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/lit/ - Literature

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2703511 No.2703511 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, how do you feel about the other boards?

The one's I have in mind are /tg/, /k/, /x/, /co/, and /v/.

>> No.2703521

Storytellers, they're alright even if they are the Sci-Fi/Fantasy types....

Most of them are alright, some of them are crazy. Nothing really connecting us to them

I know /tg/ use to RP with /tg/ as a couple with /tg/ being the man. Otherwise, /x/ has gone to shit. Maybe one out of every 25 threads is of "worth" and that's from a "Oh, this is kinda scary" viewpoint

They're also storytellers, but they're also immature. A young /tg/ kinda

You mean /b/.
One in the same.

>> No.2703529


I only ever visit /lit/ and /ck/.

/ck/ is alright, I guess.

>> No.2703537

/tg/ has gone to hell now that it's become /quest/
/k/ is not my forte, but they tend to know their stuff
/x/ is pretty shitty overall nowadays. The pastas are all worn out.
/co/ is not my forte, but I hear it's shit, and if it's anything like /a/ it's not worth visiting
/v/ is a great deal of fun overall. I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't find some part of it enjoyable, even if it's worse than it used to be

>> No.2703539

I browsed /b/ exclusively until I discovered this place, I tried going on /tv/ and /mu/ but couldn't stomach either for more than a day. I still go on /b/, though I can't say why, it's terrible

>> No.2703540

>Reminder of what foods to eat and how much and the benefits of healthy lifestyle
>I like trains... and bikes
>solid board
>watching people make interesting shit
>Make a post once every now and then hoping to discuss film and contemporary cinema, watch it slowly descend to page 15 without any responses. >Question why this board exists at all.
>creepypasta and paranoids
>fun to watch

>> No.2703549


>/tg/ has gone to hell now that it's become /quest/

I can feel the civil war brewing... Even the mods are taking sides...

The fighting itself shall be glorious, bloody, and terrible. I fear /tg/ will not survive if bother strikes down brother.

>> No.2703551

Good info if you aren't a gullible sap and a decent motivator.
Good info helps me to make small talk with the plebs.
Good for a laugh as well.
Pretty garbage overall.
Cant get enough of Slav and Gypsy threads.
T.S. Eliot

>> No.2703557

Only the humor threads are good

Waifu threads all over the place


Math Homework central

Alright people, actually willing to help out.

>> No.2703563

Not my bowl

Funny somtimes

Not enough scary too much pseudoscience

Not my bowl

The very worst board on 4chan, yet still feels superior to /b/ for some reason.

>> No.2703574

Longish post incoming:

it's interesting, because I remember a metathread about quests where I was one of the only impassioned anti-questers. I argued mainly that quests were cluttering up the board, pushing more interesting topics off the frontpage despite only a few people participating in any particular quest thread, and the main response was "there's more to /tg/ than the frontpage, stupid! Go download an extension if you want to see more threads at once!"

And I'm like, guys, I don't care, I don't even browse /tg/ anymore. But you're discouraging new users from posting on /tg/ because all they're seeing is quest threads and the occasional "fuck yeah humanity" thread on the frontpage. If they don't like what they see, they'll go somewhere else. /tg/ doesn't have a monopoly on discussion. Moreover, they shouldn't be required to dl an extension just to browse 4chan. And then the response to that was, "If they don't take the effort to scroll down and click to page 2, they shouldn't be on /tg/ in the first place!"

That's when I knew /tg/ wasn't my home anymore.

>> No.2703584


Quests are what 40k was when /tg/ started and what EDITION-WARS were in 2008-2011

Fads that come and, while they never truly leave, they eventually stop taking up the entire page.

I remember when /tg/ had a different thread for each 40k faction...

Trust me, this quest thing is no where near as bad as the 40k thing was...

