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2683522 No.2683522 [Reply] [Original]

>Go to my local library
>Security cameras on the outside of the building because someone tried to blow it up a few years ago.
>Security cameras in the lobby because people were stealing books from the book sale shelf there.
>Security checkpoint beeper and tags on all the books because people steal library books.
>Can't insert disks or flash drives on the computers and need to log in with a library id card for a timed session because security.

Feels free.

>> No.2683526

it is, no one's stopping you from doing anything.

>> No.2683712
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>governments infringing on ones personal privacy without due precedence is acceptable
Fuck off, authoritarian scum.
Just because some mentally unstable person tries to blow up a public building, doesn't give the government free reign to terrorize it's citizens (with their own money) and treat everyone as potential criminals.
Bureaucracy breeds additional bureaucracy until it is transformed into an all-devouring behemothic Ouroboros.
When governments become too engorged, it's the populace that suffers.

>muh fourth amendment

>> No.2683714

They're just protecting you.

>> No.2683717

>tfw when the toilets are closed in my local library because they were a junkie den and were full of syringes

also stop being a whiny bitch and making a fuss about nothing. none of at that security stuff should matter if you're doing nothing wrong, except for the flash drive issue. you're getting free books, stop being such a martyr

>> No.2683722

>have license to carry a firearm
>bring a handgun into a library
>librarian and everyone else freaks out, starts running
>police are called, SWAT team locks down the building
>I am incapacitated via tear gas, tasers, and 5 burly, 200lb men in gas masks


>> No.2683731


>treat everyone as potential criminals.

Is everyone not a potential criminal?

>> No.2683736

>be visiting amedica
>Run out of books
>Visit library
>accidentally insert memory stick into computer
>librarian calls police
>20 -strong SWAT team arrives, abseiling through window
>destroy four shelves of books
>bookshelf falls onto librarian, killing her
>run out of library
>hit by taxi driven by Tajikistanian who is on the wrong side of the road
>FBI arrest me
>Sent to hospital
>ambulancemen steal my wallet
>receive bill for $290,863 dollars plus tip
>Sent to guantanamo without trial
>released after three years without trial
>taxi driver sues me for mental anguish and damage to his cab
>settle out of court for $15,992,001 plus tip
>deported and refused re-entry for five years

>> No.2683738

I'm with you op, it's fucking disgusting. We have cameras mounted on every traffic light here incase you go on yellow. We have number plate recognition and speed cameras too. An hour walk round city center will get my photo taken 500 times, and they are introducing facial recognition. I hate to think of personal freedom in 10years time.

>> No.2683742


>thinks he's living in Eagle Eye

>> No.2683745

You think this is a laughing matter mother fucker?

>> No.2683746


Go to bed Pynchon.

>> No.2683752
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>settle out of court for $15,992,001 plus tip

>> No.2683755
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I don't want your goddam nanny-state.
>none of at that security stuff should matter if you're doing nothing wrong
False dichotomy
I actually believe the world would be a safer and less crime-ridden place if everyone were encouraged to carry (and were trained in the handling thereof) firearms.
Yes, but not everyone should be treated as such.
Innocent until proven guilty, anyone?

>> No.2683758

Exactly what the guy above said. You're probably a creationist anti-vaccinationist conspiracy theorist who believes in Austrian economics and libertarianism. Professors are always correct.

>> No.2683761

PEOPLE ARE PAID TO MAKE THE DISTINCTION FOR YOU. You'll come to the same conclusion. I guarantee it.

>> No.2683764


ignore the pasta.

>> No.2683765

>I actually believe the world would be a safer and less crime-ridden place if everyone were encouraged to carry (and were trained in the handling thereof) firearms.

And why do you believe this, exactly?

>> No.2683766


>Innocent until proven guilty, anyone?

Does that mean they should just leave themselves entirely unprotected? Would advise the average citizen to do the same thing? Don't install that security system, because hey, innocent until proven guilty, right?

>> No.2683768

Was going to ask how your rights are being infringed upon because you can't steal library books, but
>I actually believe the world would be a safer and less crime-ridden place if everyone were encouraged to carry (and were trained in the handling thereof) firearms.
>I actually believe giving everyone weapons is a good way to prevent crime
>giving everyone weapons encourages people to not use them

It's incredibly depressing that Americans exist.

>> No.2683772
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And dissident political ideologies.

'the powers that be', be they regional, local, national or global can and will use any means possible to maintain their power.'

pic related, it's them.

>> No.2683777

trying to be purposely inflammatory I see. Typical brand of idiot who claims to be free while growing so ever more dependent.

Your rights are not worth the paper they are printed on. Whether you realize it or not, you will progressively surrender every "right" you claim to have to the ever more potent state. In time, you will demand a nanny. For certainly, people want nothing more than to be dependent.

