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/lit/ - Literature

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2679065 No.2679065 [Reply] [Original]

What you reading /lit/?

Let me just take a look there.

By the way, I'm reading The Great Gatsby

>> No.2679080

Just finished The Man in the High Castle, starting Anathem.
On other fronts, working through MMW Dr. Strange vol.1 (the Ditko stuff), Red Dead Redemption, and Star Treks: OS and Next Gen.

>> No.2679095

I'm reading Flatland.

Love these strange classics.

>> No.2679100

A Clockwork Orange

>> No.2679097

The Fires of Heaven, fifth book in the Wheel of Time series

>> No.2679104

I just finished Catch 22.

I'm not sure if I want to start The Crying of Lot 49 or Mason & Dixon next.

>> No.2679106

World War Z. Starting it back up after a couple months because I was hammered with school readings/catching back up on comic books. Enjoyable, even if I think zombies are played out.

>> No.2679114

A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.2679119

Just finished Kafka on the Shore, trying to decide among:
-A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
-The Bell Jar
-True History of the Kelly Gang

>> No.2679122

Flatland is really good. I read it in high school right before taking calculus and it blew my mind.

>> No.2679132

A Portrait of the Artist...

>> No.2679134
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Just finished 2666 so I thought I'd try something lighter.

I'm about 170 pages into "The Way of Kings", and I'm not happy. Was hoping for a new LotR or ASoIaF (unfamiliar with WoT) but the "moving bridges around" and "buying stuff at a bookstore" chapters I just read were brutally dull.

>> No.2679139

I was leaning toward that, but it seems like more of an investment of energy than the other two. I'm certainly going to read all three in the foreseeable future.

>> No.2679147

LotR and and ASoIaF are pretty dissimilar, so I'm not sure why you'd be using those as a kind of standard together. WoT is another animal entirely.

>> No.2679151
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Today i finished Breakfast of Champions.

Now i'm finishing Sixty Stories.

Damn /lit/, why don't you talk about Donald Barthelme? Dude's shit is impressive as fuck.

>> No.2679155

Sense and Sensibility

>> No.2679160


i do, you dick

read his novel snow white it's wicked cool

>> No.2679161

''The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories''

>> No.2679164
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Dharma Bums

Hated On The Road, but this is great.

>> No.2679166

Don't know what to read next. Or Dickens, or the rest of the Dune novels, or Borges books or The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.2679169


he probably just meant "epic fantasy literature".

Although tbh idk why he would start with Way of Kings. Its the first of a planned ten book series, who's author is currently busy finishing the final book of another 14 books series.

if he wanted epic fantasy, should have WoT a spin, or maybe went with Mistborn (same author) trilogy. I'm holding out on way of kings for these very reasons.

>> No.2679176

I got through it in about a week.

Then again, this was my third attempt at it, so I had a bit of warmup.

>> No.2679185

Good to know. I have 2 hours+ of commuting time a day, plus some other spare time. I was just afraid of committing to something as daunting as Joyce without a significant reorganization of my schedule/psyche like when I start seeing a girl>implying I can get a date

>> No.2679190


Portrait's a little draining, but next to Ulysses or Finnegans it's a cakewalk and actually quite a fun read.

>> No.2679222


You're right. I was thinking any kind of epic fantasy. I don't usually read the genre.

I picked "A Way of Kings" because I thought it would be fun to follow a new series as it's coming out (which I hadn't done before).

And "A Portrait..." is great, and I suggest you look up who Charles Parnell is just so you know what everyone's arguing about.

>> No.2679233

Just finished A Farewell to Arms. I felt like it was shit and poorly written. There were times when I would get into it, but Hemingway's attempts at describing the environment were painful to read.

Anyways, about to start Portrait of the Artist by Joyce.

>> No.2679269

It's fun until you have to wait for the next book in the series to come out.

>> No.2679300

The Sound and the Fury
100 pages in and its kind of confusing.

>> No.2679301

As I Lay Dying

>> No.2679313

re-reading "Look Homeward, Angel".

