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/lit/ - Literature

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2687353 No.2687353 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, I'm considering reading Atlas Shrugged. I know this is an extremely controversial book and I apologise in advance if this thread stirs up shit.

Basically, I've heard a lot about how bad it is and I have a sort of morbid curiosity about it. What's the plot about? What are the philosophical ideas it preaches, and what makes them flawed?

Is Atlas Shrugged worth reading even if it is bad?

>> No.2687369

Rule #4.

>> No.2687554

I'll bite.

Atlas Shrugged is about a society in which the inventors and businessmen all leave, and the government and people are left to their own devices. The plot focuses around Dagny Taggart, who runs a railroad company. The book's philosophical foundation is "Rational Objectivism", the idea that you should look out for your interests, and your interests alone. Capitalism is a huge theme here as well.

I really enjoyed the book, it's quite interesting. You can't take her philosophy 100% to heart, because society requires a pinch of socialism to function correctly.

>> No.2687565

Read the rules before you post. Thank you. Reported.

>> No.2687571

If you consider it a work of fiction its a good book. I personally like it although I don't agree with the message at all, don't think its or could be applicable to the real world and wish to smack Rand

I'd say its worth it if you don't care a whole lot about how unrealistic the characters are

>> No.2687576

>Is Atlas Shrugged worth reading even if it is bad?

No. If, for whatever reason, you absolutely MUST read Ayn Rand, at least have the good sense to read Fountainhead. Atlas Shrugged is legitimately a terrible novel, even setting aside my personal disagreement with Ayn Rand's philosophy.

>> No.2687605

But it's not a good work of fiction. It's not a good anything, that's why it's so unbearable.