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2680657 No.2680657 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here give a fuck about John Cooper Clarke?

There's a BBC documentary about him currently airing, and I watched maybe three minutes of it -- full of quipd by people such as Bill Bailey and Steve Coogan -- and turned it off.

He's a 'punk poet'. He writes fairly comical verse, sometimes with a political edge, but I get the feeling that if you remove the punk part and judge him just on his poetry there's not much there. I like some of his stuff -- it's entertaining -- but there's really nothing to it. The documentary by the BBC sort of re-enforces this by nit having any fucking writers on it. I mean, a documentary about a poet and no poets on the show? Not good is it?


John Cooper Clarke. Love him? Hate him? Never heard of him? Don't give a fuck?

>> No.2680661

all i know about john cooper clarke is that apparently he was a super influence on ren harvieu, who is this british pop/soul singer that i absolutely fucking love atm

but that's all i really know

>> No.2680688

watching it now. I love John Cooper Clarke - consider that he made it as a poet in a feral scene where the most intelligent lyrics were being put out by the sex pistols.

>> No.2680881
File: 27 KB, 450x450, markesmith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never heard of this Clarke guy but if he thinks he's the "bard of Salford" he's going to get a cigarette stubbed out on him

>> No.2680889


Mark E Smith is the greatest poet England has seen in the last 50 years.