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2694661 No.2694661 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post what you've read this year


>> No.2694665

hary potter

>> No.2694670

What I remember reading:
Cancer Ward
Gravity's Rainbow
My Idea of Fun
Wonderful World
The Demon-Haunted World
Man's Search for Meaning
Apathy and Other Small Victories
Brief Interviews with Hideous Men
Last Exit to Brooklyn
... I think that's it so far. I'm not the most avid reader, I tend to pick my way through slowly, stopping to think and "digest" what I've read, because frankly, I'm not all that bright.

>> No.2694673

Long list, but let's fucking do it

Currently reading: Nostromo - Conrad
The Face of Another - Abe
Goodbye to all That - Graves
Walden - Thoreau
Goodbye to Berlin - Isherwood
Acts of Worship & Other Stories - Mishima
Flatland - Abbott
The Shadow over Innsmouth - Lovecraft
The Tales of Ise - Anonymous
The Dunwich Horror - Lovecraft
Pan - Hamsun
The Pianist - Szpilman
Ugetsu Monogatari - Akinari
The Odyssey - Homer
The Most Dangerous Game - Connell
I, Claudius - Graves
The Belly of Paris - Zola
In Search of Lost Time: Swann's Way - Proust
Hagakure: The Way of the Samurai - Tsunemoto
As I Lay Dying - Faulkner
The Scarlet Letter -Hawthorne
To the Spring Equinox & Beyond - Soseki
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - Joyce
The Iliad - Homer
A Midsummer Night's Dream - Shakespeare
The Bet - Chekhov
The Glass Bead Game - Hesse
Mary - Nabokov
Cousin Bette - Balzac
The Defence - Nabokov
Waiting for Godot - Beckett
Apology - Plato
Our Lady of the Flowers - Genet
Down and Out in Paris and London - Orwell
L'Assommoir - Zola
A Tale of Two Cities - Dickens
Great Expectations - Dickens
Death on the Instalment Plan - Celine
Bushido: The Soul of Japan - Nitobe
Invitation to a Beheading - Nabokov
The Library of Babel - Borges
Strange Life of Ivan Osokin Ouspensky


>> No.2694675

Oh yeah, and I just finished Umberto Eco's Foucault's Pendulum, which was really fucking good.

>> No.2694680


Thirst for Love - Mishima
Confessions of an English Opium Eater - Quincey
Maldoror - Lautreamont
Where Angels Fear to Tread - Forster
Glory - Nabokov
The Ladies' Paradise - Zola
An Ideal Husband - Wilde
A Room With a View - Forster
Lord Jim - Conrad
Vathek - Beckford
Pierre Goriot - Balzac
Bend Sinister - Nabokov
The Private Confessions of a Justified Sinner - Hogg
Looking Backward - Bellamy
The Book of Disquiet - Pessoa (read this when my grandma died, shit sucked balls)
The Enormous Room - Cummings
The Damned - Huysmans
A Woman's Life - Maupassant
The Counterfeiter and Other Stories - Inuoe
Five Women Who Loved Love - Saikaku
The Hound of the Baskervilles - Doyle
Inside my Glass Doors - Soseki
Grass on the Wayside - Soseki
Rashomon and Other Stories - Akutagawa
I am a Cat - Soseki
A Personal Matter - Oe

I graduate shortly, so I'm expecting to pick up the pace.

>> No.2694681

ASoIaF series
The Great Gatsby

deal w/ it

>> No.2694683

That's cool bro. You do what you do.

>> No.2694685
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Here they are on a chart. Should be 69 of them, most of which are pretty short. I liked most all of them, with the exception of the Spark (though I love her other stuff I've read) and Apollinaire. I'll be checking out something else from him eventually though.

Currently reading A Confederate General from Big Sur by Richard Brautigan, Essays in Idleness by Yoshida Kenko and Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass by Bruno Schulz.

>> No.2694686


>> No.2694689

How can a woman be a faggot, ya faggot?

You just mad that someone actual expands upon the shit posted here day in, day out?

>> No.2694697

I bet you can expand your cunt to accommodate a Christmas ham

>> No.2694708

I'm not her.

You keep raging.

>> No.2694709

Leave Raven alone.

>> No.2694713 [DELETED] 
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Requiem For a Nun
Breaking The Spell
The Illustrated Man
The Iceman Cometh
Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said
The Crying of Lot 49

>tfw you were stuck in the midwest with no internet and hardly any books for most of the year

>> No.2694712

you sound mad

why would you be mad.. about books?

>> No.2694723

I've always been talking in this tone, that's what Capsguys do.

