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/lit/ - Literature

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2667498 No.2667498 [Reply] [Original]

Allo, /lit/. Thoughts on this book and it's themes?

>> No.2667521
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On my To Read list

>> No.2667523

Utter crap. Fascinating life.

>> No.2667540

My ex-gf stole my copy of it before I finished it.

>> No.2667543

I genuinely can't get my head around enjoying the sordid details of her life but finding no appeal in any of her fiction. To me they're pretty thematically similar - I feel like an emotional vampire dyke marrying, divorcing, remarrying, and weaseling out of a suicide pact with a far less talented ex-military homo is the subject matter of a McCullers novella I haven't gotten around to yet.

>> No.2667545

John Singer was a big faggot. However, I think that his big fat homolove was one of the most sincere and realistic representations of love that I've ever seen in any piece of art, literature or otherwise.

>> No.2667564
File: 61 KB, 395x594, Kristen+Schaal+First+Annual+Comedy+Awards+AU9G2BZsvKQl..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly I've posted this before but Kristen Schaal needs to fish for dat Oscar nomination playing Carson McCullers in a prestige biopic by a visionary lesbian director before she outlives her and ends up in a Mike Myers as Keith Moon situation

>> No.2667574

Exactly the case. Her life was far more interesting than her fiction. Her fiction was thematically good, but not developed in detail anywhere in her writing. Just too light, I think. She spent too much time drinking and living, not enough time developing her ideas, leaving her writing light.

>> No.2667577


>> No.2667582

Hmm. She's a favorite of mine but I guess I can see your POV.

>> No.2667584

Let me add: Of course, I like reading her because I like her life. I'm one of those people who enjoys the lives of authors just as much as their work and I'll read an author whose life I find interesting even if I don't think their writing is all that great. McCullers if one of my favorites for this reason.

>> No.2667585
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>mfw I thought Carson was a man until today
>mfw I should read author bios more often

>> No.2667588

Oh, then I can really dig it. I own way more second-hand Cheever paperbacks than anyone with my personal taste in literature really should just because I derived entirely too much voyeuristic delight from the Blake Bailey biography.

>> No.2667591

It's one of my favorite books, in a very quiet way. I like the dull simplicity and honesty in her style of writing. It's one of those books that resonates with me, and that is so common, in a way, that I identify with it really strongly and find myself thinking in her writing style after reading it

>> No.2667622
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anyone else hate it when the author's name is more embossed and bigger than the name of the book?

i know it's the publishers decision probably but it looks tacky and feels wrong.

>> No.2667632

I think it's done every single time an author becomes more famous than, like, the concept of a book. Maybe there's an rare exception when the title of the book is more famous than the name of the person who wrote it.

>> No.2667643

She doesn't hold her own against the other Southern Gothic writers, that's for sure. O'Connor destroys her. But, apart from that, I like her.

Wish she had left more behind.

>> No.2667648

O'Connor is, to use the language of a 19-year-old talking about a really great piece of pizza on Twitter, AMAZING. But McCullers is in my very personal all-time top 5. But Then, I'm Gay.

>> No.2667652

What a faggot.

>> No.2667665

Good post I M O

Yeah, also, saying that O'Connor is a better writer than McCullers isn't really much of an insult & it's not like you have to pick one or the other