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2693958 No.2693958 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you are motivated again after looking all the possibilities to start uni and then you remember that you cant socialize...

well, i guess i'll just read and watch online conferences...

>> No.2693962

I'm at uni and I'm a bitter recluse. You don't have to talk to them if you don't want to, just live off-campus.

>> No.2693963

boy do I know that feel.

And trust me op, it doesn't get any better the longer you're there, unless you really love drinking/gossiping/viewing The Big Bang Theory.

>> No.2693967

Consider it a blessing. Uni is a waste of life.

>> No.2693970

I wouldn't worry about it.
I was there to study, not to socialise.

>> No.2693973

Just spend your days in the library, and your nights in bed.

>> No.2693976

yeah i've been telling myself that... but, even tho u can avoid socializing as the objective, it remains necessary as a medium. i mean, i dont want friends, i just to be able to talk normally to someone in a regular situation.

>> No.2693979

>can't socialise
What in the actual fuck am I reading. Were you raised by goddamn wolves?

>> No.2693983

>i dont want friends
OK, the more I read of this thread the more utterly baffled I get. Jesus, I can understand the way my cat thinks better than I can you guys...

>> No.2693988

Check your privilege, please.

>> No.2693990

Your spaghetti is showing.

>> No.2693996

He's an 18 year old young man who suffers from acute paranoid schizophrenia. Only, he doesn't know it yet.

>> No.2694000

Then stop reading it. Your incredulity that someone could have social anxiety isn't accomplishing anything.

>> No.2694001

I'll check my privilege before I wreck my privilege, but NOT A SECOND EARLIER.

Like, for real, though, there's nothing hard about socialising if you're not a deaf mute or something.

>> No.2694003

Just act mildly irritated and extremely serious all the time and no one will expect you to be normal or sociable.

Also pick a good major so you aren't stuck with passionless turd normals.

>> No.2694007

I completely understand being an introvert, but I really don't know what it feels like not to be able to talk and conversate and make people like you.

I've worked at a few jobs where I was forced into constant interaction with others, often in positions where I got to teach people or guide them through something. They taught me how to handle people.

I now work as a teacher, and am studying to be a lawyer. Don't have a lot of people that I like to spend time with (studying, reading, and etertaining myself always seem to me a better use of my time) but I find it ridiculously easy to get people to like me and share their darkest secrets with me.

People always seem to trust me. I can't explain it.

I'm looking forward to working as a lawyer. I think I'll be good at it.

>> No.2694008

>Like, for real, though, there's nothing hard about socialising if you're not a deaf mute or something.

That's great that you don't have trouble, but others do.

>> No.2694012

Eh, sorry. If it helps I used to have no friends and all that shit. I kind of... got better, I guesss.

>> No.2694014

lol. well something like that. i grew up surrounded by the walls of my home and those of my school. so once uni time arrived it was a new world to me. i did have friends and even a couple of gf but i felt nothing but anxiety and pressure... so i just said, why force myself into something i dont even enjoy?

>> No.2694015

Actually, they all hate you and think you're a dildo. First rule of socialization: never tell the idiot that he's an idiot, just kiss his ass until he goes away.

>> No.2694021

..but apparently I started hissssing.

Actually, I think the part about OP not wanting friends is what gets me. When I was lonely I would have cut off my own feet to have friends. If, uh, that would have helped, somehow.

>> No.2694022
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you mad, son?

People pay me an hourly rate of 60 dollars to sit down for 5 hours at a time and talk to them.

>> No.2694031 [DELETED] 

That's fucking sad. Why do you depend on other people so much? Jesus christ, you chastise OP for not wanting friends yet you seem like a hopeless shell without social interaction.

Maybe others aren't as willing to put up with other people's vapid and worthless ramblings as you.

>> No.2694033

Um... I'm not that anon, but I don't think they do that because your social skills are so hot they're worth 60 dollars an hour.

Unless you actually spend those 5 hours not helping them in any way and actually talking about butterflies or something. Then I'd be impressed.

>> No.2694034

That's fucking sad. Why do you depend on other people so much? Jesus christ, you chastise OP for not wanting friends yet you seem like a hopeless shell without social interaction.

Maybe others aren't as willing to put up with other people's vapid and worthless ramblings as you.

>> No.2694035

And you think I'd admire you wasting your life to educate the disinterested and gain their ass-kissing favor?

>> No.2694039
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>Unless you actually spend those 5 hours not helping them in any way and actually talking about butterflies or something.

I spend about half the time just entertaining them and making jokes and shit. Sometimes we sit around and watch old movies and I'll analyze it for them.

Last week, I got high with a student and cooked a meal. All while being paid an hourly rate.

I'm just that pleasant to be around.

>> No.2694044

It was sad. Then I socialised with people and it got good. But OK, I'm prepared to believe OP might be entirely different from me.

