

Cat's Cradle

>> No.2707366

eugene onegin
the fortress of solitude

>> No.2707376

[My answer is probably liable to change every time I consider the question.]

The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
The Razor's Edge by W. Somerset Maugham
The Stranger by Albert Camus

>> No.2707397

The interrogaton --Le Clezio
Notes from the underground --Dostoevsky
American Psycho --BEE
Hamlet --Shakespeare
Infinite Jest --DFW

>> No.2707419

these are never accurate because 95+% of anons over the age of 30 don't participate in survey threads.

so what you end up with is a top 5-10 for what the children like on this board.

>> No.2707506


there aren't very many anons over 30

>> No.2707520

The Hunger Games
Catching Fire
Mocking Jay
50 shades of grey

>> No.2707535

Hunger Games
Harry Potter
Atlas Shrugged
the last Dark-Tower-book

>> No.2707536
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Kind of hard to say rightoff the bat but... Fight club is pretty good. Also, Atlas shrugged and Stephen Kings It, Pet semitary and The Gunslinger

>> No.2707538

Atlas Shrugged
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Burmese days
Down and out in Paris and London

>> No.2707540



>> No.2707544

Catch 22
Starship Troopers
Old Mans War
World War Z

>> No.2707549

good point. there aren't many anons over the age of 20 for that matter.

>> No.2707563

Lucky Per
War and Peace
Don Quixote
Gormenghast (series, disregarding the third book)
A Day in Ivan Denisovitj' Life


>> No.2707583

Tao Te Ching
The Basic Text-AA
Complete Works of Poe
The Tao of Jeet Kun Do

>> No.2707588
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Woolf - To the Lighthouse
Wittgenstein - Philosophical Investigations
Beckett - The Unnameable
Whitman - Leaves of Grass
Marx - Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844

>> No.2707604

To Kill a Mockingbird
Pillars of the earth
Of Mice and Men
Les Misérables
The count of Monte Cristo

>> No.2707624

Infinite Jest
The Great Gatsby
As I Lay Dying
All The Pretty Horses
Norwegian Wood

>> No.2707642

Sentimental Education
A Hero of Our Time
The Count of Monte Cristo
Spring Torrents
This Side of Paradise

>> No.2707655

Slaughterhouse 5- Vonnegut
Tropic of Cancer- Henry Miller
Nausea- Sartre
Catch 22- Heller
The Sun Also Rises- Hemingway

>> No.2707660
File: 82 KB, 500x492, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorites:
The Count of Monte Cristo
Le Miserables
V for Vendetta
Wuthering Heights

Judge at will.

>> No.2707664
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>Le Miserables

>> No.2707665

Slaughterhouse 5
The End of Mr Y
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Crime and Punishment
Infinite Jest

>> No.2707668

Judged and found wanting. j/k.

>> No.2707669

Perdido Street Station (China Mieville)
Gargantua and Pantagruel (Francois Rabelais)
Last and First Men (Olaf Stapledon)
Hothouse (Brian Aldiss)
Galapagos (Kurt Vonnegut)

>> No.2707670
File: 485 KB, 450x326, reallife.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, I forgot the S.

You made because I forgot the accent too?

.gif related

>> No.2707676

Infinite Jest
The Great Gatsby
Finnegans Wake
Catcher in the Rye
The Stranger

>> No.2707897


Only if you're not interested in interesting big fishies and manly men chasing them in boats. That's the best bit, imho.

>> No.2707943

I presume the OP isn't still in this thread but how will we see the finished top 5/know when it's finished?

>> No.2710038

Atlass Shrugged
Atlass Shrugged
Atlass Shrugged
Atlass Shrugged
Atlass Shrugged

>> No.2710045

House of Leaves
The Easter Parade
Paradise Lost
American Psycho
The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea

>> No.2710046

Are you actually doing this OP you god damn faggot?

>> No.2710052

The Sun Also Rises
Gravity's Rainbow
Norwegian Wood

>> No.2710078


no u

>> No.2710090

The Stranger
Animal Farm
Notes From Underground

I am entry level as fuck.

>> No.2710094

op already posted the results you fuck

it's an image, has /lit/core and sub/lit/core in it. i think the top five were Bros K, Lolita, Blood Meridian, Dune (i know) and I can't remember the other one. Gravity's rainbow was sub/lit/core.

>> No.2710096

Mason & Dixon
The Book of Disquiet
Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist

>> No.2710104


I said no u

learn how to read, special needs guy

>> No.2710109

Roadside Picnic
One Flew Over the Kuckoo's Nest
Brothers Karamazov
Wuthering Heights

>> No.2710111

>V for Vendetta
That thing was a total mess.

>> No.2710142

the other one was infinite jest, you fuck.

>> No.2710191

Do graphic novels count?
The Sandman.
Reaper Man
The Iliad
The Silmarillion

>> No.2710204

well are you gonna link us to it or just sit there with your hand in your pants whacking it to shemales all night?

>> No.2710208

On The Road
Naked Lunch
For Whom The Bell Tolls
The Mother
How Steel Was Tempered

>> No.2710228

* Vurt - Jeff Noon
* Little Miss Strange – Joanna Rose
* Taran Wanderer -- Lloyd Alexander
* Nine Princes in Amber – Roger Zelazny
* Story of My Life - Jay McInerney

come at me bro

>> No.2710322

Into the Wild by Krakauer
The Doomed City by the Strugatzkis
The Box Man by Abe
Mountains of Madness by Lovecraft
The Third Policeman by O'Brien

>> No.2710407

The Stand
The Stranger
Roadside Picnic
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

>> No.2710447

Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut
Crome Yellow by Aldous Huxley
Pulp by Charles Bukowski
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
The Long Run by Stephen King

>> No.2710978

House of Leaves
Beyond Good & Evil
Guns, Germs, & Steel
Game of Thrones
The Magicians ( guilty pleasure)

>> No.2711022

The Master and Margarita
The Windup-Bird Chronicle
Crime and Punishment
Lord of The Rings Trilogy

>> No.2711039

Walt Whitman - Leaves of Grass
James Joyce - Ulysses
Jorge Luis Borges - Ficciones
Wallace Stevens - Harmonium
Virginia Woolf - To The Lighthouse

>> No.2711054
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Guys please stop fighting.

>> No.2711103
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>The Quran
>To Kill a mockingbird
>The lion the witch and the wardrobe
>The merchant of venice
>Lord of the rings