>> No.2703592

i enjoyed /co/ for several months as i learned about comic books. i became a brony early on before it was cool. /irony

i don't usually go to those other boards op listed
i tried /k/ for a bit. it reinforced the stereotype that gun owners are paranoid

/fa/ continues its downward spiral into irrelevance
/b/ has been fail since i started coming to 4chan in 2007
/hr/ is a good place
/s/ has rebounded to its former glory. i miss liska's modding.
/g/ is a decent place to learn about computers
/ic/ is harsh but truthful and helpful
i've been trying /an/ again and it's not bad

>> No.2703594

Good info among the weird dramatic shit.
Objectively the best board.
Ten speed bikes and Soviet transport threads. What's not to love?
Seeing cool shit that people make is cool.
Good when it's not totally insufferable.
They have the worst trips on 4chan.
Pretty cool stuff sometimes. You only need to check it like once a week.

>> No.2703596

/co/ is alright, just under very heavy trolling

>> No.2703602

Well... guess I'm the weeaboo in the thread...

If they can get over their K-ON! phase, they'd be pretty good

Always good dumps, always something to find.
A little slow

/c/ but nude

Needs to die in a fire

>> No.2703612

honestly, I was okay with edition wars. At least it was discussion, right? Even if it was /v/ tier discussion. And I played a little dnd in my younger years so I knew what was being talked about.

24/7 wh40k was a little tougher to deal with since I'd never played the game, but some of the fluff is pretty interesting as far as fluff goes. There's a lot of lore to play with overall. Admittedly a lot of the threads were pointless garbage, but at least the bad stuff could get filtered out.

But quests... man, quest threads. There's no real discussion. It's very difficult to jump in midway through (say, thread 25, or 50, or 75). The worst part is they're always 100+ posts of the same 5-10 people. Quest threads are on the board for hours at a time where most threads cycle through in maybe half an hour or an hour tops, a few hours if they're really good threads. Regardless of quality, quest threads get bumped back up until they're finished.

On /lit/, we'd practically call that shitposting.

>> No.2703616


The suggestion being the banning of all questthreads?

>> No.2703622

/tv/ has some people who really know film and opened my eyes to a world of cinema I've never seen before. But for every 1 of them there's 9 GoT threads and 10 waifu/pedo threads. Really have to be patient

/sci/ interesting sometimes, but it seems it's getting worse and is full of /b/ posters wandering over for one thread to ask about their homework, time travel, or "why did I evolve to love feet". Also peak oil

/fit/. Helpful and the fat people stories are great, but it's too much lifting and not enough diet and general health. Their memes get old fast

/b/ is dead. That was my first board in 08 and now it just makes me feel old. I saw a nostalgiathread there the other day and it was literally all kids shit from like 2005. That confirmed it really is just 14 year olds now.

/jp/ the dregs of humanity. "normalfag" and "3DPD" and NEET pride are actually taken seriously there without a shred of irony. I honestly go there sometimes just for a laugh or to feel better about myself

/sp/ I don't even watch any sports at all and even I know this is the best board on 4chan

>> No.2703629

flagship board with some really interesting content and pioneering ideas.

good for fapping and finding reference drawings

Pretty terrible taste in music

I haven't really been to any others yet

>> No.2703630


>mostly harmless

>> No.2703633

ok i'll bite. what are some of the pioneering ideas on /b/?

>> No.2703635
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/sp/ got me watching basketball and I thank them for it. It feels good to be a little pleb and enjoy a televised sport, and my god, basketball is fun to watch once you get invested in a team

>> No.2703638



Ever since I saw those posts of them discussing... period-blood snot on their underwear...

Oh god, I'm getting sick just thinking about it.

>> No.2703664

A lot of good storytimes, and comparatively a more congenial atmosphere than most boards on the site. Way too much focus on capes, though; you have to hunt to find the good non-cape threads.

When discussing movies, there's nothing left after everything is derided as being 'pleb' or 'hipster' or both, and no one seems to be aware that movies existed before 2000. Far too many waifu threads. Occasionally has some actual good discussions of TV shows sometimes, which is the only reason to visit.

Set threads are what keeps me going back. The main tripfags who used to post them have gone now, though.

>> No.2703678

I think I was in favor of a separate board, ala /v/ and /vg/. This was a few weeks before /vg/ actually got implemented.

