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2667421 No.2667421 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good books about the Baby Boomer generation and Generation X, and how they fucked over (and continue to fuck over) everyone born after them?

>> No.2667434

I don't know, I remember reading something about the youths of the 60's and 70's. It ranted on how they were the worst generation (as compared to the Greatest Generation).

>> No.2667452


Can't blame them for sucking. You just don't conscript US citizens to fight a proxy war. That defeats the entire reasoning behind proxy wars.

>> No.2667460

The concept of a greatest generation is ridiculous and in no way accounts for the confluence of factors which produce social behavior. I especially hate it when it's used to say "boy, teenagers of today sure are limp-wristed faggots eh?" with no comparison of the political and economic circumstances effecting each generation.

>> No.2667487
File: 98 KB, 680x798, nwb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to /b/, faggot.

>> No.2667493

just checking in to say fuck the baby boomers, fuck their regressive bullshit, and fuck everything that they did to bring us to the state we're in now

OP, check out like Taibbi's and Ames' shit. i don't have anything particular in mind, really, but they sure fuckin' hate the Boomers. and Reagan.

>> No.2667504

Once the baby boomers are finally old and senile I suspect a bounty of books to be made on the shit legacy they left behind. These out-of-touch assholes are responsible for ALL of the autism currently happening in the political sphere, responsible for everyone's quality of life degrading, and are responsible for any and all cynicism that anyone experiences. Those stupid automaton fucks have been self-entitled since birth yet are ever ready to spew all of their groundless opinions on how fucking people should be denied rights, or services, or anything. Fuck the baby boomers, fuck you for ruining Earth itself, and come 10 years from now all of you will be rotting in nursing homes where you should have been kept all this time.

>> No.2667513
File: 7 KB, 250x345, Trial-Of-Henry-Kissinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't blame an entire generation on the woes that the previous generation set us up with. You just can't generalize.

>The greatest generation
...gave us Kissinger and Rand, among other evils.

You can blame them for not writing any books that can hold a candle to generations past though.

>> No.2667518

Believe you're talking about "the Garbage Generation"

Haven't read it but /new/ mentions it often.

>> No.2667539

I would be more angry at the horrible, down-right disgusting things The Greatest Generation did when they were in power. Though the Baby Boomers were/are terrible to some degree.

Generation X is small time.

>> No.2667548

Politics have been majorly fucked since before Teddy. The Baby Boomers just forgot how to not lak everything out and have th public panic.

>> No.2667554
File: 41 KB, 333x500, atomised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Houellebecq's Atomised (aka The Elementary Particles) has lots of long rants about Baby Boomers and New Age practices. Very angry guy.

>> No.2667558

The Great Generation gave us goddamn Communist scares and executions. Along with major wars, failed missions such as Bay of Pigs, and horrible campaigns such as War on Drugs. Oh, and don't forget horrible world leaders such as Reagan.

>> No.2667572

The Greatest Generation also came out of the Great Depression, enacted banking reform that kept us out of another Great Depression (at least until the Baby Boomers decided to systematically dismantle it), fought and won WW2, and were the prime actors in the Civil Rights Movement.

The Baby Boomers talked a big game about how they were a special generation and they were going to fix everything and all their parent's mistakes, and the 60s maaaaaan, and then they elected Reagan.

Obviously neither generation is perfect, but the Greatest Generation actually fucking accomplished something, under harsh conditions, whereas the Baby Boomers came of age in a historically prosperous time and managed to fuck everything up, yet still talk about how ~~~special~~~ they are. And still continue to fuck everything up for us.

Fuck those guys.

>> No.2667590

My point is that all generations will have both downfalls and good points in their history. One generation is never better than another. I could give you awful points in history about both generations, but the generation we will be more inclined to be frustrated with would be Baby Boomer because we are more recently affected by their actions.

By the way, "fighting" in WWII means absolutely nothing once you understand why certain countries fought the Nazis and the Axis Powers. And I do not individual soldiers here, either.

Oh, and another awful thing to come out of The Greatest Generation: Severe Mental Patient Abuse, Isolation, and Lobotomies.

