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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 65 KB, 570x400, ThatGuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2669973 No.2669973 [Reply] [Original]

>Preaches the value of physical, hard cover novels.
>Listens to audio books.

>> No.2669984

Please, let's not do this. It doesn't add anything and it's not going to be miraculously hilarious out of nowhere.

>> No.2669986

False dichotomy general?

>> No.2669990
File: 98 KB, 469x700, 1337966485006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep growing that mustache, one day you'll look as good as me.

>> No.2669999

I hate ebooks.
also teach com keyword ignore this part

>> No.2670004

How the fuck do you get a mustache like that?

>> No.2670043

>tfw I never will be able to grow a 'stache that thick and awesome

also is that just random dude or someone in particular, I've always wondered?

>> No.2670044

Francois Verkerk.

You're welcome.

>> No.2670054
File: 45 KB, 500x477, tumblr_llel4cW0ga1qj1j6jo1_500-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Francois Verkerk. He's actually a model for Jean Paul Gaultier

>> No.2670057

>talks to girls about books
>hasn't read a book in six months

>> No.2670070

>recommends a book to someone
>describes it as kafkaesque

>> No.2670071

>reads a big book
>makes a thread about it

>> No.2670081

>goes to raves
>dresses bookish

>> No.2670090

>Borrows your book
>folds the corners down instead of a bookmark

>> No.2670097

does... anyone do that?

>> No.2670098

>has a huge list of books on facebook profile
>ALL of them are recent hollywood blockbuster adaptations

why do people do this? it clear you've never read any of them.

>> No.2670102

No, I mean, to borrowed books.

>> No.2670103

My fucking sister did that. I lent her a book a while ago, then a few days later I told her "if you fold down the corners I'm going to beat you upside the head with it" and she was like "oh.............." and so I beat her upside the head with it.

>> No.2670113

Oh, good God, you did well.

>> No.2670389

people that dog ear books are sinners of the highest order. They should be put to death at the earliest connivance.

>> No.2670394

>Go to hipster thrift store in Williamsburg NY
>See random book
>Zen & Motorcycle's, I heard that was good
>Ratty paperback
How much?

Not on your fucking life.

>> No.2670406
File: 1.11 MB, 2300x2880, 2266655129_05bfb1e153_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This 'man' upsets me. His physical appearance in revolting to my sense of aesthetics. The implicit hipster rolling off of him; conveyed by his 'stylish' glasses, near anorexic physic and tasteless medium t-shirt, are cause for me to leave him in a vat of acid and record his pathetic screams so I may enjoy them again later.

Sadly I see to many of this psudo-intellectuals roaming the land. I do believe and 'final solution' is in order to round up this stains on society.

>> No.2670418

If we're going to discuss the neuroticisms of lit-types, go no further than /lit/. We are the most needlessly cerebral types when it comes to enjoying literature. In fact, "outsiders" seem so simple in their approach that we're almost warranted to look down upon them the same way a depressed person both envies and looks down upon mentally-healthy individuals as not knowing the sort of pain or complications that person knows.

I mean, for example: Nobody on this board actually enjoys books. We just enjoy hating eachother.

>> No.2670426


What it is to generalize the generalizers.

>> No.2670436

Everyone in my town that isn't a bro or a stoner is one of these fucks. The conversations ... they're so ... so very dull

>he's talking about Metamorphosis

>> No.2670439


It's way too satisfying, is what it is. No wonder /lit/ engages in it so much.

>> No.2670441


Oh, I know. If ever there was a place to do it, it's here.

>> No.2671283
File: 139 KB, 506x600, 1306462179969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complain about dumbasses in your college lit classes who don't do the reading, never understand shit that the teacher says, and generally just don't care
>be a terrible math(s) student who never studies and complains that math is just too difficult and completely worthless

>> No.2671292

>claims to have vast knowledge of literature
>changes subject whenever literature is brought up

>> No.2671338

>talks about the downfall of discourse and intellectually vigor
>has never read a book

>> No.2671352

I like to give /lit/ the benefit of the doubt and pretend all this is one big in-joke and no one is really serious.

>> No.2671370
File: 137 KB, 425x637, tumblr_m17hn4D2tz1rpg8vdo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only knew that one picture and googled him. Ruined it forever for me. Well, one man less to look up to I guess.

>> No.2671381

Because he is a red head? Fucking racists, man...

>> No.2671382

>likes authors on Facebook
>read their most famous work once, years ago

>> No.2671391


wait are you supposed to read a book more than once before you're allowed to like it

>> No.2671606

>pretend as though there are minimum thresholds of experiencing a writer before you're allowed to say you like them
>be evasive when pressed for what exactly those minimums are

>> No.2671640

Not him, but what's so bad about him not liking the looks of red hair on men? Then he'd also be racist to people who don't have the genes to grow such a mustache, because I does like the mustache Verkerk has.

No one I know really is a racist, they're probably only found in the US. There might actually be reasons for someone to dislike aspects, and disliking is not hating my dear.

>> No.2671653


If only this were true, If only...

>> No.2671655

Red hair is disgusting. Its a shame he's a ginger, he looks quite good in black and white.

>> No.2671665


>thinking fashion models are worthy of adoration.

Stay ignorant masses tier, bro/sis.