And look how nice that turned out, by golly! No more hourly 300 post Dark Souls threads!

>> No.2703687

I used to just browse /b/ but then I got bored of that so I started browsing /x/ about two years ago when it was a respectable board, but then it slowly turned to shit. Then I didn't go on 4chan for a long time. Then I went to /lit/ and I've stuck there since.

I semi-consistently browse /tv/. Even though you can get some good discussion, the average post you'll see on there seems like it was written by a 14 year old, but chances are that's actually the case.

I stay away from the anime boards because I think masturbating to cartoons is strange. I stay away from /b/ because its full of children. I went on /fit/ for about a week. The posters weren't all that bad, but it was generally boring.

I've stayed away from /mu/ because some of my favorite bands/artists are Neutral Milk Hotel, Modest Mouse, the Cold War Kids, Johnny Cash, and Elvis and I think they'd make fun of me for that.

I've been wanting to browse /sci/ because I want to learn more about chemistry, but I never got to it.

And I want to visit /fa/ because I look like shit and I really need to start buying good clothes, but I'm afraid /fa/ is just people that are so "fashionable" they look like freaks and not people that just know how to look good.

>> No.2703693

One guy posted a interesting UFO story on /x/ and no one posted.

so fuck that board
and fuck /r9k/ to hell

>> No.2703697

/fa/ is full of of tripfags circle jerking and people who know a little about fashion. no one's on the cutting edge.

>> No.2703701

A bunch of libertarians, rednecks, stormfags, and people with a genuine love for/interest in firearms. Good guys who stay on topic most of the time and are often hilarious.

A terrible place packed with bitter virgins, incompetent losers, aspies, and fat fucks. The occasional greentext thread keeps me coming back.

Terrible fitness advice usually. Still, a good board that got me interested in fitness.

Split between pseudo-intellectual hipsters that listen to terrible music for cred and people with genuinely good taste in music.

The GOAT board. Fucking based.

>> No.2703707
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Just emulate the professor

>> No.2703711

/tg/ is a pretty decent board. don't visit too often, mostly because /tg/'s interests and mine don't intersect enough (specifically, i don't care about miniatures at all).

the only board besides /lit/ i visit regularly is /ck/. it's okay. i also visit /tv/, /adv/, and /trv/ occasionally. /trv/ is by far the best, probably because most independent and least posters.

>> No.2703712 [DELETED] 

Far too uptight; feels like college kids trying really hard to fit in to some subculture they barely understand. Still, no where else to go for my Chinese pedo cartoon fix.
Probably the second or third worst board on 4chan, honestly. Don't know shit about music.
Good sense of humor, knows how to take it easy. Not as bad as people say it is.
They don't know how to have a good thread.
Coupon threads are nice. Loli threads sadly rare nowadays. Overall a shit-pile, of course.
Fuck you >>2703602, there's nothing wroth with K-On!

>> No.2703713

I think I can pull it off if I get a beard.

>> No.2703717

Aside from /lit/ I visit /a/, /co/, /tg/, /tv/, and /jp/

Oh and /int/ too. /int/ is a shitty board, it's nothing but constant mudslinging between residents of one country to another, but sometimes it's kind of funny.

>> No.2703716

Far too uptight; feels like college kids trying really hard to fit in to some subculture they barely understand. Still, nowhere else to go for my Chinese pedo cartoon fix.
Probably the second or third worst board on 4chan, honestly. Doesn't know shit about music.
Good sense of humor, knows how to take it easy. Not as bad as people say it is.
They don't know how to have a good thread.
Coupon threads are nice. Loli threads sadly rare nowadays. Overall a shitpile, of course.
Fuck you, >>2703602, there's nothing wrong with K-On!
Nazi mods make it impossible to have any discussion, and there aren't any NSFW boards on 4chan to discuss this stuff. I hate /h/.
Gone to shit ever since it became /futa/; that should really go on /h/ to clear space for actually interesting fetishes.
Some of the most fun shitposting on this site outside of /jp/. Isn't really able to discuss literature beyond an extremely superficial level, though. Taste is pretty entry-level but could be at lot worse. Overall decent.

