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2701790 No.2701790 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I start with Dostoevsky? I tried reading notes from underground but fuck. Are there any other easier authors I should read before I begin him? I liked Kafka so far so is that a good place?

>> No.2701801
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I started with Crime and Punishment, maybe you should too?

>> No.2701860

Which translation did you try?

>> No.2701880

>liked kafka
>cannot into dostojewski

shit aint logical, broseph

>> No.2701906

Relavent to my interests right here. I have The Brothers Karamazov coming in the next couple days, good first choice?

>> No.2701909

maybe he tried to read it in russian. i dont know , just a thought that popped up in my head.

>> No.2701913

No, start with the Idiot, then C&P, then Bro's

This is the way the universe wants us to read Dosto

>> No.2701914

Meh. There are worse choices.

>> No.2701916

No, start with anything but Karamazov

>> No.2701920

Why is it this bad of a choice? I remember reading somewhere that it's considered his best novel.

>> No.2701924

Don't listen to this (>>2701913) faggot, skip the idiot, do notes from the underground, then c&p and bros and if you want more demons and the adolescent have priority over the idiot.

>> No.2701927

yeah, so if you want to appreciate it at its finest you should familiarize (?) yourself with his work and style first by reading stuff like the idiot and C&P

>> No.2701933

wow, looks like someone is a huge noob. its you. you are the noob.

read the idiot OP, its a great place to start

>> No.2701937

Makes sense. I can put of The Super Karamazov Bros until later then. I guess I'll do Notes, C&P then Brothers.

>> No.2701940


what is this, 2007? fuck off.

>> No.2701944

Notes from Underground is the novel he wrote after which he said to himself: "Damn, I'm going to write like this from now on."

>> No.2701946

i will rape you

>> No.2701953

Richard pevear and Larissa volokhonsky

>> No.2701956
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>> No.2701963

>Skip the idiot
>Priority over the idiot
Give me one reason why. One.

>> No.2701967

i am ready

>> No.2701975

I've read C+P, Notes, The Idiot and the Possessed and the latter two are my favorites. Hippolyte and Kirilov are some of the greatest characters I've ever read.

>> No.2701976

One? How about the Idiot = Alyosha: The Novel.

>> No.2701979

You are mentally retarded fetal alcohol baby, yes?

You have absolutely no comprehension of good writing... Why the fuck are you on lit, retard?
GTFO LIT NOW. Stupid fucking faggot.

>> No.2701986

wrong, you are so wrong. how can you even be this wrong? i dont know how. but you did it. good job.

>> No.2701990
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>> No.2701991

Notes from underground was one of the least difficult books I've ever read, the concept isn't even that hard, he goes on for pages and the prose isn't even complicated

Not even trolling

>> No.2701993

You deny the similarities between the prince and alyosha? Have you even read these books?

>> No.2701995

what prince? are you a retard?

maybe its you who is the idiot

>> No.2702001

>confirmed for poser

Prince Myshkin, obviously. Stop talking about shit you clearly have no clue about.

>> No.2702004

Slightly off topic here, but is "The Idiot" by Dostoevsky in any way related to "Ivan the Fool" by Tolstoy?

>> No.2702010

where do you think we are?

>> No.2702015

they are related in the way that they are both brilliant books

>> No.2702026
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>> No.2702033

i remember the sound