But if you really believe that all other people have to offer is 'vapid and worthless ramblings' then you are a hopeless, hopeless narcissist. You're the 'me me me' generation eating itself.

>> No.2694049
File: 109 KB, 499x370, 1320955270196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mad as fuck, son. Enjoy your 12$ an hour job and solid 4 girlfriend.

>> No.2694058

We need other people to live. Mentally, and physically. Maybe survive on your own, but not live.

Epicurus had it right on that.

>> No.2694060

Just go and get your degree. You won't have to socialize much if you don't want to (unless you're an english major or something, but even then you can minimize it by brushing people off when they approach you).

Friends are overrated. I went from introvertfag to having a bunch of friends/going out a bunch, and now I'm slowly becoming more reclusive again and fucking loving it.

>> No.2694064

>implying because I waste time with people I don't like makes me narcissistic
Better to a narcissist than a sycophant.

>> No.2694065

No, I'm just not a little adolescent boy inside who sees the world based on what's been handed down to him. You will be in pregnant land with a fat wife and a high paying job but too many bills to ever escape. Your life is already in the toilet, it's just a matter of time before you're flushed.

>> No.2694068

>*don't waste time

>> No.2694075

>Friends are overrated.

Actually, I want to expand on this. People can be great. Social interaction can be great, too. But you don't have to force yourself to hang out with people if you don't want to do that. There's only so much time in this world. Why spend too much of it pretending to laugh at some other person's horrible joke or whatever? Why go out to eat with them and listen to their horrible, banal stories? If you find friends that have good taste and tell great stories, that's fine and different. Those can be rare, though, and you shouldn't force yourself to hang out with people just to hang out with people.

>> No.2694078
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>intellectualizing his virginity and his poverty

Oh /lit/ never change

>> No.2694080

>implying that getting a university education leads to a life of smart jokes

>> No.2694081

Guy who used to be lonely and was very happy to stop being lonely here. My situation's a little bit like that, in that I'm fine with spending time by myself and don't need to be going out all the time. But the thing is... if I'm introverted now, it's a different kind of feeling. When I was a teenager I was alone, but thinking something like
>oh shit I'll never have friends, I can't socialise, why can't I just have friends
etcetc teenageclichesadinfinitum. Whereas now, I know I have had friends, can socialise... so I can be comfortable not doing so. Plus no longer being a teenager helps, of course.

>> No.2694086

>implying that was what he implied at all

>> No.2694087

Basically, friends are great when you want them, but friends also come loaded with problems, and you notice this more and more as you grow older and older. When you're a little kid, friends are awesome because there are no girls, no jobs, and no real schoolwork to occupy your time. All you care about is playing Perfect Dark splitscreen and chugging mountain dews.

But you grow up. And you start working. And you start having priorities. And you really start to diverge from your friends. It gets harder and harder to see the positives of maintaining large social circles as you grow older if you're a focused sort of guy with goals in life.

>> No.2694091

The alternative is far more bleak. Overpriced furniture. Overpriced home. Overpriced wife. Babies with tentacles latched to your time and your enthusiasm. Vomiting friends who believe themselves witty. A malaise of despair creeping into every aspect of your life until you find yourself daydreaming of escape. That's life in ten years, bro. It's already over.

>> No.2694103

>Better to be a narcissist than a sycophant
Uh... why? And why does liking other people and appreciating that they might have something to offer you=sycophancy?

>> No.2694107

Because it's clear that your only benefit from acquiring friends is their sycophantic nature. That is, you like it when they fondle you with compliments because your ego is immature and still relies on such things to make it through a day.

>> No.2694108
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>implying I have kids
>implying I have a wife
>implying marriage in 2012

I live by myself in a half a million dollar apartment on the nice side of town. I bang solid 7s, save my dosh in the bank, and read books, exercise, and play the piano in my spare time. I'm 24. I've paid for my undergrad degree by myself, and I'll pay my own way through law school with my teaching job.

Living the dream, bro. Thanks for warning me again about women, though. But I've been posting on /lit/ long enough to have heard the advice of paranoid virgins tenfold over. I get it, I get it, women are all leeches and they don't love you and consumerism is terrible and soulsucking and everyone is a hanger on. Thanks for the help. :)

>> No.2694114
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... but I do have a predilection for overpriced furniture. I just picked up an Eames Classic lounge chair after rewatching Frasier last month.

>> No.2694118

Sooooo true. My problem is that I made having friends my target in life, which meant I missed out on a lot of other targets in life. And now I'm like 'oh crap, there's all this other stuff I really should have been doing'.

All the same, though, I wouldn't change the fact that I actually stopped being lonely for any amount of career success. I just... should have been doing both.

>> No.2694120

Your job as a lawyer will ruin you. Sitting at a desk night after night studying somebody else's legal affairs might not sound so bad right now, but what you don't realize is - that's all you'll do for the next forty years of your life. You think you'll have time for 4chan or even reading a book? Your life might not be in the gutter, but it's still shit in a toilet.