>> No.2703729

/fit/ and /fa/ - Good for pointers. Never get involved in discussions, but good places to get inspiration and tips.
/r9k/ - Occasionally amusing greentext threads, a lot of misogyny and tears.
/hm/ - A disappointment. Was looking forward to a good place for gay porn, but you can always count on faggots to fuck it up... One good thread in maybe 20, where the rest is clothed celebrities, cam whoring and discussion.

>> No.2703738

Oh and I used to browse /an/ all the time but I got too burned out from the constant floods of bestiality, furries, and animal gore posted by every errant /b/tard.

/an/ is such a slow board but it's just a magnet for that kind of stuff.

Hell 2 or 3 years ago a spammer who posted nothing but dog gore completely hijacked the board for over a month. We called him "crippledick" because he said that was he paraplegic.

And yeah for several weeks he spammed the fuck out of /an/. He was super defensive about his threads too and became very angry when myself and other anons would start sage bombing his threads with pictures of bees and flowers and baby animals and whatnot. He would claim that his pictures were /an/ related and said that if we'd just leave his dog gore threads alone he'd eventually stop creating them.

He was no normal troll. He had some kind of twisted attachment to these threads of his.

Anyway the mods seemed to be unaware of the problem, they'd just stop by every so often to erase all the threads without realizing that it was a chronic issues.

So eventually some of us /an/ons made a thread in /b/ asking for help in doxing Crippledick, and so /ban/ was formed. The massive influx of /b/tards would sage bomb his threads with pictures of wheelchairs and they'd reach bump limit in minutes. It was awesome.

Anyway a mod came around after a day and banned absolutely everyone before leaving a sticky about not asking /b/ for help. Asking /b/ worked though because it finally got the mod's attention, because moot didn't seem to notice all of the emails we sent him. Crippledick stopped spamming his shit, either because of increased mod vigilance on /an/ or because he was scared that /b/ tried to dox him.

The dox was unsuccessful though, we didn't have much to go on.

>> No.2703742

Any other interesting stories like that?

>> No.2703744
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Here's a picture someone made of him.

Yeah he said some weird stuff about wanting one of his threads to last at least a month, which wasn't uncommon with /an/ threads because the board was so slow.

>> No.2703747


Nothing really exciting ever happened around /an/.

It's a peaceful board. At least until someone makes a thread about outdoor cats or posts a picture of their fish tank, which will always be too small no matter what.

>> No.2703760

I remember on /lit/ there was a moderately similar thing where a guy on /lit/ would go on /b/ and make threads getting /b/ to raid /lit/. It got to the point where he had to tell /b/ to raid some other board (usually /x/) and then he'd make a thread on /lit/ about recruiting /b/ to raid /x/, so /x/ would raid /lit/.

I'm assuming he got bored because he only did this for a couple of days.

>> No.2703762

what's so bad about outdoor cats

they're scrappy and street wise

>> No.2703768

They get eaten by coyotes/hit by cars/shot by cat haters/mauled by dogs/etc.

And they kill as many birds as they can, even if they don't eat them.

And if they aren't spayed or neutered they add to the stray cat problem.

>> No.2703773

I don't really see a problem.

>> No.2703776


You care too much about animals.

>> No.2703777
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Then you're a cat hating scumbag.

>> No.2703782

I wouldn't say he's a cat-hater, just catpathetic

>> No.2703797
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/a/ is best
They actually talk about their topic
most of the time

>> No.2703799

A board so obsessed with doubles can't be that good.

On any other board when someone gets "dubs" no one fucking cares but on /a/ and /v/ there are several dedicated dubs spammers.

>> No.2703813

Nice dubs, bro. And check out the /lit/ sticky where Moot gets quints

>> No.2703815

>they're scrappy and street wise
Farm cats yes but not strays.

>> No.2703826
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>> No.2703827
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Sir, are you jesting with us here?

>> No.2703828

>he can't enjoy some nice dubs
Sometimes I forget how pretentious /lit/ is.