>> No.2694729

Time - Goldsworthy, Andy
The Heart of a Dog - Bulgakov, Mikhail
All Quiet on the Western Front - Remarque, Erich Maria
The Invisible Man - Wells, H.G.
The War of the Worlds - Wells, H.G.
Selected Tales - Poe, Edgar Allan
The Island of Dr. Moreau - Wells, H.G.
The Importance of Being Earnest - Wilde, Oscar
The Time Machine - Wells, H.G.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Twain, Mark
At the Mountains of Madness and Other Tales of Terror - Lovecraft, H.P.
The Alchemist - Coelho, Paulo
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - Rowling, J.K.
Quidditch Through the Ages - Rowling, J.K.
I Had Trouble In Getting To Solla Sollew - Seuss, Dr.
On Beyond Zebra! - Seuss, Dr.
The Seven Lady Godivas - Seuss, Dr.
McElligot's Pool - Seuss, Dr.
The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins - Seuss, Dr.
Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose - Seuss, Dr.
If I Ran the Circus - Seuss, Dr.
Scrambled Eggs Super! - Seuss, Dr.
If I ran the Zoo - Seuss, Dr.
Bartholomew and the Oobleck - Seuss, Dr.
Horton Hatches the Egg - Seuss, Dr.
The King's Stilts - Seuss, Dr.
And to Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street - Seuss, Dr.
Where the Wild Things Are - Sendak, Maurice
The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge - Castaneda, Carlos
Go the Fuck to Sleep Mansbach, Adam
The Great GatsbyFitzgerald, F. Scott
Charlie and the Great Glass ElevatorDahl, Roald
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Dahl, Roald
I Can Read With My Eyes Shut! - Seuss, Dr.
The Foot Book - Seuss, Dr.
I, Robot - Asimov, Isaac
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich - Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr I.
Hunger - Hamsun, Knut
The Hearing Trumpet - Carrington, Leonora


>> No.2694731

why the fuck are you counting dr. seuss books

>> No.2694736

Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There - Carroll, Lewis
The Famished Road - Okri, Ben
Slow Learner - Pynchon, Thomas
Breakfast of Champions - Vonnegut, Kurt
VALIS - Dick, Philip K.
Kokoro - Sōseki, Natsume
Writings and Drawings - Dylan, Bob
The Restaurant of Many Orders - Miyazawa, Kenji
Night of the Milky Way Railway - Miyazawa, Kenji
Amazing Dope Tales - Gaskin, Stephen
The Metamorphosis - Kafka, Franz
Contemplation - Kafka, Franz
To Kill a Mockingbird - Lee, Harper
Basquiat - Emmerling, Leonhard
Travels with Charley: In Search of America - Steinbeck, John
The Road - McCarthy, Cormac
Max Ernst: Dada and the Dawn of Surrealism - Camfield, William A.
Jean-Michel Basquiat - Buchhart, Dieter
Consider the Lobster and Other Essays - Wallace, David Foster
A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again - Wallace, David Foster
The Little Prince- Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de
1984 - Orwell, George
After Dark - Murakami, Haruki
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? - Dick, Philip K.
Wild: An Elemental Journey - Griffiths, Jay
Franny and Zooey - Salinger, J.D.
In Watermelon Sugar - Brautigan, Richard
Nine Stories - Salinger, J.D.
Of Mice and Men - Steinbeck, John
Notes from Underground - Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
The Pearl - Steinbeck, John
All the Pretty Horses (The Border Trilogy, #1) - McCarthy, Cormac
Heaven and Hell - Huxley, Aldous
The Doors of Perception - Huxley, Aldous
The Sirens of Titan (SF Masterworks, #18) - Vonnegut, Kurt
A Monster Calls - Ness, Patrick
The Hobbit - Tolkien, J.R.R.
I Heard the Owl Call My Name - Craven, Margaret
The Art of War - Tzu
I've been working through the pleb works,

>> No.2694738

>>2694731 because, I might as well.
Ham on Rye - Bukowski, Charles
V. - Pynchon, Thomas
Naked Lunch - Burroughs, William S.
Trainspotting - Welsh, Irvine
Norwegian Wood - Murakami, Haruki
Blood Meridian - McCarthy, Cormac
The Crying of Lot 49 - Pynchon, Thomas

>> No.2694741

Inb4 bullshit. I read them all. Lot's of them are short and lots of them are dr seuss. There are lots more that I read a couple hunndred pages and gave up on or put aside for later, like Ulysses and Moby Dick,

>> No.2694942

Now think of how much more knowledge u cud have been had u instead put that time into reading nonfiction...

>> No.2694953

thanks man

>> No.2694968

Sur le seuil
Les 7 jours du talion
City of the dead
The case of Charles Dexter Ward
Wuthering Heights
Les 11,000 verges
A Christmas Carol
Rose Madder
Bleak House
Everything's Eventual
The Wheel Spins
Ten Little Niggers
Round the world in 72 days
The Haunting
The journal of Edwin Underhill
The Last Vampire (6 books series)

>> No.2694970

Haven't really kept a list, political philosophy, IR theory and history for the most part.
IR fag.

>> No.2695062

Is Flatland worth reading?

>> No.2696012


>> No.2696020

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