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2699636 No.2699636 [Reply] [Original]

Hipsters are zombies of the Self.

They recognize that the society which says so emphatically "be yourself!" has become that society in which being yourself is an impossibility.
So they appropriate the clothes and styles, the Self, of the past in ironic imitation to spite themselves for having achieved no self of their own.

They must always be conscious of the threat of the "mainstream", and that if they ever let one style solidify into mainstreamity they'll have officially ceased to be themselves and have become at once another bland conformist.
So they know that they can never be themselves sincerely, having always to kill the possibility of being themselves right before they achieve it. They mock themselves for trying to be themselves, they mock bitterly that young and hopeful wish they long have abandoned to be oneself.

"I'm not a Hipster", says the Hipster, who really isn't anything.

>> No.2699638

I've been listening to you people complain about hipsters for years and I still have no idea who they are.

sage for off-topic

>> No.2699641

you know now though because I've just told you.

>> No.2699647

I've never met anyone who does the things you've described at college, in clubs, or in any of the cities I've lived in. Frankly, I don't think you're describing anyone at all.

>> No.2699649

> Frankly, I don't think you're describing anyone at all.

Exactly, ;)

>> No.2699654

the imitation can be genuine and not ironic

i actively look to the past for materials to fashion myself out of, rather than simply appropriating the mores of my peers through osmosis

>> No.2699659

someone get some bandages in here stat because it is edgy as all hell in here.

>> No.2699664

I've been called a hipster for reading, watching movies, and wearing jeans with button downs and sweaters.

Hipster is such a generically overused term; there is no such thing as a hipster. The people who actively try to go against whatever is mainstream are not really hipsters; those kinds of individuals sport fingerless gloves, all black attire, and wear scarves when the climate is temperate; yet people just consider these individuals mall goths. Putting labels on things like this is just retarded.

>> No.2699671


>> No.2699675

>jeans with button downs

tell me about this. I've seen them at the store, but is there a noticeable difference when you're wearing them vs zipper fly?

>> No.2699685


Oh I was talking about button down shirts; but yeah, I guess my jeans have buttons too? I don't know there's not that much difference but they have to fit more nicely obviously due to how buttons work. I don't like zippers in general as they never stay in position. Buttons are far more reliable.

>> No.2700811

This rambling, incoherent mess is the exact kind of thing hipsters get off on. Was your point to show that you're exactly like the frauds your talking about? If so, then kudos.

>> No.2700822

>mfw I like button down shirts and slacks and leather shoes because they don't make me look like an oversized teenager

Hipsters have extremely good taste in music and movies and literature.

I just don't go out and hang with other hipsters. I like the stuff they consume though.

>> No.2700840
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This thread made me sad that any of you exist.

I just thought you were a meme, or a character on Tv. Sad panda's for days.

>> No.2700839

post modernism

>> No.2700843

there's a certain arrogance in this. of course the average hipster claims to know all the answers and acts accordingly because they have never been tested on it. similarly, their conclusions are drawn from no evidence other than that they agree with the conclusion; it's a way of life actively fallacious. some of them are nice just a little misguided

>> No.2700871

I have no real beef with people who go against the mainstream, it's just the individuals that do it for the sake of doing it, essentially becoming part of the mainstream themselves, that I find ironically hilarious.

>> No.2700886

The Hipster is an editorial on our dream of self!
The Hipster has beer that's always brimming!
The Hipster knows everything we were supposed to have learned and he has done all of his reading from primary sources!
The Hipster is you but always an hour ahead!
The Hipster is day to night!
The Hipster is always open!
The Hipster is watch out!

>> No.2700905

people like op will never be as hip as a hipster. completely lacking in any talent, charisma, personality, intelligence etc. op is just jelly. op would love to be a hipster but since this is impossible he devalues his hipster dream.

>> No.2700908

same with the term 'pseudo-intellectual' used often round here. people who hate 'pseudo-intellectuals' would love to be real intellectuals but will always be too stupid. That and they probbly got there intellectual ass handed to them by someone with real intelligence.

>> No.2700928

>Not understanding that "hipster" is a blanket embellishment of rather separate characteristics that may or may not be prevalent in the accused individual.

This is akin to the Left vs. Right "debate". Left-wingers are accused of being stubborn communist hippies and Right-wingers are accused of being blindly irrational racists.

In truth, there are very few of these people around: the Liberals express a concern for what they believe to be expanding, domineering corporatism at the expense of individual rights; and the Conservatives believe in the necessity of a marginalising government that restricts certain rights in order to achieve a tangible freedom. These parties have been completely misrepresented and utterly distorted. They, quite honestly, don't exist in their assumed extremist forms: this all boils down to ignorance and hype.

tl;dr: hipsters don't exists; grow the fuck up.

>> No.2700933

I feel nothing but indifference for these hipsters you speak of. Honestly, I can't really tell a hipster from a person who is just dressing like one. It's just another fad. It'll go away when people realize it was never much of a thing to begin with

>> No.2700987

>They, quite honestly, don't exist in their assumed extremist forms: this all boils down to ignorance and hype.

There's two reason why this happens bro

The few extremists usually are more zealous and have the loudest voice.

It is within the oppositions interest to point out and raise up the tards on the other side ready for a strong refutation.

>> No.2701034

I absolutely agreed. The trouble is that this has permeated through society and infested every crevice: individual views are embellished to a point of unrealistic idealisation. This compartmentalising affects everyone and fabricates "battles" that, really, just don't exist. I, for example, have been called a hipster, for reasons I can't quite recall; a Liberal for my questioning of the current corporate systems; and a Conservative racists for questioning the "beneficial" effects of multiculturalism and immigration. Like I said, this is utter ignorance and hype. No wonder our country's political perspective is so polarised: people can't seem to get their shit together. Ultimately, I blame poor educational standards.

>> No.2701052

Fucking hipsters.

>> No.2701061

your whole reading of hipsters is entirely wrong and has nothing to do with reality. you're saying a whole lot of bullshit about something you have no understanding of at all.

>So they appropriate the clothes and styles, the Self, of the past in ironic imitation to spite themselves for having achieved no self of their own.

this bit is especially funny, because it's drawn from stereotypes about hipsters that haven't really been true for like 3 or 4 years now

>> No.2701075
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