>> No.2683779

If the people who shoplift books from the public library were encouraged to carry handguns, and were trained in their use, security cameras and rfid beepers would no longer be necessary. Follow me?

>> No.2683780


Not even a little.

>> No.2683786

>visit library
>welfare state libturd says that i have to check my grenade launcher at the door
>impale the progressive marxist with don't tread on me flag
>only one copy of the revolution: a manifesto
>"sir, you can't check out books until you pay the overdue fee on that dvd of magnum force"
>librarian is george soros in a fake mustache
>water in the drinking fountain is fluoridated
>barely escape with my life
>make /pol/ posts on /lit/

>> No.2683787

Because the poor will revolt. Get with the program, faggot.

>> No.2683792

>go to local library
>trip over a security system and seriously damage mah freedum
>go home and post thread on /lit/

>> No.2683794


>> No.2683797

>post on /lit/
>be a faggot
>"sir, please don't be a faggot"

>> No.2683796
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>> No.2683822
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I'm insulted by the very notion that they believe that I would steal library books.
I'm Canadian, actually.
And I'm glad that you asked.
I believe that by establishing an equilibrium of power (firearms) among the populace, it would eradicate the vast 'necessity' of law enforcement. Everyone would carry weapons, but everyone would be scared for their well-being if they actually decided to draw said weapon without the need to do so, thereby establishing a mentality akin to the Cold War (if you fire, you're as good as dead).
An example of this is the American Wild West.
Contrary to what popular culture would tell you, the 'Wild West' isn't as wild as you would think.
More (gun) crime and violence was prevalent in major city hubs then the in the West during that time period, because many of the average citizens of those cities did not carry weapons to protect themselves.
Other arguments:
Prohibition doesn't work
>Alcohol, illicit drugs
Quote by Eric Arthur Blair
>"That rifle hanging on the wall of the working-class flat
or labourer's cottage is the symbol of democracy.
It is our job to see that it stays there."
Ahhh, but that's where the distinction lies, it's their right as an individual to protect their personal and private property whereas the the 'public' property is owned by all or none (depending on who you ask) and requires no such protection (or if it does, it should be acquisitioned unanimously by the general public not installed because some bureaucrat/politician deems it appropriate).

>> No.2683831

there's so much wrong with this post, I don't even know where to begin

>> No.2683832


>"That rifle hanging on the wall of the working-class flat

Good god man, the idea of the inhabitants of council flats in London today having rifles on the wall is absolutely blood-chilling.

And if Orwell was alive to day, he'd be saying "good lord, please lets get those rifles off those ghastly chavs, they're absolutely killing each other with them".

You can't arm the British populace - they are far too violent.

>> No.2683834

is the point of the image misunderstanding the meaning of the term 'gun nut' or making fun of the people who do.

>> No.2683838
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this is quite possibly one of the stupidest things I have ever seen

>> No.2683861

Having lethal weaponry in everyone's possession makes us all safer. Infallible logic guyz

>> No.2683871

Just look at the Cold War! Works perfectly!

>> No.2683875
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Look guys! I have a magic sign that makes gun disappear!

>> No.2683885
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How's this: 40,000 people die in auto accidents every year. We need to ban cars because they are dangerous.

>> No.2683883
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Far safer than a governing body having a monopoly on force.

>> No.2683894

I really wish being a lunatic right-winger was a bannable offense. 4chan has been completely taken over by fucking Stormfronters.

>> No.2683904
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But that's wrong, you fucking retard...

>> No.2683906


Seriously, it's fucking disgusting.

>> No.2683911

Stormfronters and Nazis are two different fucking things, you retard.

>> No.2683913

>implying the workers owned the means of production in nazi germany

fucking LOL

who's the retard now

>> No.2683915


>Watching Faux News

>> No.2683920

If you want unfettered personal privacy, maybe you shouldn't go to public spaces.

>> No.2683924

>coming to power through an alliance with all the right wing and conservative parties
>constantly in conflict and street battles with the socialist and communist parties
>eventually banned all left wing socialist parties
>implying right wing automatically means free market, anti gun control, anti welfare, etc etc

You must be an American

>> No.2683922

>incorrectly inferring implications
I'm not saying they're left-wing or right-wing, they're more centrist than anything.

>> No.2683931
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Now stay with me...
They can stop using my tax money to spy on me in public domain.

>> No.2683935


How do you spy in public? It's public.

You know legally I can take your photo in public, and you can't do anything about it, right?

>> No.2683943

False, technically you can't photograph me in public without my consent.
I could sue you if you did.

>> No.2683957


No, it isn't false. Unless we're on like a military base, I can take your photograph in public without your consent.

