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/lit/ - Literature

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2675680 No.2675680 [Reply] [Original]

>be over educated, intelligent and curious individual
>used to read literature all the time
>probably have better taste than most of you

>now no more patience to read lit
>read copious amounts of comic books instead


>> No.2675691

Who are some of your favorite authors? What comic books do you read?

I like it when the well-read posters post. I hope you're willing to give out recommendations.

>> No.2675715

because you're a deluded pleb

>> No.2675718

You came off kind of pompous in your opening post. I'm sure you didn't mean to, but you should try not to act as if you're better than people around you.

>> No.2675722

Who is that hot piece of ass, OP?

>> No.2675726


For lit: James Branch Cabell, Mervyn Peake, Nabokov, McCarthy, Gogol, Shakespeare, Baudelaire, Voltaire, Dickens, blablabalbla

For phil: Rorty, Hakuin, Nietzsche, Wei Wu Wei, Schopenhauer, Ikkyu, Kant, Hume, Feyerabend, blablabal

Comic books: DC new 52: Batman, Aquaman, Animal Man, Swamp Thing, Batman & Robin, Teen Titans, Flash, etc

Marvel: Venom, Astonishing Spidey, Uncanny X-Force

basically cape comics lol, but they're more entertaining than reading literature for some reason

>> No.2675733


That's Gadget.

>> No.2675738


I'm not sure why you'd think that you have better taste in literature than us. That's remarkably standard taste, around here.

>> No.2675739


I don't, it was just a way to attract attention and get replies

please respond

>> No.2675741

Ah yeah, that does seem like pretty normal /lit/ taste. I guess if nothing else you're better than the people making dystopia threads constantly.

>> No.2675742

The pseudo-intellectual hive of pathetic neckbeards in this board has made me lose all hope in enjoying literature.

There's some scarequote-wielding saging piece of shit in every thread. Just wait for it.

>> No.2675745


What are you on about? Did someone yell at you for reading bad literature and now you're scarred or something?

>> No.2675751
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I love graphic literature. Have you read Asterios Polyp?

>> No.2675752

Not serious about losing all hope in literature, just saying this board is a sad sack of shit

Every discussion is like talking to my retarded friend who would question anything and everything no matter how painfully obvious it is.

>> No.2675759


I read some of it, it was really boring and plain, does it get better?

>> No.2675775

> You came off kind of pompous in your opening post. I'm sure you didn't mean to, but you should try not to act as if you're better than people around you.

What if one really is better than most people? How shud one then act? Still humble?

>> No.2675776
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This and Watchmen are the extent of graphic novels I have read.

>> No.2675778


Whatever do you "mean"?

>> No.2675790
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Your attention span has been fucked by the other media you're consuming. Sitting down and reading a book has none of the instant gratification you've become accustomed to from movies, comics, the internet, and video-games.

Maybe you'll get into reading again. Probably with easy books that are stimulating and make you turn the pages, but not intellectually stimulating. The Hunger Games, Harry Potter... you'll read them and have conversations with your co-workers about them. Though you'll maintain that smugness you acquired in high-school.

"I still have better taste than them," you'll think whilst reading the latest written-at-a-fifth-grade-reading-level-for-adults novel. Enjoying it and scoffing at it in equal measure, but being unable to justify either.

Maybe you'll find a girl and end up going out with her. You don't really like her that much, she's not as smart as you, but you're 'settling', so what does that really matter? But you end up marrying her and having kids together. Slightly above average in looks and intelligence. As the years go by both you and your wife may cheat once or twice. Bored by each other.

>> No.2675793
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>>2675790 cont.

Your kids will grow up, consuming media that has been perfected to be as addictive as possible. They won't read the books they're assigned for school. Because why read 200 pages when you can read 2? Why are those 198 even necessary when the plot can be so easily condensed? They'll graduate and leave for college and get similar marks to what you did, go into similar mediocre careers.
You'll be left at home with your smugness and your wife. She knows you feel superior to her, but she's not convinced it's true.

Then maybe, when the bitterness comes to it's conclusion and you're on your death bed. Hating the fact that you wasted your life, that everything you'e done has been so average. You'll think to yourself:

"I'm exactly the same as the people I despise..."

The cardiac monitor will beep continuously, a sheet will be pulled over your head, and your son will go home and browse the future equivalent of 4chan. He'll make a post on the future equivalent of /lit/, radiating smugness and wondering why he only has the attention span to read government-approved rage comics.

>> No.2675802

10/10 i cry everytim

>> No.2675804

>lol faggot you read it? ever heard of sparknotes? what a nerd faggot

>> No.2675808


but I don't want to have kids or get married and I don't despise anyone

I just find literature boring, and inferior to Comic Books

it's an aesthetic and stylistic judgment, one that I can confidently make since my tastes are so refined and I am over educated

>> No.2675815
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I love it, so I'd recommend just finishing it and seeing for yourself. It's a quick read and, I feel, a textbook example of exactly what the graphic novel should and can be.


You should definitely check out some more. You can't go wrong with the Three Gods of Comics (Eisner, Moebius, and Tezuka), but if you want some thick material that's more contemporary you need to read some Naoki Urasawa (Pluto, Monster, 20th Century Boys), Inio Asano (Oyasumi Punpun, Solanin, Nijigahara Holograph) and Mike Mignola (Hellboy, BPRD).

>> No.2675820
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>He can't enjoy art because of his pretentiousness

>> No.2675830


Troll thread 2/10

>> No.2675835


Nice writing. Perhaps you should turn this into a short story centered around the pseudo-intellectual claim of superiority.

