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/lit/ - Literature

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2669130 No.2669130 [Reply] [Original]

/ic/ - drawing board
>they share their art, give helpful critiques and are positive and happy

/lit/ - literature board
>hurr durr intersubjectivity, nothing matters, nihilism, deep and edgy teen angst

why does this happen? is it particular to the craft of writing?

>> No.2669139

/ic/ is disgusting. They are all really negative and spend all day shitting over each others work.

>> No.2669144

We don't want to talk about you people's shitty writing. We want to discuss literature. This isn't a creative works board like /ic/.

>> No.2669149

You mean thinking and discussing ideas rather than going "Oh, that's nice?" Yeah, it is. Mostly because we're all so insecure and egotistical at the same time.

>> No.2669156

>discussing ideas

when was the last time /lit/ did this? Or is this one of those "back in my day" things my Grandpa is always talking about?

>> No.2669160
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>give helpful critiques and are positive and happy

/ic/ might just be the most shit filled board on the whole of 4chan. They are the most negative unaccepting closed minded people I've ever encountered. There are few with a voice of reason in there.

>> No.2669163
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>Or is this one of those "back in my day" things my Grandpa is always talking about?


>> No.2669174

/tv/ discusses television and films
/a/ discusses anime
/co/ discusses comics and cartoons
/v/ discusses video games
/sp/ discusses sports

/lit/ is full of wannabe writers who are incapable of discussing literature because they don't read, but they all want to share their stupid first draft of their shitty fantasy novel or get their "idea" critiqued because they haven't written a single fucking sentence yet. None of this shit goes on in the other boards, because they don't discuss their pet projects there.

What you are looking for is deviant art.

>> No.2669175

There are people who only respond to threads when a question is given. Rather than actually discussing literature they'd rather post a quick "cool story bro" in response to "I liked this book"

Everyone here seems to have an OCD rage for pet peeves. I'm not surprised if they go around /lit/, open every thread, search for a phrase they hate ("I guess" is an example.. ) and fucking rage shit at every person who says it.

People who can't embrace literature discussion. Since /lit/'s inception I still find people who can't understand or possibly grasp the idea of a "suggestion". They'll respond with "read every book until you find one you like" rather than give their own insight.

I have a feeling this board can't think for itself or everyone here has autism.

>> No.2669183

>/tv/ discusses television and films
>/a/ discusses anime
>/co/ discusses comics and cartoons
>/v/ discusses video games
>/sp/ discusses sports


>> No.2669197

/tv/ discusses underage acteresses
/a/ discusses waifus
/co/ engages in power level sperging
/v/ discusses their lack of girlfriends
I don't know about /sp/

>> No.2669198

This is where /lit/ is shit. Expressing one's opinions is forbidden unless you give people a good reason to respond to you, like shitposting

>> No.2669202

/sp/ is probably the funniest board on 4chan. It's definitely worth a visit even if you don't like sports, just because they all realize it's in good fun and they're trolling for laughs instead of anger.

>> No.2669211


oh geez

>> No.2669216

at least it isn't like:

/tv/ discusses their youtube channels and posts links every day asking for critique
/a/ discusses their shitty anime flash animation they uploaded to newgrounds and asks for critique
/co/ posts links all day to their shitty geocities webcomic begging for readers and how to make it in the publishing industry
/v/ discusses their shitty and rushed side-scrolling flash game they uploaded to newgrounds
/sp/ posts videos of their football teams playing games to youtube and tries to recruit new players to their teams

that's what they would do if they acted like /lit/

>> No.2669217

Tebowmania was an amazing time for trolling. The butthurt was beautiful.

>> No.2669218

/co/'s taste in comics is more plebstream than /tv/'s in film.

And /tv/ doesn't even discuss film.

>> No.2669220

>/v/ discusses their shitty and rushed side-scrolling flash game

Well, when Fez got released...

>> No.2669223

Trolls are fictional green creatures in video games with an irritable and hostile streak. Go back to /v/ WoWtard.

>> No.2669229
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/sp/ has been shit since the 2010 World Cup, when everyone actually started to believe that they were "cool" "bros" and "alphas", when they're just a bunch of 4chan users talking about men kicking or throwing balls.

>> No.2669241

This board does have some serious problems, yes.

Very serious.

>> No.2669303

>Implying you're not the main problem

>> No.2669363

/lit/'s problem is a intrinsic to the nature of writing.

So many people want to be a character that half the idiots feel obliged to be tripfags. Why? They like characters, they like the idea of creating a mistique.

I'm not a writer, though I do come here because I love reading. I'm actually a musician - if you ever wanted anti-intellectual psuedo-subjective-opions-only-count-when-they-agree-with-mine bullshit then they're the first place to go.

Also, fucking Skrillex. I'd take Tao Linn over that motherfucker any day.