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2669376 No.2669376 [Reply] [Original]

Is a BA in English Literature really worth all this depression?

>> No.2669385

Pursuit of your passing, or refusal to pursue your passion? Which damns a man more?

>> No.2669387


Feels, Ltd.

>> No.2669389

>phd in english
>25k starting
>any SSRI i want

>> No.2669393


This is pretty ambiguous. Worth it or not?

>> No.2669395


What does this mean?

>> No.2669401


BA in Eng. Lit. just made me feel like a failed author.

Being surrounded by critics in training is bad for your creativity.

>> No.2669402


>> No.2669404


Phd. for janitor's pay? WHY AM I DOING THIS.

>> No.2669410


Too dumb for Science?

>> No.2669416

welcome to higher ed



>> No.2669417

Heeere we go.

>> No.2669431


In short, yes. I am not wired for science.

>u satisfied, bro? u satisfied?

>> No.2669435
File: 34 KB, 640x427, mathphd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was spoofing the common

>Ph.D. in mathematics
>300k starting
>Any job I want

threads. Sorry if you're a summerfag who didn't get the joke. The short answer is no, it's not worth it. Get out while you still can, change majors now or work a menial job until you squirrel away enough cash to go back to university for STEM or something vocational.

You can try deluding yourself into thinking you are motivated and qualified enough to earn a position as a professor at a university, but you will be competing with thousands of other Ph.D. grads for that spot. And you will probably be hired as a guest lecturer, adjunct, sub, temp, etc., which means they can pay you shit-all.

>> No.2669437


By 'not wired for science' you mean lazy, stupid, or both.

If you can't put in the effort to contribute to the breadth of human understanding, you should go learn a trade or something.

>> No.2669441


Thanks for the advice. Now if only I could get the guts to tell my parents this.

>> No.2669443
File: 19 KB, 220x278, 220px-Immanuel_Kant_(painted_portrait).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that story was so cool, I just a whole categorical imperative

>> No.2669444

You mean they are paying for your education? Just level with them, be honest. They'll probably be disappointed that you've become jaded and succumbed to the pressures of the market, but hey, what parent doesn't enjoy seeing the soul of their children being crushed? Even just a little?

>> No.2669449

Its a shame you based your theories on morality on the premise that God exists, isn't it Kant.

>> No.2669455

waiting for someone to prove me wrong. It's been 400 years

>> No.2669457


Well I've never not been jaded. The only reason I'm in education is to avoid upsetting my parents because they believe it will help me get a decent job. They view degrees as having the same worth they did in their day. I've crushed all my dreams for praise from parents who disconnected with the reality of now.

I am aware of the betaness or whatever you guys want to call it. I wouldn't be admitting this if it wasn't an anonymous board.

I'm also aware I'm using my parents as an excuse not to do what I want to do, because I'm scared I'm not good enough; because I can get by in higher education with little effort.

>> No.2669460

Alcoholism, debt, false praise.

That's what a BA in Lit. gave me, OP.

>> No.2669480

Just forward them this article:


Your parents are still right though, in a way. People with degrees tend to have more earning power than those with only a HS education. If you have a B.A. in English you're still going to make the first cut in the stack of resumes that land on the Starbucks office table. I also am not sure why people make fun of those working for Starbucks, they provide health, dental and vision for their baristas.

>> No.2669532

What do people think about history and politics degrees?

>> No.2669534


More value in most people's eyes, probably less depression.

>> No.2669536


That's why you do comparative lit. you nimrod.

>> No.2669540


Isn't that just as useless?

>> No.2669579

silly fools, that is why you do a double major.

>> No.2669584

Just as fucked as other academic degree holders. Possible exception for history of science. Relative to other academic fields, that one will probably grow.

>> No.2669591

You're going to want to move on to SNRI's.

>> No.2669602

Ugh, I wish I had gone into History of Science. I took an Art and Medicine course taught by a prof who had that degree, it was amazing and really interesting.


>> No.2669606

Seeing as you know what an SNRI is.. Do you know of any plants or substances i can legally buy that would contain an MAOI? I don't want to feign something and get a script because I only need it once.

I have heard Syrian Rue does but can't find that anywhere.