>> No.2694121

Yeah, I know what you mean. When you're in high school, all of that shit seems way more important than it actually is.

Pretty much, but that's not to say close friendships can't be developed or maintained as you get older. Your circle kind of reduces itself to the only people you really liked in the first place, though.

>> No.2694123

Sounds like fun. I like working. It's better than sitting at home all day browsing 4chan and watching anime.

I've read a lot of books already. I made pretty good use of my time for the first 25 years. I'm ready to sit down at a serious job and pull in serious dosh. :)

>> No.2694124

Oh. Then your assumption is wrong. Also, that wouldn't make ME a sycophant, that would make me a receiver of sycophancy. Is there a word for that?

PS if you really don't like talking to people, why 4chan? Everybody here is a person.

>> No.2694127

I'd hate to be a drone like you.

>> No.2694130

Hey, I'd hate to be a poor virgin for the rest of my life like you. I like my expensive furniture and oceanside apartment. :)

>> No.2694132

>all of that shit seems way more important than it actually is
Hmmmm... but I think hypothetically, if I just kept on being lonely, it would STILL be really important. It's important until you've dealt with it.

...I might be wrong, though. Hormones are tricksy things.

>> No.2694133

You're not taking into account that perhaps I like 4chan because the people here aren't nice or kissing my ass, therefore making it the only honest place for socializing.

>> No.2694134

4chan isn't the same thing as having friends at all. You just sort of throw your opinion out there. Having and maintaining friendships is very different from shitposting on /lit/

>> No.2694141

Genetics get most people. You'll see this in your thirties. Right now, you don't even understand that you're following in the footsteps of millions before you, and you won't know where it leads because you're too young to have seen it before.

>> No.2694145

I dunno... maybe I'm just bad at friendships, but it very rarely feels any more effort than posting crap on the internet.

But really I'm getting at the idea that all other people have are "vapid and worthless ramblings". If that's actually true than friendship, 4chan, books, whatever, none of it's worth anything.

>> No.2694147

No, I know what you mean. It seems important when you haven't experienced it and, I guess, if you never ended up experiencing it you would still think it was really important.

It's like that with most things. You don't really care about driving once you've been doing it for a year.

>> No.2694150
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Holy shit, man. You sound so bitter and lonely. I don't even. I'm very sorry that you were treated poorly growing up. Were you abused? What girl embarrassed you in high school? What did she do to you that you've given up? It's honestly making me sad to talk to someone who so obviously got burnt by the world and retreated into a cave.

Don't give up on the world. There's someone out there for you.

>> No.2694153

Posting anonymously on the internet is much different than IRL social interaction. People often censor their true opinions IRL, there is no body language online, no reputation with anonymity, etc.

>> No.2694156

This is the logic that leads to pregnancy. It's nature working its magic on your bones. The only thing you don't see is that all those people who are making friends and have friends are under the spell of the same logic, will have babies in a decade, and that that's the way the natural world has always worked, thereby continuing the species.

tl;dr Shy people need to get with the program and get pregnant.

>> No.2694159
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No, that's not what friendship is at all. You don't just talk and listen to other people talk.

You really need a friend. I'm scared for some of you guys on 4chan.

Having a friend is having someone that you look forward to being next to. It's having someone who'll laugh at your jokes, and give you a hug when you're feeling down, and hate your enemies with you. It's having someone who you can share your problems with. And someone who you can help through the world as well. It's knowing that life is worth living because there's someone who wants to see you. It's spotting a person across a room and seeing a smile light up their face.

Lonely bitter people make me sad.

>> No.2694161

>you don't even understand that you're following in the footsteps of millions before you
Wut. Any non-idiot understands that. Who lives their life in a completely original way?
>you won't know where it leads because you're too young to have seen it before
Interesting. I assume you're talking about something other than death, old timer. Is it acrimonious divorce?

>> No.2694169

No no, don't worry, I get that. I'm not lonely or bitter. I didn't say it was no different, I said that it was very rarely any more effort. All that stuff's good, so it's fun and doesn't feel like work.

Now, romantic stuff, on the other hand... that's fun AND work. In... varying quantities.

>> No.2694170

That's not what having a friend is like for every person, though. For true introverts, friends can be intrusive and exhausting after a while (with some exceptions). I don't want someone to hate someone just because I do. Nor do I want hugs or fake laughter.

Nothin' bitter about it. I just prefer shit a certain way.

>> No.2694172

It's your life in ruins and no means of escape, then drudgery until you die. If you're the lawyer guy, I'm thinking specifically of a lawyer right now.

>> No.2694175

What's really funny about introverts is that they tend to make good friends with other introverts, but alas, they rarely even meet because they're too introverted to say hi to each other.

>> No.2694176

Ha, probably. Fuckin' nature, man, I swear... soon as we achieve biological immortality, we and nature are going to have a talk.