I'm remembering why this used to be one of my favorite books. I'm fascinated with the character of W.O Gant.

>> No.2679312
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>> No.2679316

For Whom the Bell Tolls

>> No.2679319

Just started Island by Aldous Huxley. Kinda sad, I will have read all novels by Huxley after this one...

>> No.2679323

Just picked up "Red Mars"
Rather enjoying it.

>> No.2679325

I've heard good things but sci-fi can be hard for me to get into at times. Is it an easy read?

>> No.2679328

Winesburg, Ohio

>> No.2679335

It's a heavy, technical read.
Hard sci-fi would be a good description.
Not terribly far into it, but the characters are interesting, everything is described in great detail, though it's rather slow going.

>> No.2679351

I'm reading Crying of Lot 49. Trying it after failing to enjoy Mason & Dixon and Gravity's Rainbow, and I like it. It seems like a nothing-special novel from a very special author.

>> No.2679356


How is it? I've been thinking of giving it a go for a while now.

>> No.2679368

I am half way through The Tin Drum.

>> No.2679373

I feel sorry for every soul that has to read through the great gatsby.

>> No.2679374

All quiet on the western front, I'm almost finished, I've loved reading it.

Then I'm onto The Heart of a Dog and then Rushdie's Midnight's Children.

>> No.2679376

It's only about 300 pages, there are some parts that are really hard to read just because they're boring (The 30 pages description of Hell) and parts that are confusing (Dedalus' explanation of his esthetic philosophy). But aside from that, the book is really enjoyable. It took me about two week to read, whereas Ulysses took me 7 weeks.

>> No.2679379

Oh, I'm reading To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf. It's rather slow moving but some parts are really interesting from a psychological perspective. I admire how well she can create all the describe all the different thoughts and feelings so eloquently.

Next up is The Portrait of Dorian Gray.

>> No.2679398

Have you read The Gormenghast Trilogy?

>> No.2679408

But remember Harry Potter? The anticipation for the next one. Our generation(i assume you are around 20) have everything we could want for hundreds of years. Imagine when Tolstoy was around and people were waiting 20 years for him to release his new novel. Imagine being around waiting for the beatles to release white album.

We still have some stuff we look forward to but yeah.

>> No.2679902

The Green Mile, it's no masterpiece but it's nice for casual reading. That being said, I'm only 50 pages in.

>> No.2679905


It isn't the portrait. It's: The >Picture< of Dorian Gray

>> No.2679910

was expecting
>hey anon let me see that book. ill put some notes in the margins for you

>> No.2679913

no you're getting it mixed up with joyce. it's a picture of the artists as a young man

>> No.2679917

At the moment I'm reading The Lovely Bones, but I switch between about six different books or so. I was reading The Divine Comedy a week ago

>> No.2679920

Archaeologies of the Future by Fredric Jameson.

it's actually really approachable as far as Marxist cultural theory goes (as opposed to say some Slovenian's Lacanian drool), centering around the theme of Utopianism - what it is, what it can accomplish, etc. - and relating it to science fiction. I know nothing about science fiction but the examples are pertinent and stuff.

next I'm on to Marx's 1844 Manuscripts.

>> No.2679921
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Taking a break from reading after reading two books in three days

>Jercy Packson and the Thightning Lief

Oh god that second book hnnng, it nearly killed me. I just read it because a friend suggested it to me a few years ago (and we both like adventure stories in young-adult or first young adult series). Terrible, terrible writing. Characters at points were ooc, and the "plot turns" were ridiculous set ups that only a low level fan fiction writer could come up with. There were a few scenes I mfw'd. It's very poorly written, even if it is for kids.

>> No.2679932


Does he talk about how advertising co-opts the utopic impulse in that book?

>> No.2679940

He talks about Bloch's talking about it, yeah, but not at length.

>> No.2679951

Keep reading, Adolin/Dalinar chapters are god tier and Kaladin chapters get good

Shallan chapters are kind of shit but so are most women POVs in fantasy