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/lit/ - Literature

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2679607 No.2679607 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we list our favorite fantasy books and authors.

Terry Goodkinds The Sword of Truth is amazing!

>> No.2679634

get out of here terry

>> No.2679637

Good Gods in Valhalla.

This douche bag was caught trying to give his book a better rating on Amazon. Fuck's sake , Terry...

>> No.2679638
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>> No.2679642
File: 50 KB, 300x500, the-soulforge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite would have to be The Soulforge from the Dragonlance Series. By far not the best fantasy novel, not even the best I've ever read. But it's my fav, I have a lot of good memories about it and really thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I still have a copy even though last time I moved i had to cut down from 3 suitcases + a crate worth of books to 1/2 a suitcase worth.

>> No.2679644

If by amazing you mean blatantly moralizing on a scale rivaled only by Ayn Rand then yeah, it sure is.

>> No.2679654

China Mieville

>> No.2679663

Yeah I remember even when I was in high school and didn't know anything about Ayn Rand I was able to recognize the themes in his novels that were inspired by her as the bullshit they were.

My favorite fantasy series was always Wheel of Time but I haven't read any fantasy in ages.

>> No.2679674

Is that the one where there's a tribe of mudscum who punch each other to show respect? Because I didn't even finish that shit.

>> No.2679676
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>that feel when you read Atlas Shrugged in 9th grade and thought it was brilliant in theme and content.

It's a joy to be grown.