Also, I think your tl;dr would make a fantastic t-shirt, possibly in a Keep Calm and Carry On layout.

>> No.2694178

Your emotions reveal your true intentions: get laid. That's not friendship, that's courtship.

>> No.2694179

So uhh were you sexually abused as a child? Or did you lose all your money and your child to a poor marriage and quick divorce?

My money is on bitter divorcee

>> No.2694180

courtship and friendship are two sides of the same coin, my friend. Unless you read PUA books and model yourself after Patrick bateman.

>> No.2694183

Oh, I'm not him. But I disagree about the inevitable doom thing. Even if it looks that waty... call no man unhappy until he dies and all that.

>> No.2694185

No, you're assumptions are all wrong. That's what's leading you down the path you're taking. You assume that anything else is a terrible road.

>> No.2694187

Not him, again, but you're assuming the road of the lawyer is a terrible road. I think we all need to dial back on the assumptions a little.

>> No.2694188

Absolute rubbish with the intention to get sex. Are you incapable of friendships with both genders, or bisexual?

>> No.2694190
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eames bro fist. I've had mine for about a year and a half

>> No.2694191

I'm taking my friends' opinion of being a lawyer, a friend who is a lawyer, and applying it to this guy's life before he makes the fatal steps she made.

>> No.2694192


"i know you are but what am i": the post

>> No.2694196

Screw you guys, I'm going to bust my way into your comfy chair-owning club, see if I don't.

So... your sample size is one?

>> No.2694199

two, because I agree that it's common sense

>> No.2694202

It's cute that you think you're saving me, but do you not think I don't know any lawyers of my own?

Both my parents are attorneys, you idiot. They helped me with my half a million dollar apartment. I'm a teacher because they raised me to be a reader and learner.

Just because you know some bitter failures who didn't go down the right path doesn't mean all lawyers are brainless idiots who chase club tail and blow their money on cocaine. You need to put down the anarchist literature, stop reading Misandry United blog posts, and understand that some people are capable of marrying wisely, raising good kids, and living humbly.

I'm really sorry that you know a lot of divorcees and failures, but don't let their examples stop you from living your life.

>> No.2694209

I'm heaving with laughter. You think I'm trying to do you a favor. What I'm doing is laughing at your entire life, goals, plans, and present ridiculousness. It's self-satisfied laughter, and it's in no way meant to help you or your future. I get a lot out of it.

>> No.2694213

>They helped me with my half a million dollar apartment
You cheated! That... actually makes me feel better about being terrible about career and money-related things. Cheers.

But I will acquire your comfy chair. By force if absolutely necessary.

>> No.2694214

I know that feel, bro.

>dat feel when you have a loving girlfriend
>dat feel when you have excellent social skills from living in a hostel and making new friends everyday
>dat feel when you banged 10 chicks
>dat feel when you slowly become a recluse because you focus on building a business empire
>dat feel when you only hang out with your friends once a month because you have more important things to do
>dat feel when you're an INTJ master race

>> No.2694219

I should have put a disclaimer up "this is not for everyone"

>> No.2694217

In 1970's slang, this was termed a "sucker."

>> No.2694218

Well, I guess the main thing is that we're all really, really happy.

I have no face for how nicely this thread turned out.

>> No.2694221

/lit/ should talk about life more often, it's fun.

>> No.2694222

Good thread for /lit/. I got my goodies.

>> No.2694226

I did cheat! School cost so much that my parents took pity on me and offered to help with living. They were also tired of hearing me having sex

Check out replicas of Eames chairs if you the price tag of an original seems ridiculous. I've sat on this one in person and I can barely tell the difference. I overpaid by 4 thousand....

http://www.roveconcepts com/store/living-room/chairs/eames-lounge-chair

>tfw you meet other INTJ masterraces and you just exchange smug looks of self satisfaction but you're too humble to go beyond that.
>tfw I plan to open up my own firm and have my name on a glass building ASAP
>tfw eames lounge chairs for everyone
>tfw you drop off the face of the earth for a few months and all your friends wonder where you are and you burst gloriously back onto the scene in the summertime with more and more good news
>tfw you are slowly leaving behind your friends from your highschool days and you always pick up the check at the bar because you earn 10 times what they do

>> No.2694230

I can do the same. But I actually like people.

>> No.2694232

The pity grows to schadenfreude.

>> No.2694235

>and you always pick up the check at the bar because
>your friends wouldn't want your idiotic smile around unless you were paying

>> No.2694236

Replicas! Hah!

