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/lit/ - Literature

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2699703 No.2699703 [Reply] [Original]

/sp/artan here.

We were just wondering what sports you enjoy. Also...your favourite team, player and the reasoning behind all three.

Please respond.

>> No.2699708


Inter, since my great-grandparents were from Milan.

Can't wait for the Euro's.


Dat class. Dat style. Dat mentality.

>> No.2699709
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Never been into sports of any kind.

>> No.2699710


/lit/ thread on /sp/ - FYI

>> No.2699711




>> No.2699716


>> No.2699717


>> No.2699718

Oh Hi /sp/

In hike-school I participated in some of the standards. Baseball, soccer, basketball, golf. Basketball in college, got into distance running. Still endurance running even now.

What do you like to read /sp/?

>> No.2699722
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>> No.2699724

Clearly /sp/artans are much more informed in regards to both subjects than you guys over here in /lit/. Take a gander at the /lit/ thread on /sp/ and all of the gloriousness. It now makes sense to me why we are the most alpha board.

>> No.2699732
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My favorite team is the modernists.
My favorite player is Joyce.
My favorite sport is reading.

+1 confirm for /lit/izens to most likely be alpha as fuck

>> No.2699734

Baseball, but I don't mind football.

>> No.2699739

No favorite team. Just like good soccer.

>> No.2699742

Boxing and baseball exclusively.
Too many boxers to name but I'm a Dodger fan.
The only reason I go to /sp/ is to get the gist of the current events in sports so I have something to talk about with the plebs.

>> No.2699743

Fencing, it's kind of a family thing.

>> No.2699744

Sorry, it's plebeian shit and books that teens latch onto because they think it's edgy.

>> No.2699747

>implying The Berenstain Bears isnt the greatest book series of all time

>> No.2699748
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Roger Federer
Here's a little something I wrote.

>> No.2699749

>Take a gander at the /lit/ thread on /sp/ and all of the gloriousness

2/10 because you made me respond and smirk a little.

>> No.2699751

Cantona, Best, Cruyff, Socrates

Randy Savage, CM Punk, Chris Ohno, Daniel Bryan, Kenta Kobashi

>> No.2699752

mandrama isnt a sport

>> No.2699756


/sp/ likes to say that about everything but most of their tastes are fucking high school level.
Not to mention all the shitposting makes browsing embarrassing at times.

>> No.2699755

Sports are smelly.

>> No.2699754

no-limit texas hold 'em, chess, ping pong.

>> No.2699762

jest fan reporting in

>> No.2699766

also my favorite poker pro is phil galfond. i have others but they play smaller stakes.

>> No.2699767

Handegg jest or furpuck jest? Also, why do you like them?

>> No.2699772

>high school level.
Giving them a little too much credit there.

>> No.2699777

>Posts in apehoop threads
>Constantly spams garbage

Oh you!

>> No.2699776

lol you forgot your trip faggot ahahahahaah

GJGE though

>> No.2699778

Why do people keep bashing Fitzgerald? Just because The Great Gatsby is a high school essential? There are reasons for that.

He's not my favorite writer but he's pretty fantastic.

>> No.2699781

This is a thread being posted in primarily by the /sp/ crossover. Are you surprised that there are pretentious hipsters in it?

>> No.2699789

>implying I didn't put it on intentionally
Also, the taste on the majority of /sp/ is embarrassing.
thinking that i'm "LeBron sucks etc" he just added on to my name.

>> No.2699797


>> No.2699798


u jelly of their rippling muscles?

>> No.2699800

>people claiming to actually enjoy reading Kant

It's like they can't into /lit/

>> No.2699802
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I have the exact same feel. If most of the detractors re-read T.G.G. since they read it last(in high school) they would see his prose again, anew, fresh and inviting.

>> No.2699804
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Can you guys go read with a group friends?
Does reading get you fit?
Do bitches cream their pants for dudes reading books?

Didn't think so

>> No.2699806

When I want interesting and though provoking discussion/lots of feels, I go to /sp/.

When I want to argue with douchebags with their head so far up their sphincters they become douchebags within douchebags, I come to /lit/.

/sp/ doesn't take itself too seriously and the trollball manager threads are hilarious.

>> No.2699810
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>/sp/ doesn't take itself too seriously

>> No.2699815

>Can you guys go read with a group friends?
>Does reading get you fit?
you clearly have never neared a copy of the oxford dictionary.
>Do bitches cream their pants for dudes reading books?
we're above such low, common pursuits, prole.

