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/lit/ - Literature

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2667252 No.2667252 [Reply] [Original]

why do we post on /lit/?

half the conversations turn into personal fist fights
and the other half cover completely useless topics and you know it.

i've come to this conclusion after writing several long responses to posts and then just deleting them and saying fuck it, doesn't mean anything.

why do you post?

pic unrelated

>> No.2667265

Because I can dump CoC or ED copypasta and see reactions.

I'm just curious, why is trolling fun for you? Do you really have nothing better to do with your time? I just don't get it. Surely even you have to realize how pathetic it is to try and rile up a bunch of random people on the internet. Do you get picked on at school and this is how you get out your aggression? I mean I've been pretty fucking bored in my day but trolling on a message board has never seemed like a good way to kill some time. I mean sure its funny here and there when some over-sensitive person gets their panties in a bunch of takes your troll job too seriously but is that really worth the time you're putting in? I mean there are just so many more better things to do with your time. Plus its getting close to summer and chances are it might be nice outside. You have to be able to find something that is more rewarding/exciting than this. I mean if you were going for a funny troll job maybe just maybe it would be worth it to get a laugh or 2 but something like this? Any response would be greatly appreciated as I just don't get the point of trolling, thanks.

>> No.2667268

>half the conversations turn into personal fist fights
more like seven eighths

>> No.2667274

>after writing several long responses to posts and then just deleting them and saying fuck it
I know that feel.

I do enjoy the rare occasion where I get to have a decent debate though.

>> No.2667281

/lit/ is in dire need of some sort of rigid social contract to limit the amount of bullshit that goes on here. I don't suppose Moot imagined so when he created /lit/, but it's increasingly obvious.

>> No.2667286

you just can't have good debates as anon's, the back and forth is too unstructured. Hence why so many times it becomes personal shouting matches with no one listening to each other.

If I knew of a good literature message board, I would recommend it. But I don't

>> No.2667290

the first step of this new regime should be the banning of trips 4chan wide,

shits gay son.

/b/ doesn't have any wellknown tripfags......
... bad example, forget it.

>> No.2667297

/lit/ is best conceptualized as a bar full of angry, passingly intellectual drunks. just one long drunken argument.

>> No.2667299

Maybe if the general populous would stop recognising their existence, they wouldn't have such a presence. Personally, I've never got why people obsess about them so much.

>> No.2667309


I'm a very angry individual and /lit/ gives me a place to vent.

Which of course doesn't actually help anything, but still.

>> No.2667312


Au contraire, the problem is mostly that nobody is as well read as they should be, given the arguments they're involved in or the sweeping judgment of books they're passing, so having some level of accountability is useful.

Really, the problem probably has a lot to do with how old the posters here are, and we can't really regulate that, but it's not really trips. Hell, that roach guy isn't a trip, and he's fucking irritating.

>> No.2667316

because you pic is actually related.


>> No.2667322

I'm French and your inappropriate usage of French words being seemingly pulled out of your ass is quite unnerving. Please don't do it.

>> No.2667331


My father is French-Canadian. "Au contraire" is an expression he used a number of times around the house when I was growing up. It wasn't meant to be some show of conceit.

>> No.2667334

Au contraire is a joke phrase you use when you disagree with someone. We know it's wrong.

>> No.2667343

I am assuming you're the feminist who lost the argument in this thread:

>> No.2667345

Fuck, now you gave me troll's remorse. Happy, faggot?

>> No.2667350


Hahahaha yes, yes I am.

>> No.2667356

Because we're too pussy to argue with people in real life, so we come on here and release our frustrations.

So many IRL passive-agressives in one place where anonymity is guaranteed is going to lead to 'violence' (in the loosest sense of the word).

>> No.2667357

I mostly lurk. I have gathered the vibe that everyone here is interminably angry for some reason, and that posting would cause me to be like that. Lurking here however is entertaining

>> No.2667360

Women should be banned from /lit/. They never contribute anything worthwhile, and when they try to join in they start shitpost feminism threads.

>> No.2667363


>implying there aren't male feminists like me who'd continue shitposting

>> No.2667371

Male feminist, hahah. I'm a masculinist, I believe men should be treated equally instead of like walking wallets controlled by breasts and a pussy.

>> No.2667375
File: 124 KB, 1219x722, science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Women should be banned from /lit/.

or we could just change the heading of lit to "your bedroom" and they'd stay out on their own

>> No.2667377


And it's precisely due to men like you that I'm a feminist.

>> No.2667383

Oh god, here goes the shitposter.
Daily reminder: http://fuuka.warosu.org/lit/?task=search2&ghost=&search_text=&search_subject=&search


He shitposts on /sci/ too/

>> No.2667396

>or we could just change the heading of lit to "your bedroom" and they'd stay out on their own


>> No.2667415

Anti-feminists on this board wouldn't dare to say anything to women IRL,

>> No.2667475


Actually I bring up shit like this all the time to my third-wave girlfriend. Granted, she's a reasonable person, and I'm a lot less outspoken around her feminist friends. Mostly because I don't want to sour things too much.

>> No.2668062

Simply to interact with people with a similar interest. ILR I'm very shy. The anonymity of 4chan makes me feel comfortable.

>> No.2668063


>has misogynist boyfriend

This is ultimately what will kill feminism, right here.

>> No.2668067
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The worst is when you leave lit for a few months and the same shit is on the first page when you return. Is this book any good? Where should I start on philosophy? Why exist at all? Etc, /lit is one big globe circling in a nowhere galaxy of irrelevance.

