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2697783 No.2697783 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2697785


>> No.2697789

>Prolly instead of probably

Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.2697790


>> No.2697812

Because no one knows how to use it correctly.

>> No.2697828
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>> No.2697832 [DELETED] 

i think my gf might be preggers

>> No.2697835

uretha catheters?
surely not....

>> No.2697836


>> No.2697846

I would punch babies in the throat if it got thís word whiped out.
I understand if you find the trend annoying, it is, but it's a trend, and if I have to see one more picture of a man passed out over a railing with the caption "because beds are too mainstream" things are going to get bloody, I fucking swear it.

>puss, also Eiter
Most disgusting word ever.

>> No.2697860

Cray cray

>> No.2697869

>"Good Morning"
>"Sleep well?"


>> No.2698682


I've recently found I fucking hate those words.

>> No.2698684


>> No.2698685
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>> No.2698715

Are you agreeing or disagreeing?

I also dislike "panacea" for some reason. I prefer "nostrum."

>> No.2698718


Agreeing. Fuck that word.

Panacea's a bad one too.

>> No.2698874
File: 2.06 MB, 300x189, fuck everything.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah ... Those catheters. I don't know where you're from, but here in the states at least (and Canada as well, per friends I've asked about it) medicare or whatever they call the health system up there will apparently cover costs in full for like several hundred disposable catheters a month. There's one company in particular that's all over this, running these ads - "Do you have to reuse catheters?" "Are you tired of boiling your catheters to sterilize them?" - toward people who are catheter-dependent, informing them that if they sign up then they can get all these disposable catheters and not have to pay a dime because the company can just bill medicare directly ... The commercial goes on for-fucking-ever and, I swear, is designed to say the word "catheter" as many times as possible. So uncomfortable to listen to. They seem to run it on every goddamn channel, too; I really didn't think there was such a large catheter-dependent demographic (especially not as young as the actors they have pitching them in the commercials) but the ads must be printing money for the company because that shit is all over the TV like a plague of locusts after a certain hour.

The whole thing gives me the heebie-jeebies. (Hey, ban that word while you're at it). I can't watch TV anymore without some lady making me think about intubating my genitals every ten minutes. Fuck that.

The gif approximates my reaction when it comes on and I scramble for the remote to mute it

>> No.2698919

pleb plebeian hipster dilettante patrician

>> No.2698922

ITT: No one providing explanation, infuriating me more than any word could

>> No.2698943

1. seven
2. eleven
3. four
4. nine thousand and one
9001. twelve

>> No.2698949
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>> No.2698950


>> No.2699003

my sphincter still hasn't relaxed

>> No.2699024

This is reminded me about those self-warming lubricant commercials they show during the day in the states.

"I want that soap, daddy!"
"N-no, honey. That's not soap."


>> No.2699025


worst word= succulent. makes me want to throw up and eat my throwup as i upwardly throwup into my mouth

best word= sandnigger. its spicy and gives me confidence when i say it.

>> No.2699030
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>tfw your father casually uses the word 'sandnigger' out of completely nowhere.

>> No.2699036

honk honk why its wobbles the goose

>> No.2699050


I can't stand that word.

>> No.2699061

ITT: autism

>> No.2699085

I'd ban eager and beaver but only when used to in an attempt to inside one's mind conjure a mental picture of the wretched abomination that is the eager beaver.
My favourite words are sandnigger (middle-eastern), ricenigger (azn-looking) and blubbernigger (Greenland).
I love show-and-tell threads like these.