>> No.2667592

>and horrible campaigns such as War on Drugs

War on Drugs was all baby boomers.

The sixties and seventies were very liberal drug wise. It was only when all the baby boomers began to domesticate and have babies of their own in the 80s that they started to support a big social crackdown on drugs and revive conservativism.

>> No.2667593

>My point is that all generations will have both downfalls and good points in their history. One generation is never better than another. I could give you awful points in history about both generations, but the generation we will be more inclined to be frustrated with would be Baby Boomer because we are more recently affected by their actions.

Well, two thing. One, yes, I do think that the important thing here is that the Baby Boomers are the ones holding us down right now. That's the important thing to realize.

But I also feel that the fact that the Greatest Generation fought WW2, and survived the Depression, does increase my respect for them. Those are worthy things. Those are accomplishments. They may have done terrible things, but they also did great things, unlike the Boomers, who didn't do shit. They may have equally low points, but the Greatest Generation had higher high points.

I don't know what you're referring to with the motivations for WW2 thing. Although I'm apprehensive.

>> No.2667597

At least Gen Y got to see the world with the blinkers off.

Gen X had no internet, just Boomer propaganda of how useless and lazy they were, at the same time that the Boomers were taking left and right. Gen X was the first generation to realise that there were no such things as lifetime jobs. That education was a privilege of the rich, not a right. That even basic job security required endless study, endless reinvention.

Rustled oldfag reporting in

>> No.2667600

But the Greatest had it easy. The world was in shambles after WW2, production was maxed out since there was no competition from anywhere, there was no mass media to outline their mistakes, and the US could do no wrong because everyone was afraid of calling out the winners of WW2.

>> No.2667610

No? War on Drugs was created by Richard Nixon.

>> No.2667611

Read "The 4th Turning"

It explains with exact historical proof what has happened with the narcissistic boomers and the fucked over xers. This scenario repeats every 4 generations.

>> No.2667612

>But the Greatest had it easy. The world was in shambles after WW2, production was maxed out since there was no competition from anywhere, there was no mass media to outline their mistakes, and the US could do no wrong because everyone was afraid of calling out the winners of WW2.

Yeah, they had it so easy... and all they had to do to get there was fight and win WW2.

>> No.2667613
File: 298 KB, 1500x866, genz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Generation Z is in power

>> No.2667615


>implying we sail right past the energy crisis without a hitch

>> No.2667617

You're both wrong. The War on Drugs began in the 20s.

>> No.2667618

I would say it was less Greatest Gen and more the previous Gen before them helped fight the war. And if you knew anything you would realize WWI was far, FAR worse than WWII.

>> No.2667623

Just because you win a war doesn't mean you're allowed fuck future generations up the ass.

>> No.2667629

Dystopia, dystopia everywhere.

>> No.2667630

The name and finally the actions/campaigning for War on Drugs was Richard Nixon. Every historical book will state that.

>> No.2667636

But actually fighting against drugs began in the 1920s with the FBI and J. Edgar Hoover. The War on Drugs was just a means to bring drugs back into the American consciousness.

>> No.2667641

Ahh ok then. Yeah, another horrible person from that generation: Hoover.

>> No.2667656

Generation Y sucks cock. So shallow and materialistic.

>> No.2667684

Our children will hate us.

>> No.2667821

The Boomers could be largely euthanized, and I wouldn't bat my eyelashes much. They fucking ruined the U.S. with their hypocritical, narcissistic bullshit.

>> No.2668053

It's odd how the greatest generation raised the worse generation.

>> No.2668068

All generations have been complete shit since the boomers.

Gen y+z are arguably worse. The retardation coming from the young adults of today is really concerning.

I fear for what's going to happen over the next few decades.

>> No.2668908

Did we completely miss Silent Generation on purpose here? Seriously, very messed up generation.

>> No.2668938

I don't understand how you can generalize a whole age group.

Also, what are the year divisions agreed on for Gen Y and Z? I'm not sure where I fall.

>> No.2668985

Gen Y -> 1980 - 1995
Gen Z -> 1995 - 2000s

>> No.2669001

Everything was better in the ol' times.

