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/lit/ - Literature

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2705643 No.2705643 [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit/-

its that time again. Attached is a picture of books.

0. choose a book
1. send email to email field
2. have book name and mailing address in email
3. receive your book in mail

if you are as lost and confused as i am, send me an email and i will help you

>> No.2705648

Where are you mailing from? What service are you using?

>> No.2705649


us, usps. will send intl

>> No.2705655

What'd you think about them? Which one there did you like the best?

>> No.2705669

A Scanner Darkly email sent!

The power of being worth nothing, I'm not worth scamming! =D

>> No.2705674

A Gun for Sale for me. Sending email now.

>> No.2705677

eww at the spines

>> No.2705679


>not appreciating a ravished book

it's the one sign of a true reader. or a cheapskate who frequents thrift stores.

>> No.2705684

When I read books like that I bend the cover and damage the spine as little as possible. You can be a true reader and have nice-looking things.

>> No.2705685

Hey OP, thanks for being a good person.

>> No.2705687


>not poring through your tomes like a sex-crazed junkie

do you even read?

>> No.2705689

about to finish a gun for sale

godfather was good, and exciting. thought the movie was terrible

dr. no is fun

the power and the glory is classic graham greene, it's probably my favorite of his catholic novels. its also full of little tabs, so if thats going to bother you, skip this one

just finished a scanner darkly, its also pretty good. I've felt it much more accessible than some of pkd's other works, so if you're new to dick, this might be a good entry. i got the same feeling i did from finishing ubik - wishing i hadn't read it. i liked it but for the few days after finishing the book, i always feel despondent, lonely, and worried

death in the andes i had never read anything by the guy before and didnt know what to expect, but i thought it was very engaging. i feel its also one of the books you finish and and for the following week, new themes and meanings keep popping into your head

i thought they were all worth reading, but i like most everything i read, for some reason. you guys should all read fante's "ask the dust" if you haven't already. its pretty good and ive been thinking about it while lately

>> No.2705694

death in the andes
Thank you very much OP

>> No.2705711

i got mad when a friend borrowed my 1984 and the spines got folded

>> No.2705717

a gun for sale, a scanner darkly taken

they're all used, it happens. i regularly set my book down open, spine up. its the ink on the pages that matters

>> No.2705720


I get mad when my friend's spines are flawless.

>> No.2705846

still have 4 more

>> No.2705862

i attempt to keep my paperback in immaculate condition too.
this isn't only to soothe my OCD tendencies, it's also for the plain and simple fact that paperbacks are fragile and have a limited lifespan if you don't treat them well.
you batter my book, you banned from borrowing.

>> No.2705882

Death in the Andes! Called it!

>> No.2705902

you're a kind and generous faggot, op

>> No.2705907

gotta send an email

>> No.2706254

last call for free books, then you have to wait a few months

>> No.2706257

Which are the ones still available?

>> No.2706259

the godfather, dr. no, the power and the glory, death in the andes

>> No.2706738
File: 11 KB, 225x225, images (43).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hello OP
Thank you very much for this kind offer
I would like to be given " the power and the glory " by Graham Greene. Please email me, so that I can give you my adress. A thousand thanks.

>> No.2706740
File: 7 KB, 259x194, images (33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to add the email !

>> No.2706743

I'd love A death in the Andes but i don't get how this email thing works, do you have an email address i can reach you on dawg?

>> No.2706747

His email is in the OP and several of the other posts he male in the thread.

>> No.2706748
File: 12 KB, 227x222, images (34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same anon

OP, did you receive my email with mail address ?
can you confirm that you will mail me " the Power and Glory " by Graham Greene ?


>> No.2706754
File: 10 KB, 158x200, images (64).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, thanks dear friend for the precision ! I hadn't quite noticed it before writing my first post, something in the syntax of his explanative sentence, made me think he meant for me to write my email, and that he would later contact me. I'm not a native english speaker :)

>> No.2706758

Oh, right.

God i'm dim, in my defense I am currently in the grips of a hangover that would make Kingsley Amis himself recoil

>> No.2706767

Umm what you're not me IDENTITY FRAUD

>> No.2706773
File: 184 KB, 533x840, kermit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm sorry, I thought this message was addressed to me, since I also made the mistake of misreading the explanations of OP.

>> No.2707594

still the godfather and dr. no, fyi

>> No.2707611

Is this shit legit, or will my information be sold to telemarketers or something?

>> No.2707620



>> No.2707631

i'd do this too if i had the willpower to go take a picture of my bookshelf

>> No.2707639


if you do, make sure to tell people at post office that it is just books inside, and you can get the "media mail" 4th rate, which is usually cheaper but takes a bit longer. doesnt work for international mail though

>> No.2707641


Alright then, e-mail sent. Thanks a fuckton if you come through with this.

>> No.2707648

godfather taken, dr. no is only book left

>> No.2707658


Do it bro, just think of how many poor people will be thankful of you.