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2701805 No.2701805 [Reply] [Original]

There are 4 rooms: A, B, C, and D. One has a goat inside.

You open the first room, A, and you find the goat.

What is the probability of room B having the goat?

>> No.2701810
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Depends of the dimensions of the room.

Captcha related

>> No.2701811


>> No.2701817

*depends on, fuck i'm stupid.

>> No.2701812


>> No.2701818

That depends which room the goat is in. Whichever room the goat is in, there is a 100% chance the goat is in that room. All the other rooms, there is a 0% chance.
It's irrevelant if you've observed it or not. The goat has 100% chance of being in the room it's actually in and 0% in all the others. Probability is an illusion.

>> No.2701819 [DELETED] 


at first it's (1/3) because there are the possibilities where the goat might be
when one choice is eliminated it becomes (1/2) = 50%?

>> No.2701826

>can't into math

>> No.2701828

Does the goat get replaced after he is found in room A?
If not then it's 0%.

>> No.2701829

Also, it could be in all the rooms at once, "room" simply meaning space and any given space can overlap.

>can't into abstract thought

>> No.2701831

Obviously the trick is that you said "one has a goat inside".
But that doesn't mean the other rooms don't also have goats.
But then again you also keep saying "THE goat" which implies there is only 1.

...so I dunno.

>> No.2701833

math IS abstract thought you dumb shit.

>> No.2701840
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ITT: Trolling, retardation, or severe lack of reading comprehension

>> No.2701849


>> No.2701856
File: 122 KB, 740x538, words_that_end_in_gry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see panel #5

>> No.2701857

Hey, I'm watching 21 on TV, too, OP.

>> No.2701865

OP's post is presented in a manner that bears all the hallmarks of a trick question. The correct mathematical answer is clearly going to be told it is wrong. In lieu of doing that, I gave a deliberately flippant and abstract answer. If you can't deal with it, fuck off back to /sci/.

>> No.2701869

You have no clue what abstract means.

>> No.2701870

whether or not he can do math is irrelevant to the fact that probability is an illusion

>> No.2701873

Op.... is that goat lying there with an open invitation..... i was sure your topic was about making lov.....

>> No.2701872

That's a completely different concept called the Monty Hall problem. Its about changing your mind after the first option is revealed

"Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say No. 1 [but the door is not opened], and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, "Do you want to pick door No. 2?" Is it to your advantage to switch your choice?"

and the answer is yes.

If this is what OP is trying to suggest, he fucked up. there is 0 chance of THE goat being behind door B.

>> No.2701878

100% because the goat had gnawed a hole through wall separating rooms A and B. What you saw in room A was his head peaking through the hole he had chewed.

>> No.2701879

You're too busy being autistic to engage in conversation.

>> No.2701882

Why would I want to engage a retard in conversation?

>> No.2701886

How can a concept be an illusion? Why don't you learn what probability actually is before making retarded statements?

>> No.2701887

You're implying I'm a retard and you're implying you would not have a conversation with a retard, yet you're having a conversation with me now.

>> No.2701901

Well considering the fact I have a violent and orgasmic proclivity for fat goat ass, this situation is not new or foreign to me in the slightest. I actually multiple rooms for hot and steamy goat sex. Room A appropriately named the 'Anal Chamber', Room B has been christened the 'Buttfuck Chamber', C is known as the 'Cooler' where I store the goat carcases who simply couldn't handle my bloody and relentless, penetration, and room D is simply known as the 'Dungeon.' So, needless to say, there is a 100 percent chance a goat or a goat carcass is located in each and every one of the aforementioned rooms.

>> No.2701908
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>> No.2701932

i enjoyed this post from start to finish

>> No.2701938

A concept is an abstraction from observation and observation is subject to illusion. A concept, ie. "things fall down because it is in their nature" can be an illusion, in the sense that the observations they are grounded in are illusory or deceptive.

>> No.2701939

Did you enjoy it enough to step into the dungeon with me? ;)

>> No.2701951

>A concept is an abstraction from observation

Amateur-scientist hour over here, is it? What you are talking is called a model, not a concept. I'm sure that if you furrow your brown and try reaaaaally hard you'll find in that hollow turd you call a skull a couple of concepts that don't correlate at all to observed phenomena. good luck.

>> No.2701970

That's weak. Weak style, weak content. This is /lit/ son; thit may have passed for calamity gelt on other boards but here you're going to have to step yo game up.

>> No.2701972

Semantics are great!! As a /sci/fag shouldn't you be able to discern meaning without abiding by rigid and arbitrary definitions?

If you are seriously denying "fire goes toward the heavens because it's in its nature" is a CONCEPT, because that is necessarily and a priori called "a model" in the universal and objective language of all existence, I hope you get a disease that stops you from posting.

>> No.2701981
File: 100 KB, 600x446, peter singer-goat fucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2701984

>i don't know what the words i use mean and i don't care

>> No.2701988

There's no way of knowing what the probability is. It's not 0% if anyone said so by the way because it states that there is a goat in one but does not clarify whether there are any goats in the other rooms.

>> No.2701997

Perhaps poetry will capture the beauty of my words in a manner tangible to the 'Slow of the minds' who couldn't grasp the unadulterated beauty of my prose.

on fucking a goat

The fence, low to hug the ground,
iron twisted amoungst the grass,
posts crumbled into splinters after 40 years
of solitude.

All it took a swept dark shadow was
light step over the dilapidation,

he stood motionless amoung
the sparked fireflies.

A light was on in the distance,
didn’t know how much noise a goat
would make
when it took a hard cock in the balls,
or the discolored
skin round the anus.

It screamed in the night,
and kicked
the groin,

so he pulled on the antlers,
forced it back
onto the chariot
of his metallic dick,
Stone wheel of fire
bent inside the soft
ripping through intestines.

>> No.2703010

Um what.. BB that you?