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/lit/ - Literature

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2668742 No.2668742 [Reply] [Original]

I'm really into epic tales about good vs. evil, with magic, and all that jazz. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars (OT), the Matrix (only 1st one).

Any suggestions? Please don't give me Tolkien knock-offs like Wheel of Time. If I want to read LotR I'll just go read it.

And yes I've read ASOIF

>> No.2668748

The chronicles of Thomas Covernant by Stephen Donaldson.

“In ths enormous fantasy, the timeless battle of good and evil is played out against a stunningly detailed and imaginative alternate-world background – giants, cave-dwellers, intelligent horses, strange beasts, potent talismans, and men with incomprehensible powers. The hero, a modern American transported mysteriously to this strange environment, manages to make it all believable because he has trouble believing it himself. Donaldson has created a classic.”

>> No.2668752


sounds good. have you personally it? if so what did you think?

>> No.2668758

Game of Thrones is pretty good

>> No.2668778

Try the Farseer Trilogy of Robin Hobb. It has a very unique style. Somewhat potterish but not as childish.

>> No.2668812
File: 95 KB, 658x626, Updated books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of these books are good vs evil.

>> No.2668829


>> No.2668832 [SPOILER] 
File: 16 KB, 287x460, spoilerevil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, it's about time you moved Beyond Good and Evil

>> No.2668835
File: 49 KB, 337x500, darkness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, OP

>> No.2668871

neither that, not ASOIAF as Op suggested is "good vs. evil".

>> No.2668873


>> No.2668876

The Stand, sort of.

The Dark Tower.

The Pendragon Adventures, if you're okay with reading YA books with mediocre prose.

>> No.2668892


I dunno... the Second Apocalypse coming isn't a big bad evil? OK, there are other elements of the story that I'm not certain are outright "good" but there's definitely an outright baddie out there.

It's no Abercrombie series in terms of blurring who is good and who is bad.

>> No.2668901


I didn't say it was. I just said that I read it so that I wouldn't have to deal with the recommendations.

>> No.2668904

If you want epic shit and high-level magic can't miss with malazan book of the fallen. it has a disappointing ending though

>> No.2668912

>Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars (OT), the Matrix (only 1st one).
What are you doing on /lit/ then? It's like going on /v/ and asking for something to play after you're done with Bejewelled and Angry Birds.

>> No.2668922

Op disregarding lolita and a few others what are your thoughts?

>> No.2668927

The Farseer Trilogy doesn't have an "evil", just a crisis.

>> No.2668936


I'm looking them up now. Thanks for the list, although I'll probably skip percy jackson.

by the way

>love lolita

>> No.2668947


I'm an English teacher with an MA with a concentration in Shakespeare. I come to /lit to discuss literature.

If you mean this particular thread then I'm asking for reading recommendations based off a few examples of stories I happened to enjoy.

>> No.2668952

not the guy with the list but i like percy jackson, it's fun. too bad harry potter stole all the attention

>> No.2668961


hm, may give it a shot then. I just categorized it under a "let's copy the flavor of the month" type book.

>> No.2668963

where do you get these books? i've spend ages trying to find Casca and Quantum Prophecy books online, maybe you could help

>> No.2668979

The Malazan Book of the Fallen.
10 books.

It has an epic scope like ASOIF, gritty story with gray characters, bla,bla,bla

>> No.2668990

All torrents some when i went back to look they were gone.

All are audiobooks sadly i started reading these before there was any e-ink if i could not find the book in the store i downloaded it, reading on a computer monitor gave me such a head ache i turned to audiobooks.

The were horrible at first hated how slow they read etc etc then i got used to it now i am hooked can't stop.

>> No.2669026

Here i found one of them for you
Quantum Prophecy
demonoid .ph/files/download/2082925/

For the Casca series
demonoid .ph/files/download/2681804/
demonoid .ph/files/download/1792597/

One in the list is an audiobook make sure you seed when you are done.

Remove the spaces from the links i think 4chan is stopping me from posting them

>> No.2669033

awesome, thanks man. it's been ages since i read casca, never gonna forgive myself for selling those books

>> No.2669039

Anything Bernard Cornwell is epic as fuck

>> No.2669041

No problem.
Just knowing that people are reading gives me joy be it fantasy or facts the world is declining.

>> No.2669044

Saiyuki/The Journey West

Oh, Saiyuki. The prequel almost killed me.

>> No.2669076

Definitely get Felix Castor and The First Law Series those series were really good i don't know about the others though OP.

The seem to feminine to me

>> No.2669315

Why would a man of your intelligence, education and social standing stoop himself to the level of filth that is the fantasy genre?

>> No.2669332

>MA with a concentration in Shakespeare

Shakespeare wrote fantasy too.

>> No.2669334

Maybe because he's not a cunt? He reads what he enjoys and not what is deemed "good" by the elitist faggots like yourself.

>> No.2669453

But /lit/ frowns upon fantasy when i come and ask for suggestions i get guys saging my threads and telling me to read Ulysses and Iliad.

I don't see like minded people coming to my defense, SO from that observation i say you are all like this guy here >>2669315

>> No.2669477

You are the problem with literature fans, not the solution. You also have a tiny dick.

OP, Malazan is good, but the author does not hold your hand. NO intorduction to the world, it's rules, or it's terminology, nothing. You are thrown right into the thick of things as if you should already know what's going on and left to puzzle everything out. It can be frustrating. Once you get your stride, though, it's a very rewarding series.

Other than that, the fantasy of China Mieville is really good. I don't know if it falls into your epic archetype, but I think most people would greatly enjoy his works.

I detest the "Eragon" books, but it sounds like you may enjoy them.

>> No.2669830

What do you think about The Warded man?
Know any other books like it? a List maybe?

>> No.2669944

It looks like you'd love The Name of The Wind and its sequels

>> No.2670234 [DELETED] 

When will book 3 be out have any books similar to it?

>> No.2670237

When will book 3 be out, have any books similar to the series?

>> No.2670241

>>>I'm really into epic tales about good vs. evil

stopped reading there, sorry.

>> No.2670242

Wheel of Time is not a Lord of the Rings ripoff, except inasmuch as any multi-book epic fantasy is a Lord of the Rings knockoff.

>> No.2670274

Well, The Eye of the World is pretty much LOTR. Jordan did this intentionally, "so that people would feel comfortable" in what was then supposed to be a trilogy. From The Great Hunt on, though, the only Tolkein influence is in the scope of the worldbuilding. And Moiraine.

>> No.2670283

Well, yeah, that's precisely my point. Although EotW is certainly drawing heavilty from LotR, WoT is not a LotR ripoff.

>> No.2670286


Which is why it's understandable that someone would think of WoT as a LotR ripoff-- he started tEotW and never went past it. I wasn't disagreeing with you.