>> No.2683961

I agree with what you're essentially saying, but you are one dumb motherfucker.

>> No.2683968

ITT: Clinton sock puppets trying to convince people a police state is for their own protection and not to make billions for her mafia family.

>> No.2683986

Hey cameras are good for the government of america to keep the populace under control. Imagine when they put the 30k unmanned drones over the US to spy on every inch of territory 24 hours a day, even in your own homes because the drones will contain thermal and infra-red imaging. I wonder what they will come up with after that...afterall the trend is that they keep a tighter and tighter leash. Will they limit people in how many miles a day they may travel?

Yeah nice world....do governments realise they are treading on dangerous ground? You can only abuse the masses so long...LOOK AT HISTORY YOU STUPID FUCKS. i.e. French revolution, Russian bolshevik uprising etc etc.

Yeah humanity will just sit back and watch while they are poor, with little food and enslaved. Right...see how that will end fuckers.

>> No.2684092

So, when it comes to guns, concealed carry should be doled out to the public at large because we can't stop the bad guys from arming themselves.

So, when it comes to security cameras, public corporations should not be allowed to deploy them despite the fact we can't stop the bad guys from taking your picture when you're out in public.

Guns for all! This is a camera-free zone!

>> No.2684104

Cameras don't watch people. People with cameras watch people.

Don't blame the camera just because you were seen.

>> No.2684166

>concealed carry
No, actually open carry would be more effective as a first measure deterrent to scare off those who would prey on the weak and defenseless. If that fails, at least the guns are there to protect them.
>public corporations
Now do you mean publicly or privately owned corporations?
Private is fully within their rights to do so, whereas public I object to based on the use of communal funds for implementation.

>> No.2684296

Just so I get this straight: you believe the open display of guns by the populace will deter book thieves at public libraries because they will reason that patrons or librarians will shoot them over petty theft?

And this is a superior method of law and order over surveillance systems?

>> No.2684351
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They're two different subjects. You're the one who keeps on mixing up the two. Work on your reading comprehension.
Ohh wait, I guess pic related.

>> No.2684363

That's not authoritarian, that's just annoying. There's a difference.

>governments infringing on ones personal privacy without due precedence is acceptable

What privacy? You are in a public building.

Now if we are talking about airports you might have a point.

>> No.2684443

This is a thread about surveillance at libraries. The same posters who complain about surveillance also state that they believe an improvement over a "police state" would be everyone packing heat openly to deter crime. Multiple posts such as this are in the comment chain I quoted. How I am mixing up anything or putting forward a strawman?

So far, nothing has been put forward to replace security cameras and security tags except an armed and alert citizenry.

>> No.2684452

>whereas public I object to based on the use of communal funds for implementation.

And that's why public library boards are elected and have public hearings, for objections such as those.

>> No.2684485

>deferring personal responsibility to an arbitrary authority
>complain why they do something you dont like

>> No.2684490

Europeans REALLY can't see the advantages to open carrying and the second amendment?

It's no wonder they let their government's fuck them in the ass every few hundred years or so.

>> No.2684606

>In The UK:
Gun possession is illegal
There are fewer than 10 gun related deaths A YEAR

>In The US:
Gun possession is legal
There are over 80 gun related deaths A DAY.

>> No.2684622

thats an incredibly disingenuous stat for a number of reasons

most notably 1) the majority of gun-related deaths in the US are suicides, and it's questionable whether that's a result of gun violence 2) the united states has 5 times as many people as the UK

also it would be worth looking at violent crime rates generally in the UK to get a better comparison of safety rates

>> No.2684632

Let's assume you're right. The problem is the size of our borders. Even if we were to ban all firearms outright, it wouldn't mean a goddamned thing.

>> No.2684633

Oh, I know that the British can be horrible violent people. But you cant argue that arming the public results in more people shooting each other.

>> No.2684636

This is coming from a person who lives in a country that has been in existence for just over 200 years and has been consistantly fucked over by the government the entire time.

Yeah, revolution doesn't really have anything to do with gun laws.

>> No.2684654
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>government is becoming increasingly more shit
>more cameras are installed to prevent a revolt that would remove said shit government

I haven't been to the US, but the UK is really starting to look 1984ish.

>> No.2684658
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Two words: Patriot Act.

>> No.2684661

Its getting bad here. The cameras I hate most are the average speed detectors on some motorways. You have a 15 mile stretch and it takes your number plate at the start and finish and works out your average speed.

The funny things is people moan about personal privacy, then publish a detailed list of associates, political views, favourite books, films, tv programs, directly on facebook. They would be outraged if they knew the government had compiled lists like these, but instead do the work for them.

I'm glad the forced ID card thing never went through though.