>yfw the angry proletariat charges in, scuffing up your pristine hardwood floor and knocking an expensive vase of flowers over, and rushes out carrying your Eames chair with it

>> No.2694238
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>tfw jelly friendless virgins were not comfy around me

>> No.2694240
File: 92 KB, 582x433, 1332918377216.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I hate my pristine hardwood flooring and I would never have an expensive vase or flowers in my apartment

Plants belong outside my window! I barely have enough time to feed myself. How do people find the time to water houseplants? Boggles the mind

>> No.2694241

>tfw I was once you but successfully escaped before paying the ultimate price

>> No.2694242

>not having staff to water the plants

>> No.2694243

Fuck, no hired help yet. Maybe I'll get a maid to come in once a week and look out at the market for my first expensive vase

>> No.2694245

>dat feel when you really never meet INTJs in real life because they're a rare type
>dat feel when you have an ENFJ friend, you convince him to buy an e-reader through hype and he never uses it
>dat feel when you view him as having lower IQ and you stop hanging out with him
>dat feel when you just want to learn all day, hit the gym, build a business empire, and have an overly affectionate girlfriend for the feels

I became happier when I came in terms with my INTJ personality; I'm in the process of making myself a super INTJ

>> No.2694250

>have no idea about these crazy personality types
>wikipedia time
>Keirsey referred to INTJs as Masterminds
You fuckers. I want your personality type.

>> No.2694252

You can find your personality type here:


>> No.2694255

>dat feel when you have an ENFJ friend, you convince him to buy an e-reader through hype and he never uses it

Holy shit, brother, do I know that feel.

>tfw your ENFJ friend bought the ereader because he wanted to impress you and read the books you always passionately talk about, but he can't even get 2 chapters into a Stephen King novel before he has to put the book down
>tfw you don't understand how people can accept not striving for perfection of the body, mind, and bank account
>tfw you rest your ereader on top of the exercise bike sometimes and read Proust while you're getting some easy cardio out at 1 in the morning after a long hard day of work
>tfw you had a really great ENFJ childhood friend who you grew up with and truly loved as a brother, but he fell into drugs and sleeping with solid 2s at the local biker bar and you don't have the heart to intervene
>tfw you half heartedly go out with him anyway but less and less as the years go by

>> No.2694257

>tfw you've got a 160+ IQ that actually matters and the rest of the gimps have to refer to psychological personality types to feel important

>> No.2694259

>tfw IQ-is-relevant-to-success fags tried to troll me

>> No.2694260

>dat feel when you have INTJ problems

Taken from yahoo answers:

I am a INTJ. I hate small talk, neglect people's emotions, and easily see the faults in people. I find most people annoying and irrational. I don't have a problem making acquaintances but I never connect to anybody. How can I possibly make friends? Are there any INTJs here that relate?

>> No.2694265

>tfw INTJ problems aren't really problems in any real sense of the word
>tfw your exes accuse you of being emotionally distant and way too cold at times, but later drunkenly admit that that's what makes you so attractive to begin with

>> No.2694267

>tfw the INTJ guys talk about being masterminds but can't come up with a relevant IQ test score

>> No.2694271
File: 399 KB, 800x646, 1321430356952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw people actually waste their time taking IQ tests instead of LSATs and GMATs near me

>> No.2694272

>tfw you're laughing about the presumptuous posts regarding business empires when the guy's IQ is likely in the low 130's

>> No.2694274

INTP master race checking in.

What's the big difference between that P and that J?

>> No.2694276

>tfw people with high IQs express their opinions solely in 4chan memes because they understand and appreciate the utility and elegance of greentexting

>> No.2694279

>dat feel when you INTJ master race
>dat feel when you gym x3, run x2 weekly
>dat feel when you have a patrick bateman morning routine
>dat feel when you, self employed, process of building a business empire
>dat feel when you have an ENFJ girlfriend :3
>dat feel when you have to learn at least 2 hours per day reading books or educational films
>dat feel when you you're smug and feel truly master race
>dat feel when you're actually smarter then your INTP friend

>> No.2694280

In other words, you've taken an IQ test but failed yourself.
>tfw a guy claims he can do anything but you know you've already done it and it was the low road, and you're taking the high road he can never take because he's a shitty mediocre

>> No.2694283
File: 111 KB, 500x461, iknowthatfeelbrother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw house-sitting for your parents
>tfw 30 km away from all civilization
>tfw 4chan is suddenly your main social outlet

>> No.2694289

>tfw you've never taken an IQ test in my life
>tfw you wonder if these IQ fags also belong to Mensa
>tfw you wonder if IQ fags are the ones who buy the einstein posters and put them up unframed in their shitty basement suites

>> No.2694292

>tfw the only reason you come here is to laugh at the mediocrity of guys who wish they had half your intelligence
>tfw they keep spouting personality types because they can't make it in the IQ world
>tfw you know you're superior and all you can do now is mock and enjoy the humor in the situation

>> No.2694293
File: 107 KB, 848x478, 1333913698529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that ULTIMATE feel when you watched American Psycho and saw a lot of yourself in Patrick Bateman's character
>that feel when you bought a jumprope, not because you need any more cardio in your workout routine, but because you liked Bateman's morning routine so much
>tfw you begin to wonder whether you should start using a chemical peel

>> No.2694296

ENFP! But only moderately for each case. I like to sit on the fence. Keirsey thinks I'm a Champion, which is nearly as good as a Mastermind... I guess. Man, I'm starting to suspect this Keirsey guy just wants everyone to feel good about themselves.