>> No.2703833
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Sir, dubs are not to be mocked on this board

>> No.2704251
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When I first started coming to 4chan, I pretty much limited myself to /lit/, having been shown /b/ before then.

Gradually branched out to /mu/, sharethreads are pretty nifty (I've found some stuff I'd been looking for for ages in like two clicks), but it vacillates between sincerity and insufferableness.

Then /lit/ sort of went to shit for a while, so I left and started perusing /tv/ for a while, which is great for discussions when they're not going on about their fucking waifus or fucking Game of Thrones.

So, the few boards I visit:
Better for discussion than /lit/ when it's on topic, but goddamn that waifu shit.
Haven't been in a while, but it got me thinking fitness was something I could really do. Extremely hit-or-miss.
Mostly just peruse, used to be good but it mostly dedicated to light blue oxford shirts, beige shorts, and hitler-youths, which gets boring fast. The thrifting threads sometime inspire jealously in me though, as I've never really had an amazing find.

At first I thought "Holy shit, this is the funniest shit ever," but then I realized some people there are sincere.
>/adv/ and /r9k/
Every once in a while I browse these for a confidence boost.

>> No.2704354

My main board is /sp/, it's the best of it all. I also visit /lit/ and /ck/, I could stay in any of those 2 if they weren't so slow.

>> No.2704375

I go to /tv/ for the waifus, /lit/ for the DFW, /mu/ for the ITAOTS, and /pol/ for the racism.

Not even completely joking.

>> No.2704382

i go to /v/ and /sp/ because im an angry virgin

>> No.2704390

I only really go to >>>/b/, >>>/s/, >>>/lit/. >>>/diy/ and >>>/sci/. I have tried a few other boards but gave up when I found out they were mostly japanese cartoons. Ive been here about 2 years, but still haven't been to 1/3 of the boards.

>> No.2704391

For the share threads and to watch the ignorance and poo flinging. It amuses me.

One of the most social and interesting boards on 4chan.

>> No.2704402

Before /lit/ was a board I used to hang out /ck/, /co/, /tv/ and /r9k/.

I only come to 4chan for /lit/ now and the occasional /b/, /fa/ or /fit/.

I hate /lit/.

>> No.2704407

The only other boards I like are /d/ and /hc/ (because I like wanking). /tg/ is sometimes ok.

>> No.2704423
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>Nothing really connecting us to them

/k/ actually has some pretty cogent threads about history sometimes, better than the ones here.

/tg/ - one of my favourite boards. The only place that really knows how to handle trolls.

/x/ is not as good as it should be.

/co/ I don't know well. /v/ is a cesspool, babby's first board after /b/

/ck/ is one of the best boards - everyone goes to /ck/ eventually. we all gotta eats.

/sp/ is a surprisingly intelligent board if they're not posting about pic related or power ratings.

>> No.2704494

You'd think that /mu/tants and c/lit/s would get on better really, but it seems there's a kind of Pretension Event Horizon and when the two boards come into contact with each other, they get freaky.

It was funny when we had one of their tripfags over here for a few days last year and he schooled every single one of /lit/s trips. I can't remember his name, but he was pretty cool.

>> No.2704500

There are other boards?

>> No.2704505
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Although I also like a bit of /tg/ and /n/ (talk about a slow board, oy vey)

>> No.2704509

/lit/ most of the time
/tv/ when a film i've seen or tv show i watch is in circulation.

>> No.2704520

This is where I spend most of my time. Surprisingly great board except when one troll or another starts a "USA vs. Europe" thread.

The funnest thread I ever participated in on 4chan was when we discussed great historical figures using sports terminology.

>> No.2704550

/fit/ would be great if it wasnt for all the camwhores

>> No.2704611

>/trv/ is by far the best, probably because most independent and least posters.

This. /trv/ is great.

>> No.2704635

lol. i saw you quoting 2703711 and I was like "wait, that's exactly what I think, that's the exact same boards I visit. cool"

And then I realized that I was the one who wrote that post and I had just forgotten about it.

