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2700969 No.2700969 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2700970
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>> No.2700971
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>> No.2700976

You know the most amusing thing: the point is to change it.

>> No.2700977
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Feminism decrys the cultural hegemony dominated by upper class whit males.
Feminism is dominated by upper class white whales.

>> No.2700982

>dominated by males

>> No.2700981

Oh, thats why you deleted that thread.

>> No.2700985

The movements and organizations are. Where do you think all the funding comes from?

>> No.2700989

>Implying that taking taxpayer dollars from both sexes and using them to build shelters only for female victims of domestic abuse means that men "dominate" feminism.

>> No.2700996

More ignorant, conservative trolls? Shit /lit/, get it together, man.

>> No.2700997

>implying the men behind it all don't get a large cut.

And even if not, take this analogy

Say if I run a cat shelter. I run all the funding, I organize it all. All of it is fuelled through me. Can one say that the cats dominate the shelter? No, they don't dominate at all. Privileges could be revoked at whim.

Your ignorance is astounding.

>> No.2701002

Except you have yet to demonstrate how women's shelters are predominantly run by men.

>> No.2701023

I'm not that invested in this argument tbh. I remember casually reading this through a large thread on the matter on /new/ two years ago. Although the guys there focused more on the Rothschild funding and Jewish influence on the matter.

>> No.2701029

>I'm not that invested in this argument tbh.
Oh, that cool, because it has jack shit to do with the thread anyways.