>> No.2669034

To my understanding

Lost 1890 - 1909
Greatest 1910 - 1929
Silent 1930 - 1944
Boomer 1945 - 1959
Gen X 1960 - 1979
Gen Y 1980 - 1999
Millennial 2000+

Silent are the parents of Gen X and the grandparents of the Millennials
Greatest are the parents of the Boomers and the grandparents of Gen Y

>> No.2669237


Look at the dates, your information is incorrect.

Greatest begins in 1901 and ends in 1924. That's why people like Marlon Brando and Paul Newman are part of the Silent Generation. They were born in 1925.

>> No.2669248

Oh, and Baby Boomers were born between 1945 to 1964.

>> No.2669262


Out of interest, what does the 'Silent' generation mean?

>> No.2669275

They were the ones born during the war. And they had fathers that served during the war. They were also the ones to go through the depression as children.

>> No.2669281


Thanks for the information, but I was wondering why they are called 'Silent'?

>> No.2669282

That is so wrong it hurts. The Greatest and Silent were grandparents to Gen X and Y. Baby Boomera are the grandparents of newest generation.

>> No.2669286

That is why, because their births were quiet due to the depression and WWII, so were their lives. They did not make a huge impact like the generations before them. They suffered "silently".

>> No.2669295


Ah I see. Sorry, it's just a phrase I'd never heard before. I suppose Brando and Newman were quite 'loud' in their way, however.

>> No.2669301

Very true, but again if you look at most famous invidiuals from that generation, will see that most came from very humble or poor backgrounds due to the depression and WWII. It may be why idols such Marlon Brando made such a huge impact on young lives back then, because they became a voice to the Silent Generation.

>> No.2669306


Very interesting point. Especially when you compare it to today, where for the first time we have a generation of people who have the ability to voice single every thought into the public domain if they wish to.

>> No.2669309

I thought they were called the Silent Generation because after WWII there was a lot of emotional repression in society. People having to compete with each other in seeming upstanding and all that. Children with mental problems shunned. Things like that. "Perfect Family" Ideals.

>> No.2669321

anyone born on 1996 or after are going to be pure shit.

>> No.2669325


Genuinely laughed out loud at this picture.

>> No.2669336

Of course, especially when they grew up during wars, economic failure(s), extreme prejudices and racism against certain minorities due to unjustified fears, and society's downfall with their obsession with the internet.

>> No.2669344

They will prove how bad of an influence this site is.

>> No.2669355


So basically the same as the Silent generation but with internet.

>> No.2669546

1986 born here,

Looking at this thread makes me feel warm.

My personal experiences is that people my age and older are damaged by externalities, while younger aren't.

People my age have been abused, neglected etc happily while nobody cared and so we had to manage our lives the best we could, leaning on each other but hiding the stigma. We do, positively have an open mind but there's only so much we can/could do with what we have here. Many of us are autistics because we never really had parenting or, maybe worse, when we were smart we were shunned because different, etc. You know how it is.

It's only natural that when we manage to raise our own we don't do the very basic mistakes these retards did and they "outsmart" us in so many fields, and that is wonderful.

You can only imagine, then, the heartbreak when we see that we can finally get our shit in order and bam - the economy breaks down. But who knows, maybe they'll survive and thrive. But the circle will repeat itself I fear, with many of these kids becoming my grandparents: people who had no choice but to become so ignorant and abusive they'll ruin any children they'll have.

Sorry if this wall of text is shit, english isn't my first language and this matter is personal because I had my life ruined completely and WAY more average by my family. Keep making the world a better place though, I can clearly see that on average things are getting better slowly, the way they are supposed to be.

>> No.2669583

Western civilization is on a freefall and you can thank the Baby Boomers for their greed and their negligence on fixing things in order to promote the quality of life for everyone.

The only thing that will fix the Baby Boomer problem is a revolution. Nothing else will fix the problem.

>> No.2669593
File: 130 KB, 467x645, 1337568692714.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw life just gets better and better as time goes on
>mfw countries rise and countries fall, and I don't really care very much as long as my neighbourhood is quiet, and I can live my life comfortably