>> No.2704657
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>The GOAT board. Fucking based.

Even Moot thinks so.

>> No.2704662


I suspect the schism will be averted with a /QU/ board. Then we can call them /qu/eers.

Moot will hear the cries of his army of neckbeards.

>> No.2704665

/v/irgin here. We're really not so bad. The discussion is 80 percent videogames nowadays when moot made the split. We don't have to deal with those pesky dark souls generals anymore either.

Although it's summer right now and there definitely is an increase of faggots at the moment. Now wouldn't be the best time for one of you to visit.

>> No.2704668

No. Get out.

>> No.2704677

No, seriously, fuck you. Don't stick up for the zombified /b/ corpse of the board I used to love, you piece of shit.

>> No.2704685
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Wow. Somebody has anger issues.

>> No.2704696

of fucking course he does, this is fucking 4chan you idiot

>> No.2704721 [DELETED] 


>> No.2704733
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>> No.2705626

Hey OP, what's the source to your pic?

i'd like to try and make a painting of it! :D

>> No.2707364


>> No.2707454

/a/ - used to go here a lot when I was into that stuff. Nowadays Japan is dying, anime especially is rotting fucking corpse and /a/ is going down with it. Nothing but moeshit and just plain fucking shit to talk about.
/ck/ - visits sometimes. I like to cook. The fastfood/junkfood/candy threads are shit, but overall a very nice board.
/int/ - spent far too much time here. Interesting subjects, but so many kids.
/jp/ - used to go here too when I was into Jap shit. That was when it was called Japan/general. I remember starting threads about Japanese language and politics, and some threads critical moeotaku stuff. Everyone ignored me. The place was full of shutin pedophiles from the beginning. Maybe even more so back then. I remember last time I visited someone said that all the good posters are dead. Killed themselves. Might be true.
/lit/ - my home. By far the brightest board on the site. Since /lit/ was created I've all but dropped other hobbies than reading, and I'm a better man for it.
/tv/ - the only board I visit regularly besides /lit/. The pedothreads are nuisance, but it's fun to discuss films you've seen, like for the moment Prometheus.
/v/ - I don't game, but I've friends who do nothing but, so I go here every now and then to see what /v/ thinks of this or that newly released title that my friends are all over, only to find nothing.
/x/ - used to spend quite a lot of time here for a while. Liked the creepypasta and image threads. Are they still there? Maybe I should give it a check.

>> No.2707471

/sp/ can be amazing or shit depending on the mood you're in. Same with /jp/, hell even /v/, though I don't play games any more, can be fun.

>> No.2707977
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>> No.2708027

I haven't been on any of the boards in the OP except for /v/ which I browsed around 2008-2009.

I used to go to /b/ around 2007 until I moved onto /v/ when I got more into the vidya, it was okay back then, the off topic threads tended to be quite funny and genuinely intellectual and the vg threads went on for ages and were good.
I went to /lit/ in the beginning of 2009 when it first started but I didn't really care that much, I also broswed /adv/ and then soon I descended into the pits of /r9k/.

In 2010 I moved onto /mu/ and developed my eclectic hipster taste whilst still visiting /r9k/ until it was shut down.
I really liked /mu/, I became a pretty well known tripfag, also generally respected for being on-topic, met another tripfriend who turned out to live locally and is now one of my best friends.
In 2011 I sort of dropped off of the chan since I got a girlfriend and spent less time on the internet, at the beginning of this year I decided to start reading (it wasn't planned I just bought a book on January 3rd and there hasn't been a time when I've not had a book I'm reading), so I started visiting /lit/ and now I feel happy to call this home.

>> No.2708030

I only spend time on /fit, /sci, and /lit. I used to spend time on /fa, /tv, and /v - until I realized they could've been called /b1, 2, and 3.

>> No.2708044

/hm/ and /y/ are good for fapping.

I go to /mu/ for recommendations sometimes.

I've found /trv/ to be helpful in my questions regarding other countries.

/b/ is boring normally, but it has entertained me at times.

I only just realised this is off topic. Sage.