>> No.2669612

Sorry, No. I was on MAO Inhibitors once. I don't recall them having any affect on me at all.

>> No.2669616


captcha: unabomb greenbergstudy

>> No.2669634


What would make history of science more 'useful' than straight history?

>> No.2669652

It just tailors you towards a different type of research and (possibly) a career.

Most straight history classes are more about politics, law, social structure and changes in those areas. I've never taken one that even mentioned how scientific thought changed over time, they only mention inventions important to war or societal order, like the assembly line or atomic weaponry.

>> No.2669697


chocolate. Why, you taking mushrooms or something?


How many ways are you wrong? Let me count the ways. . .

While the skills of criticism and creative writing seem to be mutually exclusive often, they CAN be mutually reinforcing if you're not a high-grade moron.

>> No.2669758


I checked my facts, and apparently there is no real evidence that chocolate is a MAO inhibitor, but there is plenty of anecdotal evidence to suggest that eating raw, unsweetened chocolate does strengthen a mushroom trip.

Syrian Rue for the win!

>> No.2669763

Yes its for psychedelics, but Jeruma not mushrooms. The DMT is inactive without an MAOI, and I cant get my hands on any syrian rue.

>> No.2669839


Careful with Jeruma & Syrian Rue, my friend:


>> No.2669856

Thanks buddy. I have been researching it extensively for a while now, and only plan to do it this once. So i doubt i'll have any lasting damage.

>> No.2669865


>extensive research

DMT isn't nearly as crazy or intense as you seem to think it is...

>> No.2669871

I found ketamine and TMA2 to be quite intense, and DMT is supposed to be a lot more intense than both of those. Also I'm not smoking it, im drinking it. The effects last for about 6 hours as opposed to the 15 if you smoke.

>> No.2669884

>I found ketamine and TMA2 to be quite intense, and DMT is supposed to be a lot more intense than both of those.

I'm not sure about that. Most of the accounts I've read on the internet are extremely exaggerated. All of the talk about being "launched into another universe" or whatever is nonsense unless you've taken quite an enormous hit or taken it intravenously or something. My experience was the least intense of the group of people I did it with, but none of them seemed to be completely out of their minds or unaware of their surroundings or anything.

>Also I'm not smoking it, im drinking it. The effects last for about 6 hours as opposed to the 15 if you smoke.

Like Ayahuasca? Never tried it.

>> No.2669894

You all are stoopid.

You should major in creative writing.

It's like engineering; it's an applied "science."

>> No.2669924
File: 208 KB, 960x1280, IMAG0152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of the talk about being "launched into another universe" or whatever is nonsense unless you've taken quite an enormous hit
Ketamine will just make you a bit wobbly if you're doing bumps, but there is a threshold dose thats quite easy to cross that will make you fall into a K-hole. And that really is like being launched into another dimension. Far stronger than a ton of salvia. You have no idea where you are, no concept of time or reality, all you can see are strange creatures and colors that don't exist. Sounds become shapes and abstract ideas become sounds. Pic related is what sent me into a K-hole - if I remember right each line is about .5 to .75(I only had one). Plus ket has the advantage of being very hard to OD on.

>Like Ayahuasca? Never tried it.
Yeah Ayahuasca, mixing it with an MAOI also potentiates the DMT as well as making it active for longer.

>> No.2669935

So this is why Butterfly is such a faggot. xhe's a junkie.

Pathetic, man.

>> No.2669948

Sorry Im not that butterfly, if you look carefully she has a mark above her right wing.

>> No.2669957


Wait, are your parents pressuring you into studying English?

That seems a little backwards.

>> No.2669960

Why would you get a degree in science? Bio majors get paid the equivalent of civil servants.

>> No.2669969

You should major in creative writing if the school you want to attend gives good scholarships for it, then double major.

You maybe should major in creative writing but consider double majoring if you're willing to work hard on a large volume of work and constantly edit, never bring shit you thought up last night to workshops or put drafts where you just fixed some spelling mistakes in your final portfolio. Then your writing might improve. You might also get to be a low-level editor at an unremarkable publisher or get an internship at a nonprofit mag. Woo! Sadly this won't be the case for many of your classmates. 1 or 2 out of 100-some from each class will get a book published. SUCCESSFUL PROGRAM.