>ENFPs account for about 2–8% of the population
I'm pretty rare, sort of.

>> No.2694302

>tfw you're an INTJ and you favor clarity and efficiency over anything else and greentexting tfw posts fit this style perfectly

>> No.2694303

Let me educate you. No is the answer to all of your questions. I can read a book in two hours while you're spending your two hours of learning getting through the first twenty pages.
>tfw you read a book in a couple hours and the shitty mediocres love it when they can spend a few hours acquiring what will only ever be a mediocre education
>tfw i'm laughing at the end of this thread

>> No.2694305

Read about your personality type; get to know yourself more and strengthen yourself. Congrats on figuring out your personality type!

>dat feel when you're a only 2 percent of the population (INTJ), god tier.

>> No.2694307

>tfw tfw tfw tfw tfw tfw tfw tfw tfw
>tfw tfw tfw tfw

>> No.2694309

>tfw you can't make money off of reading a book in 2 hours
>tfw your IQ doesn't seem to work when applied to the problem of getting girls to suck your dick

>> No.2694311

>tfw you're an INTJ who kisses his ENFJ girlfriend all day for maximum feels
>tfw you know you're ENFJ girlfriend is somewhat an air head but that's okay, her ass is nice.

>> No.2694312

boy, the pricks sure do come out of the woodwork after the Americans go to bed

>> No.2694321

>tfw you became a thousand times happier when you realized that expecting your intellectual equal in a compatible partner is a little ridiculous
>tfw it's nice to shut your mind off when you're with her and she brings you back down to earth and normal people problems
>tfw you listen to her problems and reply to her by repeating her problems and agreeing with her, but you never offer any of your laughably easy solutions to her problems because you know that she would never have the INTJ willpower to fix them

>> No.2694323

>tfw nobody else wants to post their IQ score
>tfw they talk of stooping to dumb girlfriends who'll suck their cock
>tfw they don't know how easy it is to get my cock sucked and I've since lost interest because after a few years of getting your cock sucked it's not as entertaining
>tfw you've had anal sex with so many girls you don't care about anal sex anymore
>tfw you're the ultimate IQ master race and know pretty much everything

>> No.2694324

>tfw you're an American INTJ and you have to condescendingly explain to others that you're self-employed and get to set your own hours and so do not need to keep 9-5 normal hours

>> No.2694326

>tfw an IQ fag is jealous of a true bromance blossoming between two INTJ masterraces and tries his best to come between them, but only makes himself look ridiculous by claiming that he is bored of sex
>tfw IQfags think it makes them look grizzled and experienced to affect a world-weary "yeah, I'm done with wimminz and getting my dick sucked" attitude around INTJ

>> No.2694327

>People always seem to trust me. I can't explain it.
That has to do with low levels of testosterone during key growth phases. Femninine/less masculine men tends to do well i social situations, considering women view them as pillows. Keywords: Friendzone, non-sexual themes, "you're so trustworthy", "You always listen".

>> No.2694329

>tfw you're just standing far above the human race laughing at two guys without a chance of ever ascending so high
>tfw they take pleasure in those who are lower but don't understand the IQ guy's pleasure in their being lower

>> No.2694332

>bromance blossoming between two INTJ masterraces
So true. I'm still finding all this hilarious and I can't wait for the bromance to develop to the stage when one asks for the other's contact details, leading to SUDDEN MASSIVE AWKWARDNESS. Although I don't know, it's probably utterly impossible for INTJs to get awkward or make each other awkward.

>> No.2694334

>tfw when I test as an INTJ, but don't give a fuck because myers-briggs is full of fundamental attribution errors and is generally social psychology bullshit.

>> No.2694333

Fuck you, man - you have such a well designes, well cut chair. And you place it in the middle of the room, next to your fucking bed?

>Those curtains
>That plastic floor
>That color on the wall

fucking hell man

>> No.2694337

>tfw you discover that when you write the word awkward more than once it looks really fucking awkward

>> No.2694338

Sounds like some evolutionary psychology nonsense up in here. Leave the real science to the grown-ups, okay?

>> No.2694340

>implying the INTJ master-race has time for aesthetics

Stop describing me so well, I don't like it.

>> No.2694341

More intjs feels

>tfw you wake up in the morning and listen to KPOP, pretending you're a woman
>tfw you listen to KPOP in the gym, and pretend you're a woman as you're lifting heavy weights

What i'm listening to now:


>maximum feels

>> No.2694342

INTJs better be able to "get awkward" otherwise 4chan is gonna be full of a bunch of mad.

