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2676306 No.2676306 [Reply] [Original]

ask a genius anything
my favorite writers are bakhtin, freire, and kerouac

>> No.2676311

Oh God!

>> No.2676316
File: 18 KB, 193x228, eyeroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CLT jokes post-2010

I bet you think posting with ##frequency is still funny, too.

>> No.2676317

go back to /mu/ immediately
try harder next time

>> No.2676320

its Camp, you wouldnt understand bc you still use reaction images and probably dont know who Huizinga is

>> No.2676321


>> No.2676325

It's actually kind of charming how the 4chan aesthete's highest intellectual aspiration is to fall in line with the tastes of a 20-year-old liberal arts college pseud who pretends to have good taste in whiskey and, for all his old-soul elevated tastes carefully cobbled together from a variety of specialty interest message boards, still probably wants nothing more than for a girl to let him do anal like in streaming porn

>> No.2676335

Now that's a run-on sentence I can agree with.

>> No.2676336

i can actually deal with these people, because at least they're trying... also because 5 years ago i was that guy

>> No.2676337

is that really what the 4chan aesthete's highest aspiration is tho

i mean is it really

>> No.2676341

nah, we just liked the second part of his post because
that guy exists, and i assume those of a certain age on here were that guy, while some still are

>> No.2676343

remember how parroting tired stereotypes then claiming you are above said stereotypes w/ forced smugness doesnt change the fact youre at the intelligence level of those who worship judd apatow and murakami

>> No.2676347
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A typical /lit/ user is well known among his peers for his drinking prowess and attention-deficit-disorder, and maintains several certifications from various authorities, including the prestigious "Outstanding Arrest Warrant" recognition for impeccable driving skills and work as public figure in his hometown.

Also, your post is embarrassingly correct. I'm overjoyed.

>> No.2676348
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>> No.2676350
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I sure love troll threads

>> No.2676356

I like judd apatow and murakami!! gimme step brothers over camera buff any day imo

>> No.2676357

I'm a 19 year old who attends a liberal arts college and I can sort of relate to anon's post. But in my case I just want to be able to confidently discuss things and know what I'm talking about. It seems everyone around is a patrician in some capacity (be it ballet, distance running, visual art, investment banking...) and I have nothing. If I can impress a girl by being able to lord it over her how many obscure movies I've watched, then great.

>> No.2676360

>But in my case I just want to be able to confidently discuss things and know what I'm talking about.
>If I can impress a girl by being able to lord it over her how many obscure movies I've watched, then great.

this is like if noah baumbach was the lead singer of blink-182

>> No.2676363

stop bein a busta


>> No.2676364
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>using pop culture interests as some kind of proof of personal worth

>> No.2676371
File: 28 KB, 495x700, forever alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i actually saved these movie recommendations
>going to see which ones are at my local library and watch them in my free time, which is to say, fri & sat nights, when the rest of the world is out socializing
>if my film tastes advance to patrician tier, would have to conceal it since no one likes a pretentious film snob, not even pseudo-intellectual movie enthusiasts who think they're film snobs
>my own knowledge of film would be so far removed from the mainstream that i'd actually be less able to discuss movies w/ joe six-pack, than if i had "peaked" with directors like wes anderson, david fincher, and sofia coppola
>in fact, if i try to discuss film with your average joe or jane after i've watched patrician-core, they'll get the impression that i'm retarded and completely unknowledgeable in the area of film
>will get to wave my credentials at anonymous online forums, though, so that will make it all worthwhile

>> No.2676379

>mfw i actually saved these movie recommendations
>going to see which ones are at my local library and watch them in my free time, which is to say, fri & sat nights, when the rest of the world is out socializing

theres nothing wrong with this. watch some good-ass movies and have a good fucking time. whatever thats cool.

its just everything else in the post thats dumb as hell

>> No.2676381


Thank you 4chan for rationalizing and approving my decision to sit alone in my house all day long.

>> No.2676383

anything like Bakhtin's writings on Rabelais and the carnival?

>> No.2676390

you wont be able to find most of those films outside karagarga

>> No.2676413

unless you live in a city like new york you won't find those. try to get account here and know what's up:

>> No.2676426
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It's actually kind of charming how people will always try to value themselves above others as a desperate means of coping with their own insecurities.

>> No.2676434

Most of those aren't even that obscure, he just put foreign titles and posters to make people think it's obscure.