>> No.2675839
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Read some history and find out what the over educated traditionally done in their spare time

>> No.2675842

You mean enslave a whole race?

>> No.2675844
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>pic related, what I thought of while reading this

>> No.2675848

Inio Asano hurts my heart so good

I USED TO have a complete collection of the Monster graphic novels but somewhere in a move I lost volume 8. Now they're out of print and twice as expensive as they used to be. Urrghhhh.

Anyways as a starting point for Tezuka I suggest Black Jack. It has the right balance of his more child-appropriate work and his incredibly dark work in terms of tone, so it's pretty accessible, it's also episodic so you can take a break from it and pick it up again a few months later and still know what's going on. Another one with good balance but a less episodic narrative is Buddha. If you like his more humorous, child-oriented work, Astro Boy is great (and I feel that The World's Strongest Robot arc is an absolute must-read before or after Pluto) Princess Knight is also really good, and his early sci-fi adventures like Nextworld and Metropolis are fun too. As for darker, more mature stories, Ode to Kirihito, Phoenix, and MW are great. MW is my personal favorite of his one-shot works. I'm really excited that they're re-releasing Message to Adolf now too, as I never was able to collect all the volumes of the first attempt to release it in the US.

Other manga worth checking out in my opinion are Mushishi, Blade of the Immortal, Sexy Voice and Robo, Otoyomegatari, The Embalmer, Soil and Gunjo. MPD Psycho if you like pulp with a lot of gore.

>> No.2675851
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The OTHER tradition.

>> No.2675855 [DELETED] 


I have hard time believing that you're over educated,when you say that literature is inferior to comic and you have mostly DC and Marvel comic as the comic books you have read.

>> No.2675868


>,when you say that literature is inferior to comic and you have mostly DC and Marvel comic as the comic books you have read.

that's how dull literature is to me now

>> No.2675874
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Mah nigga.

>This is the opposite of my face when there will never be a second season of Mushishi.

The comics are damn good though. Shinto-Sci-Fi, bitches.

>> No.2675885

This thread scares me because I find myself in the same predicament.

I tell myself it's because I appreciate the complexities and subtlety afforded a visual medium over overwrought, verbose prose...but that's not quite it.

Just finished Of Mice and Men for the first time today. First prose novel I've read in months.

>> No.2675921

this isn't about literature, it's about you

sage for off-topic

>> No.2676065

Man, Stephen King was better when he was all coked up.

>> No.2676069


counter-argument: the tommyknockers

>> No.2676084
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hey op do you know who's going to be the gay character in the new 52? i found myself on the opposite path from the one you describe but i like to keep up on my imaginary superhero gossip.

anyway, do you have a kindle or something that makes it easy to cart a big ol' book around and read it in 20-minute snatches on the bus? that really helped me. i don't want to be like a high school guidance counselor who fixates on the one interest they know you have, but would you be into Contemporary Lit With Comic Book References And Shit? the brief wondrous life of oscar wao, the amazing adventures of kavalier and clay, the fortress of solitude?

>> No.2676092


Oh man, I've been saying this for years. However, I feel like it's taken him a good two decades or so but his latest stuff is getting back up there. I think he figured out writing again.

>> No.2676185

>hey op do you know who's going to be the gay character in the new 52

I heard something about that, but I don't really care lol

>anyway, do you have a kindle or something that makes it easy to cart a big ol' book around and read it in 20-minute snatches on the bus?

nah, I'm too much of a luddite to bother with kindles

>but would you be into Contemporary Lit With Comic Book References And Shit? the brief wondrous life of oscar wao, the amazing adventures of kavalier and clay, the fortress of solitude?

I might check out Kavalier and clay...but I doubt it will be as enjoyable as a comic book

>> No.2676243

>says he has good taste
>reads DC's 52 without discrimination

Stop that.

>> No.2676265

Easy. Your mind craves instant gratification.

Prescription: A heavy does of intellectual hunger and mental maturity.

>> No.2676272

They actually did a Dark Horse anthology series based on the comic from that book but I don't necessarily recommend it. There was a lot of talent on it but I remember basically nothing from it.

This is such a common thing but I more often see it in the form of snobs with pretty esoteric taste in art comics who have the lit bookshelves of college sophomores. it's probably exhausting to have exquisitely curated taste in more than one arena

>> No.2676277

fuck exquisitely curated taste. exquisitely curated taste may be cool and it may look good, but it's really fucking boring. sure my taste may be idiosyncratic and include a lot of things that are deeply unfashionable - but they're all things that i love passionately. and i think it is absolutely possible to know a lot and be passionate about a lot of different fields - it may not be possible to get them exquisitely curated, but you can have some kind of knowledge.

>> No.2676283

bored /co/mrade here
Also, go for Brandon Graham, Jack Kirby, Barry Windsor Smith, Wilfred Santiago, Jason, Jeff Lemire and Rafael Grampa. Inio Asano and Inoue are really good, too, but that's manga. It's really all the same, but some people are anal about it.

>> No.2676315

man, i'm being snotty. you never met someone whose nascent personality leaned heavily on knowing a lot about one thing and totally fell apart when asked for an opinion for something out of their own personal cultural fiefdom

>> No.2676323
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It is a pleasant surprise to visit /lit/ and find good (what I hope) is original writing.

Well done.

>> No.2676328

yeah (14-y.o.-me when a girl on an internet forum asked me for an opinion on neutral milk hotel records besides aeroplane over the sea) (real talk)

yeah okay i can dig where you're coming from, sorry, kinda snappy atm. sorry bro. it's been a long couple days.

>> No.2676332
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