>> No.2694343

>People always seem to trust me. I can't explain it.
Know yourself out, pubmed has a shitload of studies on this. "Real science" even extends as far as philosophy.

>> No.2694344
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lol op here. thread went better than expected.

I aint gonna read all that shit but i see that no one answered to this >>2694014, which might clarify, if not some of the discussion, at least possible misunderstandings in the perception of someone taking for granted society's dynamic.

>> No.2694346

>People always seem to trust me. I can't explain it.
Knock yourself out, pubmed has a shitload of studies on this. "Real science" even extends as far as philosophy - as far as the name "science" goes.

>> No.2694350
File: 172 KB, 288x450, 1318971451463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw INTJ IU masterrace
>tfw you used to listen to kpop while jumproping in the morning, but now run silently through the streets at night because you like that slightly sociopathic feeling of being the last one alive left on the earth

>tfw holy shit are you me what is going on

>> No.2694353

Here's a new feel

>tfw you check your cellphone once every few days and see all the missed calls and messages
>tfw you don't answer a single one and go hit the gym instead
>tfw they keep calling and messaging anyway

>> No.2694359

Yes, I am you.

You can read my Project Ubermensch website, dig around the archieve.

http://projectubermensch.com/project-ubermensch, starting from day 01

>> No.2694364

Chemical peels is not good for you long term, I use apple cider vinegar everyday, followed by moisturizing the face with olive oil.

>> No.2694379

It's a very interesting journal. I'm reading through it and picking up some cool things. I especially liked how you outlined your mental process in dealing with the tests that the girls gave you.

>> No.2694387

It's cool if you really don't enjoy it. But your OP said that you couldn't socialise, whereas the friends and girlfriends thing suggests you can. So, y'know, if it feels good then do eeeet, if not, don't. And if you think it would feel good except for the anxiety... well, I'd assume the anxiety goes down with practice. Or if it's really crippling, free university counselling!

(if you have that)

>> No.2694391

>tfw you're a night owl, sleeping at 4:00 AM because it's quiet time where you get things down, and the majority of the population is in a comatose state
>tfw you saw the snuff film "1 guy 1 ice pick" where he slice a piece of the guy's ass and tries to eat it with a fork and you WTF

>> No.2694398

Don't tempt fate, I expect that thing's all over /b/. Mind you, until you click 95% of all horrible gifs on 4chan just look like a small bit of dark blurriness. So I don't click.

(works for scat porn too. That shit never looks real)

>> No.2694402

>anxiety goes down with practice

mm i dont see the feeling of anxiety as a problem. well i dont now, cause i did see it like that. now i just see it as a symptom. of what? just of the fact that i have a mental state of mind which is not practically compatible with most people's simply because i was not allowed to interact with them in the 1st years of life (which are decisive in this matter)

So, saying that "practice fixes it" is precisely the misunderstanding i was talking about. forcing myself to do something just because everyone does is not really a nice way to live. Dont you think?

Shit is just about leaving feelings aside for a minute, trying to get a wide picture of the situation and then act in function of it.

>> No.2694404

You inspire me, man. I'm so much like you, but I've never sat down and rigorously planned out how I might reach my full potential.

I'm going to go out and practice social tennis with bitches and mindfuck them more. I've relied way too much on my looks up till now in life. It's made bitches easymode, but I want to push myself harder.

Also, your gym schedule is ridiculous.

>> No.2694409

to expand, the girls come to me, which means that I've never practiced chasing them down and convincing them to go out on dates. I just take whatever kneels down in front of me. I've been way too complacent.

>> No.2694412
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ENTP checking-in.

... you're all sociopaths.

>> No.2694418


INTP here. I second that. Patrick Bateman all up in this bitch. I wonder if INTJ's make for shitty writers.

>> No.2694419

>forcing myself to do something just because everyone does is not really a nice way to live. Dont you think?
I honestly could not know, because I'm not you. Again, if it's genuinely not at all enjoyable that's fine. The only thing I'd suggest is that the early years being decisive is questionable- I mean, I'd want some very strong conclusions from psychology studies before accepting that.

>> No.2694420

Socail anxiety comes from isolation, It's a killer. You go to stop wanking and get out and talk to people.

>> No.2694422

Sociopaths with EAMES CHAIRS!

(I'm not. I think there's only two of them)

>> No.2694426

Wait... does NTP make people tripfriends?

>> No.2694428


Seems like it.

>> No.2694430

>you're all sociopaths

Please don't egg them on like this. Being "sociopaths" and faux-interesting is exactly the image these losers are attempting to go for.

>> No.2694440
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Oh. But being a sociopath isn't a positive thing. Or a cool thing. Or interesting. I guess I've forgotten about EDGY!

>> No.2694443
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...well im not saying they are definitive. but u aint gonna tell me we are not shaped by language and interactions during the 1st years of life.

im not saying that it is impossible to "lose anxiety in practice". it sure is. but it is gonna be a painful and slow process. like a new childhood only this time i would have to erase all i learned in the 1st place and replace it with what i was supposed to learn. that is just dreams in the mind of a psychologist.

psychology is a fine way to describe things but it lacks tools to act on them.

