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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 174 KB, 563x394, me_and_dad_may_he_rest_in_peace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2703836 No.2703836 [Reply] [Original]

>read macbeth
>recite passages out loud
>do silly voices
>prance about in the apartment
>awkward gesturing and poses
>see my landlord in the hallway looking at me
>for how long has he stood there?

>> No.2703842

Your landlord lives on the same premises?

Damn, son, that must be terrible.

>> No.2703846

I live in a large house where he has the bottom apartment. Yes, I had left my door open and he came in :(

>> No.2703847
File: 29 KB, 299x415, 1337060208352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not inviting your landlord in to play macbeth to your lady macbeth


>> No.2703861


>> No.2703864

My sophomore english class read MacBeth and we were each assigned a character to perform as in class. My friends and I were the witches, among others (I was also Lennox, for example), and we did the entire "thrice the brinded cat hath mewed" scene while dancing around the room and doing witch voices. Our actions got the class involved and made it a fun experience rather than tedious monotone voices reading the lines.

What I'm trying to say, OP, is that you've got the right idea with Shakespeare; that shit was meant to be performed.

>> No.2703865

>read the god delusion
>recite passages out loud
>do silly voices
>prance about in the apartment
>awkward gesturing and poses
>see god in the hallway looking at me
>for how long has he stood there?

>> No.2703878


>read the the holy bible
>recite passages out loud
>do silly voices
>prance about in the apartment
>awkward gesturing and poses
>pretend to troll abraham
>see mr. dawkins in the hallway looking at me sternly
>for how long has he stood there?
>mfw i dont have a face

>> No.2703885

On my girlfriends Brittany she always made me act out scenes with her sister
>mfw I always had to play the female roles

>> No.2703887

>read the Kama Sutra
>recite passages out loud
>do silly hips movements
>prance about in the apartment
>awkward gesturing and poses
>see my mom in the hallway looking at me
>for how long has she stood there?

>> No.2703931


>> No.2703942

Wow. Quite a typo. Was her name Brittany?

>> No.2703957

Yes, her twin sister was Isabelle, their birthdays were one after the other. Fun times.

>> No.2703986

>reading Julius Caesar
>reading aloud murellus' rant against julius
>so fucking angry
>And do you now put on your best attire?
>And do you now cull out a holiday?
>And do you now strew flowers in his way
>That comes in triumph over Pompey's blood?
>fling book across room
>see my landlord in the hallway looking at me
>beat him half to death with a chair
>mfw his caved in head

>> No.2704084

>reading Blood Meridian
>recite passages out loud
>do silly voices
>prance about the apartment with a broomstick horse
>awkward gesturing and poses
>pretending to pull baby Apaches out of tent and beating their heads on the rocks
>see Cormac McCarthy standing in hallway
>for how long has he been looking at me?

>> No.2704135

>for how long has he stood there?

I fucking hate it when pretentious little faggots hypercorrect like this. Nobody talks like that. Just say "how long has he stood there for" like a normal human being, and stop trying to use your imperfect understanding of outdated and ignorant prescriptivist grammar rules to make English do something it was never meant to do.

>> No.2704145
File: 30 KB, 264x351, 1161795747156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I did exactly this with Julius Caesar and the window washer was staring at me the whole time

>> No.2704150
File: 22 KB, 638x359, he_mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2704151


>how long has he stood there for
not >how long has he been standing there for

>> No.2704154

You are mentally retarded fetal alcohol baby, yes?

You have absolutely no comprehension of good writing... Why the fuck are you on lit, retard?
GTFO LIT NOW. Stupid fucking faggot.

>> No.2704158

Shit man, whatever. As long as you're not doing things with your language for the sole purpose of pleasing uninformed people (like>>2704154). OMG somebody stranded a preposition, call the fire department!!! Fuck. English can do shit like this and not lose precision or meaning. If you think eloquence is needs anything else, you're smoking too much cock.

>> No.2704164

I think ISHYGDDT originated here.

>> No.2704161


Is this the new attempt at a meme from c/lit/s? It's pretty poor, dudes.

does /lit/ even have any memes of its own? is there any OC here?

>> No.2704166

im a hueg orson wells xD

(go away tao)

>> No.2704167
File: 95 KB, 356x450, 1281136548226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2704168

no that comes from /ck/

>putting your ketchup in the fridge


>> No.2704170

You mean there are people out there who don't put their ketchup in the fridge?

>> No.2704174


Nah, that was /sp/.

>im a hueg orson wells xD

I'd forgotten that one - so it's not that good either.

>(go away tao)

That's not so much a meme as just telling Tao to fuck off, but I suppose it could be counted if you were desperate.

>> No.2704175

post this question on /ck/ and you will awaken the beast

>> No.2704176
File: 170 KB, 1260x466, costanza-explains-origin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Costanza comes from /ck/ - maybe. It's a dubious origin, but ISHYGDDT was added by /sp/

>> No.2704181

David foster wallace is our most popular meme, but we also have:
Do you even read?
James joyce's fart letters
Tro Lin
amongst many other equally hilarious ones

>> No.2704182

oh, i though they already said 'i sure hope you guys don't do this' on /ck/ and that /sp/ adapted it into ishiggydiggy or something.

>> No.2704184
File: 199 KB, 864x739, costanza_ketchup+fridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2704188


>> No.2704189
File: 20 KB, 367x280, dfwlaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>David foster wallace is our most popular meme

>> No.2704190
File: 22 KB, 514x158, costanza_sorry_shig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>appropriating shitty /fit/ memes
>final year of the Mayan calendar

>> No.2704191

Yeah she's the author what wrote atlas shrugged.

>> No.2704192


>> No.2704196

thought you meant Rand al-Thor.

>> No.2705205

>Post OP topic
>go to work
>come back
>mfw this thread

what the fuck guys