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/lit/ - Literature

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2700906 No.2700906 [Reply] [Original]

So what`s on your currently reading list on Goodreads?

For me;
Labyrinths - Borges
Moby-Dick - Melville
Heart of Darkness - Conrad

>> No.2700925
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Memories of the Future by Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky
The Dedalus Book of Finnish Fantasy
A Brief History of Chinese Civilization
I Served the King of England by Bohumil Hrabal
The Stories of Breece D'J Pancake
A History of the World in 100 Objects

Haven't really touched the ones near the top in a while though. These aren't on there yet, but I'm also reading:

Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass by Bruno Schulz
Essays in Idleness by Yoshida Kenko
Telegrams of the Soul: Selected Prose by Peter Altenberg
Life and Limb: Selected Tales of Peril, Predicament and Dire Distress

I usually don't add stuff to my currently reading list on there until I'm halfway through the book, due to my bad habit of only reading 50 pages of a book and then switching to another book. I want to make sure it's one I'll finish.

>> No.2700953


Capsguy lives.

>> No.2700960

wow do you people seriously read more than one book at once?

to what end? how? don't you lose track?

>> No.2700965

Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

I read Dubliners quite recently, and I already have Ulysses ready to go after I finish Portrait.

As for my 'to read' list, however... I organised it in accordance with everything I've bought over the past year or so but haven't read, and there are some 40 on there. That feel when backlog because of secondhand bookstores.

>> No.2701834

It's not that difficult, especially when you're reading books from entirely different eras with entirely different styles, or non-fiction covering different topics. There's no real chance of getting them confused.

I always end up reading more than one because I'll get into different reading moods. I sometimes want to read on a short story collection, essays, surreal books, etc. So I switch between them.

>> No.2701839

>to what end?

Get bored of a book, take a break with another one.



>don't you lose track?

How would you?

>> No.2701844

Odyssey / Fagles trans.
Shadow of Young Girls / Proust
Getting to Maybe / Law school text

>> No.2701847

cannibals of candyland by carlton mellick iii
battle royale
war and peace
pyle's lancelot

just finished
true grit
wildwood by the decemberist


>> No.2701861
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The Pickwick Papers -- Charles Dickens
The Annotated Mona Lisa -- Carol Strickland

How far are you into Portrait? Great book, but the penultimate chapter is straight up pedantic and a bitch to read, especially if you're not a scholar on Aquinas. The first few chapters and last chapter are god-tier though.

>> No.2701867

Guns, Germs and Steel - Jared Diamond

>> No.2702045
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I have yet to finish that. I picked up once my freshman year and it seemed like a pretty legit anthropological diatribe against racism but then I got distracted with school work and never looked at it again. Worth reading?