>> No.2694449

>referring to yourself by your myers-briggs result

bahahaha. keep it coming, /lit/. i haven't laughed this hard in a while.

>> No.2694456

Don't see any need for erasing. The mind's not a hard disc. It all just piles in there. Every new experience makes its own pathway, and once it's there... well, it's there.

>> No.2694459


>tfw it wasn't zyzz who inspired you to live, but Frank yang.

Watch his video


>> No.2694484

I'm going to say one thing. Reading this conversation is annoying me like when I am socializing.

I guess two... Stop trying to outdo each other. Focus on yourself

>> No.2694485
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>Every new experience makes its own pathway, and once it's there... well, it's there.

mm that aint false but it is a big simplification i think. actually therein lies the childhood argument. when ure a child theres nothing in your mind, so everything is reception. now every "new experience" is gonna find old stuff in that "pathway", which will not precisely be a harmonious synthesis of opposites.

so, right "once it is there... well its there", but it is easier to sit down on an empty chair than on an occupied one...

>> No.2694517
File: 8 KB, 300x360, satyr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw INTJ
>tfw unable to trick myself into thinking the things most people strive for are worth it
>slowly go more and more into Diogenes mode
>mattress on the floor in a one room apartment in a semi-ghetto high-rise
>work a few days a week, just enough to get by
>have a lot of spare time
>walk around town, sit by the river, share some wine with bohemian folk, talk to people, have a drink in a bar, read pirated, second hand and library books, cook humble dinners with fresh produce, write things, sometimes fuck bitches, live the simple life that includes everything I need

Feels good.

>> No.2694540
File: 1.34 MB, 2001x1001, 1338090678219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's very interesting; I'm an minimalist by nature too.

>tfw mattress on floor, 1 laptop, 1 e-reader, no social networking websites, simplified life to concentrate on learning

>tfw you'll never be able to lick your girlfriend's pussy and post it on facebook

Picture very related

>> No.2694543
File: 156 KB, 1257x611, gangsteroldman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never be an old white man touching young Asian students

>> No.2694546
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we need to make this man into a meme

>> No.2694564
File: 83 KB, 640x427, 5395716700_694b830bdc_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not quite a minimalist because so many passions and feels come from music for you
>tfw you have a piano in your apartment to seal the deal with random bitches you get back to the pad
>tfw playing a chopin nocturne and then fucking
>tfw you finish up after an hour and go back to playing chopin while she lies in bed smiling

>tfw swagged the fuck out all the time and you don't want to lift on this planet anymore because you've reached the limits of your expensive wardrobe when it comes to fit

>> No.2694625


(also, I'll never know how East Asian girls put up with our nasty blotchy white skin)

>> No.2694637
File: 23 KB, 407x421, austere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can live a simple life while still enjoying those things and look great doing it. Pic related, /fa/ as fuck.

It's about eliminating the superfluous. That of course differs per person.

>> No.2694651

>not a tripfag

This is the life

>> No.2695170

bump for interesting thread, we need more intj feels

>> No.2695179

Because our cocks are bigger and our eyes are huge.

True story.

Married to a Japanese girl and already put in my wild oats across Eastern Asia.

>> No.2695187
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>All of the intellectual snobbery, none of the crippling social anxiety.
Feels good man.

>> No.2695196

You're all so self-important. Everyone here is a narcissist, the only difference is some are also successful or lucky as well. I'm not saying I abhor people who live for themselves, but don't delude yourself into thinking you're a special snowflake. You're basically all shit.

>> No.2695201

Go rewatch fight club. You missed the point. Everyone's thoughts involute from time to time, it's only natural, and we have too much pride to discuss this shit anywhere else except on an anonymous image board.

>> No.2695206

Fuck fight club. I don't expect anything better of people for the most part, but I admire philanthropists who help humanity, not the people in this thread, nor do I for nihilistic bullshit like fight club

>> No.2695208

nor do I care for*

>> No.2695215

>edgy white teen living in the suburbs away from blacks detected

>> No.2695219

It's funny because I live in an area with a large African community and you completely misread that if you think it's being 'edgy' to admire philanthropists

>> No.2695225
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Uni sounds horrible.

>> No.2695227

>criticizing the desperate desire to be edgy that most /lit/izens share is now a desperate attempt at being edgy
It will take me some time to get my head around this

>> No.2697047

bump for nightly INTJ feels

>> No.2697058

I'm going back to school, and moving away, in the fall.

Currently worried that I'm just gonna be like I always have been, too scared to put myself out there where I might be judged, and unable to form relationships because of this.

I'm just gonna try to talk to people more, or something. I don't know.

>> No.2697087

>dat feel when you don't get your intj brother back from the other night