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/lit/ - Literature

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2695328 No.2695328 [Reply] [Original]

I can't be the only person who stopped coming to /lit/ and now only stops by when extremely bored.

Post reasons why you became casual.

The main one for me was being called hipster by tripfags for owning more than 12 books. Also generally because while on other interest boards they post about the same stuff every day, they do have different insights about it...here not so much...just same stuff, same opinions daily.

>> No.2695347

Because /lit/ hates you no matter what you say. You are not allowed to have an opinion or like books that weren't written by a very select group of authors, who between them have probably written all the books most of the people on here have ever actually read in between brooding over what misunderstood geniuses they are.

>> No.2695349

I've stopped coming because of the almost entirely unchecked trolling. We're so slow, and not really moderated at all, that it's very easy for someone to make a troll thread and just keep it going themselves until someone inevitably takes the bait.

So now we're like 50%
>Why would you even read fiction
>lol literature majors XD
>why are feminists retarded?
>How come black people smell funny?

>> No.2695358

I support this claim. /lit/ is laughably easy to troll. If you want proof, just look at the black square thread, in which I am currently having a tremendous time.

>> No.2695363

I've only ever just used it as a place to get recommendations or to get people to answer questions/answer other peoples.
You can't have discussions here.

>> No.2695366

Yeah, it's because people here are generally trolls or think they're the smartest guys in the room. That some anonymous nobody can be so cavalier about saying "James Joyce fucking sucks!" without any trace of irony is ridiculous (cue "James Joyce fucking sucks!" post because the people on this board are very predictable). It's either that or "why study literature lulz you'll never get a job like all us engineers! It was great that there's a place to discuss literature with intelligent and (usually) funny people, but now...sigh.

>> No.2695376

The funniest thing is how people here would consider themselves more mature and intelligent than the majority of 4chan, but a legitimately rage-filled and bitter argument has broken out over a thread where the OP was a picture of a black square with no message.

I stop by here to receive constructive criticism on my writing, which is often very helpful.