>> No.2668072

yeah, well, could you spread that memo through the general female population, because they tend to treat men like walking wallets that they control via pussy. when they quit doing that, maybe I'll reel-in my misogyny. which means I'm never going to reel-in my misogyny

>> No.2668081


Well, most men hate women, as in yourself. So why shouldn't they just treat them like walking wallets?

>> No.2668082

This... this made my day.

As I'm new to /lit/ I'm glad similar topics have come up so far or I would not know what lit is actually like, from the boards I've seen on 4chan this seems pretty commonplace... If any people have a serious problem with this they should quit their bitching and start posting their own innovative and interesting threads, like this meta-thread we are in now.

>> No.2668087
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feminism confirmed for sham. way to go, female logic.

>> No.2668094


You're kinda slow, huh?

>> No.2668098

this place has been going downhill since the tripfags started disappearing. whats left is just a loose collective of elitist assholes and trolls, taking turns to slap each others face in every single thread thats posted.

im not saying tripfags made this board good. i think the presence of tripfags indicates a board has - and i really hate this world - a culture, or at least some sort of identity that holds it all together. right now /lit/ is just as it was at the start but with a lack of the occasional good or fun thread. not that it should be a funny board, but were on 4chan here and a bit of humor, originality and creativity should be present on every board.

whats left now is a few assholes, all looking down on each other, without the soul and light hearted jabbing we were used to. it can still be a good board when youre just looking for some info, but wheres the joy in that....

>> No.2668104


You really think the departure of people like quentin and Brownbear is a bad thing?

>> No.2668106

i dub thee trip Rotheram

serve your board well

>> No.2668107

yes, the board lost personality. it's also part of a trend indicating the board has lost its edge and will slowly fade out

>> No.2668112



Oh fuck off. Morons using the board as their own personal blog is NOT what we need to form a 'culture' or whatever. You're fucking retarded.

>> No.2668114

The board has plenty of personality. You're probably intimidated by the board or put off by it in some other way because you only read garbage, which limits you to posting in and browsing only the shitty threads with the other shitty posters.

If you want a bunch of posters with ongoing gimmicks and occasional discussion, maybe you should go find a forum. There, you can meet all sorts of fun internet personalities as you build up a post count and making your contribution to forum 'culture'.

>> No.2668120

Yes, basically the solution is to use a regular forum instead. Well, why do people use /lit/ instead of a forum? Or do they use both?

I have >10k posts on one of the big rationalist forums.

>> No.2668124


maybe not, but having consistently posting tripfags also means consistent heated debate which often leads to more interesting threads than a bunch of anons calling each other plebeian faggots. brownbear or deepandedgy posted threads that often led to good and interesting discussions, not only because of their trip but also due tot he effort they put into posting because they had an identity. this is something thats lacking in lazy anonymous posting.

im not saying everyone should trip and im not saying tripfags made this board good. im just saying consistent tripfags are inherent to a healthy board with quality threads, which /lit/ is not

>> No.2668125

>Well, most men hate women, as in yourself. So why shouldn't they just treat them like walking wallets?

Wth. No they don't. Most men like women. Most women like men. Most humans like humans.

IOW: most men are not misogynists. Most women are not misandrists. Most humans are not misanthropes.

>> No.2668127


Wow, okay. I guess I can't be subtle on /lit/. That was the whole fucking point. I was using the same faulty logic of the misogynist.

Jesus you guys, seriously.

>> No.2668129

One difficulty for tripfags is that some people block posts by tripfags with custom scripts.

There are also other ways to have an identity here. For instance, being the only person who uses reformed spellings (except for parodies).

>> No.2668131

Don't try to be subtle. State what u mean. Generally, other kinds of language do not work well over the internet (irony, sarcasm etc.).

>> No.2668133


i think you make a good point that there should be a balance between quality discussion and 'culture'. putting emphasis on either one is very personal, but i think a lot of relatively good boards on 4chan show a mix between the two. in my opinion /lit/ is now too much low quality discussion with a lack of soul, be it trolling trips, gimmicks and goofy threads

>> No.2668146

so true, conveying sarcasm over the internet is wayyyyyyyy too hard

>> No.2668152
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lingual pugilism can be fun and stimulating.

unfortunately most trips post increasingly sparingly (like me) or have left the board completely, leaving /lit/ largely devoid of ongoing conflict, personality and wit.

i'd take a bit of tripfag drama over endless 'favourite publisher?' and 'preferred form of book binding?' threads if it would injects back some of the piss and vinegar that once made this board special.

i'm glad they block me honestly; i don't want people so boring that they actually censor themselves to avoid traumatic contact an altered name field responding to me.

>> No.2668177

>i'm glad they block me honestly; i don't want people so boring that they actually censor themselves to avoid traumatic contact an altered name field responding to me.

Right about that...

>> No.2668183
File: 13 KB, 633x758, ;_;.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw these two are nothing compared to the old guard of trips

>> No.2668189



>> No.2668211


>> No.2668216

no thanks

>> No.2668225
File: 84 KB, 863x792, welcome to lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>personality and wit

>the trips of /lit/
>personality and wit

>angsty teenage wannabe intellectuals
>personality and wit

>> No.2668261
File: 31 KB, 390x263, truman_capote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, so repost your reddit rage comics, regurgitate your innocuous threads and scorn every expressive conflict.

at least you won't be in danger of being seen as a 'wannabe-intellectual'.

>> No.2668263

i miss brownbear's girlfriend threads.

>> No.2668272

me too