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/lit/ - Literature

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2692644 No.2692644 [Reply] [Original]

Pick your /lit/ teams, bitches.
>Team Europe

>> No.2692660

Get the fuck out

>> No.2692661

>Team Europe
>British authors


>> No.2692663

Pick your team
>Team Europe
-blood sausage
-English muffins

>Team America
-Philly cheesesteak

>> No.2692672

>Blood Sausage
I would have gone with Europe if not for that.

>> No.2692674

Polite sage, so fuck off you worthless piece of shit, OP.

>> No.2692687

>British Achievements
Microphones, lifeboats, Fizzy drinks, Disc brakes, Electric generators, Stainless steel, Fire extinguishers, Washing machines, Fax machines, Portable media players, Jet Engines, Celluloid, Sewing machine, Vacuum cleaners, Machine guns, Trains, Hovercrafts, Refrigerators, Rubber Bands, Seat belts, Magnifying glasses, Steam turbines...

>American Achievements
Beer hats, Fast food, Napalm, XXXXL clothes, Twinkies, shakeweights, MTV cribs, Prozac, Corn dogs, Candy floss.

>> No.2692692

>American achievements - dental care

>> No.2692694

brits got best dental in the wurld now acktual

free orthodontics to erryone.

>> No.2692695

I'll make it simple: electricity, thinks to Franklin's knowledge (as well as Faraday and a few other European scientists) and Edison's practical application, the electric telegraph, the telephone, mass commercial use of Steam Power, computers (you know, that thing you're using right now), and the Nuclear bomb.
>Implying Napalm is a bad thing.
You seam to have neglected a few things, sir. And I hate to break it to you, but the US has been the leading innovator in the world since the end of World War Two. And don't say China or Japan, since they can only copy and produce.

>> No.2692698

I only heard something about the Brit healthcare, so correct me if I'm wrong. Is it true that, despite being free, you guys have to wait an absurd amount of time?

>> No.2692700


Darwin, Newton.

>> No.2692709

I'll be happy to give you Darwin, but using Newton is unfair since the U.S. wasn't even its own country at that point.

>> No.2692720

No, fool, Ben Franklin didn't invent electricity, he flew a kite.
It was Mike Faraday who discovered the principle of electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism, the laws of electrolysisanode, the cathode, electrode, ion and benzene. He even invented the bunson burner. Without Faraday we wouldn't have modern electronics.

>mass commercial use of Steam Power
I really hope you aren't ignoring the huge British locomotive industry. You know, the steam engines that powered every train.

>computers (you know, that thing you're using right now)
Wrong again. The Sinclair ZX80, and the ZX Spectrum. Guess what? Both British.

>but the US has been the leading innovator in the world
All America does is refine things that have already been invented by the Britain. You may well exploit third would countries the best, but you can't invent for shit. All you have are a few things Edison did.

>> No.2692723

Don't count any immigrants if place of birth>nationality.

>> No.2692738

If you read my post, I basically said what you said. I said Franklin gave the world knowledge. I also said that Edison created the light bulb and other practical applications of electricity. By calling me a fool, you're calling yourself a fool.
Wrong again, fool. The first computers in general (the whole joke at the beginning was me ... joking, believe it or not). The U.S. also invented the internet (a primitive to link a couple college computers in the nineteen-sixties, I believe)
>Steam Power
I call bullshit on myself. You win that one.
>All that shit you spewed about the U.S. and innovation
4/10, Jimmies ever so slightly rustled.

>> No.2692765

Sir Timothy John "Tim" Berners-Lee, OM, KBE, FRS, FREng, FRSA is an English computer scientist, and the inventor of the World Wide Web....

...While an independent contractor at CERN from June to December 1980, Berners-Lee proposed a project based on the concept of hypertext, to facilitate sharing and updating information among researchers.[11] While there, he built a prototype system named ENQUIRE...

...He used similar ideas to those underlying the ENQUIRE system to create the World Wide Web, for which he designed and built the first Web browser. This also functioned as an editor (WorldWideWeb, running on the NeXTSTEP operating system), and the first Web server, CERN HTTPd (short for Hypertext Transfer Protocol daemon).


>> No.2692778

Jesus, Tim Berners Lee is only 56. What do you think he would say about the web if he ever stumbled upon /b/?

>> No.2692779

This might as well get stickied if it's just going to be posted over and over again.

>> No.2692784

Last time I'm replying since you guys are like a broking fucking record.
The U.S. began the research in the nineteen-sixties, culminating in several computers (used by colleges including MIT) were linked together with an early form of the Internet. I assume you don't understand the concept of subtraction, so the U.S. began and bared fruit nearly twenty-years beforehand.

>> No.2692791

He would probably Fosterwallace immediately.

>> No.2692809

New favourite verb.

>> No.2692958

>England invented Microphones, lifeboats, Fizzy drinks, Disc brakes, Electric generators, Stainless steel, Fire extinguishers, Washing machines, Fax machines, Portable media players, Jet Engines, Celluloid, Sewing machine, Vacuum cleaners, Machine guns, Trains, Hovercrafts, Refrigerators, Rubber Bands, Seat belts, Magnifying glasses, Steam turbines...

Yet you couldn't invent a toothbrush.

>> No.2692960

actually chuckled

>> No.2692964

>Yet you couldn't invent a toothbrush.

Har har

William Addis of England is believed to have produced the first mass-produced toothbrush in 1780.[9][12] In 1770 he had been jailed for causing a riot; while in prison he decided that the method used to clean teeth – at the time rubbing a rag with soot and salt on the teeth – could be improved, so he took a small animal bone, drilled small holes in it, obtained some bristles from a guard, tied them in tufts, passed the tufts through the holes on the bone, and glued them. He soon became very rich.


>> No.2693045

Oh fantastic, this thread is back. I do love this thread.

>> No.2695264