>> No.2699817



>> No.2699812


>mila kunis
>car chase bowl
>ey foo u bang ese.
>heem sleepy

/sp/ is good for a laugh but the ratio of funny to shitposting is terribly low.

>> No.2699822


>implying I'd want to read around anyone else
>implying mental fortitude < physical fitness
>implying bitches don't know 'bout my extensive hoard of panty-dropping leatherbounds

Do you even read?

>> No.2699823
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Someone hasn't been to grad school.

>> No.2699824

I personally enjoy soccer (also known as football in European countries).
I have no favorite player or team, I just watch it to enjoy it.

>> No.2699827

Ryan Fitzpatrick is a starting NFL QB who graduated from Harvard, not everyone who likes sports is an idiot

>> No.2699833

well.......I enjoy soccer, and I really enjoy the style of Barcelona team
I pratice jiu jitsu and judo, well, I like MMA too, is interesting

(bad english, sorry)

>> No.2699845
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My current gf admits one reason she liked me was my book collection. With the right women, books make women wet.

>> No.2699850

>I really enjoy the style of Barcelona team

bandwagoning twat

>> No.2699853


I'm aware of that feel

>> No.2699859

sports: i used to do fencing. that was fun. i like throwing frisbee but have no desire to play ultimate. i would do some car racing if i had money.
team: ferrari f1. because ferrari.
player: maria sharapova. because obviously.

>> No.2699872
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I'm a c/lit/ first and a /sp/artan second..

I like MLB, NBA, NFL in that order. I also can watch a little furpuck, and even divegrass, but can't into yuro time on /sp/.

I want an OKC/Celts Finals badly.

>> No.2699879


I enjoy Barcelona's style too.

Their patrician 1992 squad's style of course

>dat Laudrup
>dat Stoichkov

>> No.2699890

confirmed. this is exactly what happened to me, too.

>> No.2699898
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I do quite like modern Barca's tiki-taka too, but they definitely wouldn't survive on a cold night in the Britannia.

>> No.2699912


[spoilers]Stoke's players have subject to genetic experiments that lead them to see shinbones as footballs[spoilers]

>> No.2699913
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Baseball. (I also enjoy watching Soccer every now and then.)
The fucking Choo.
Clevelandfag. Baseball has a lovely nostalgic quality for me, but I also find it very enjoyable anyway.

>> No.2699928

What is sports?

>> No.2699934

I've always been a fan of DOING athletics rather than following professional teams/spectating. I've always been a cyclist, but I sure as hell don't watch races on tv or even do races. I commuted to school, then work. for a couple years, if you take a broad view of the term, I was a pro athlete in the sense that my sole source of income was as a bike messenger. If you consider whitewater sports "official," then I did the hell out of them, too (open canoe) and then was a raft guide for a while. Some fencing and skateboarding, too.

So, yeah, I'm athletic as hell but not really into sports as they're usually understood. Was always a weirdo/artfagy guy, never interested in team sports/competition.

but all that said, NBA action is faaaaaan-tastic. I grew up with the Pistons' Bad Boy team, which was pretty awesome.

>> No.2699940

I love watching Sean Kelly commentate on cycling on Eurosport, probably just because I know him and he's fucking sound.

>> No.2699948
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>likes Indians
>likes to watch soccer

Oh shit, you're from Bay Village, aren't you?

>> No.2699957

Just a few weeks ago for me, at my younger (high school age) sister's urging. Listened to the audiobook but I'll be damned if it wasn't just as good.

>> No.2699962
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My name is also Benny. Are we the same person?
Love, >>2699845

>> No.2699970


Perhaps in a way or two, but not in name. Mine is stripped from Pynchon's V.

>> No.2699972
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And another book goes on the "to-read" list. Thanks quasi-anon!

>> No.2699987

soccer, celtic, charlie mulgrew

>> No.2700005
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He's the rising star with defense and athleticism

I'd like to see them trash Stoudemire and SMIFF, so that they can more effectively pair melo, chandler, shump and lin with a good vet PG (Nash?) and some good rooks for next season.

Come on Knisck

>> No.2700029


Nawp. Lorain. And I mean I'll watch a game every blue moon- I don't follow any teams, I just find the games can be exciting.

>> No.2700043

>63 posts
> what sports you enjoy

Goddamnit /lit/

>> No.2700278
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>can't wait for WBC
>can't wait to crush Spain

>> No.2700294

To be fair, it got cross-linked from /sp/.