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2666845 No.2666845 [Reply] [Original]

Admit it /lit/. you've skipped chapters in books before.

>> No.2666849

Can't say I have.

>> No.2666854

>Skipping chapters

Is this a fucking joke?

>> No.2666857

Only if I'm re-reading and it's something like Goldstein's book.

>> No.2666870

only in finnegans wake

>> No.2666872

...why? That just doesn't make any sense. You're purposefully confusing yourself.

>> No.2666874
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Only in non-fiction books.

>> No.2666877

you disgust me.

>> No.2666880

I haven't, but
>tfw you just stop reading a book before finishing it because you're bored pr something

>> No.2666895

Yes and I'm not ashamed at all.

The Hunchback of Notre-Dame - most of the chapters with the long-winded architectural descriptions. I just don't care.

Dance of Dragons - Arya chapters, the plot was pointless and silly and again, just don't care.

>> No.2666898

You kidding me, Aryas one of the best characters. Her chapters were better than any of the chapters in A Feast for Crows.

>> No.2666900

On my first readtrough of American Psycho, I skipped a few pages.

I regretted it on my second readtrough.

for example: I skipped the chapter at the zoo with the kid

never again. I learned from that mistake

>> No.2666905

when i was younger and i was reading things my parents recommended.i was still working out what i liked

>> No.2666907

Whats so great about a loli ninja assassin in Marrakesh? I think he should've gone with the plot that he was obviously considering - having her caught and raped by the Bolton freak. Would've been a tad more believable.

>> No.2666908

Nope. Never. Not a single page.

>> No.2666916

My mom once told me how she had read some book about Indians and the first 50 pages were all just describing the pretty nature around a scene. ie "This is a meadow, the trees look like this, the birds are like that, these are the plants and the wind, the worms the the the the"

Unless it's written in magnificent prose (fat chance) I would simply not waste my time with such useless information.

Have none of you been in uni? That's like the first thing you have to come to grips with.

>> No.2666921
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Doing it just now.

>> No.2666924


>> No.2666930

I never skip chapters, but when I'm not really enjoying what I'm reading but I still wanna know what happens, I'll skim.

>> No.2666931

Almost skipped the Whitney Houston chapter in American Psycho. But I didn't.

>> No.2666950

Why would he consider that?
You're a sick fuck with a pretty terrible grasp of plot construction.
Can't say I, or any reasonable human being, considered that angle.
She's supposed to be 11 in the books.
Only as much as it isn't Rhodes, or Baghdad.

>> No.2666966

I'll skim, but never skip.

Unless it's an anthology and it's a story by some writer I don't like or something.

>> No.2666985

She's a little girl training to be a magical super assassin. That's a plot for a bad anime. I think that mess with the fake Arya getting captured by Bolton and ending up at the wall was at some point considered for Arya. But then he went with the fun adventure thing instead.

As for the desert city it is just not engaging in any sort of way. What does it matter if she kills some fat merchant? Nada. The only decent parts were when she met the Nights Watch guys, but book 4 also ended with the most pathetic, pointless and unforgivable cliff hanger the man's come up with (worse that zombie Cat, yes I am serious).

>end of book 4: ARYA GOES BLIND
>start of book 5: for a day :D

I have no words.

>> No.2666998

hey man, spoiler tags next time, please.

>> No.2666997


Not excusing the fat fuck but by that point you should have seen those comic book level cliffhangers coming.

>> No.2667014

I don't know, realistically terrible things did happen to the good guys for realz in the previous book. But at some point he gets a weak spot for the characters and messes everything up. Cat cannot be a poor woman who loses everything and dies a depressing death as millions have. She has to become a vengeful zombie wrecking slaughtering bad guys left and right!


>> No.2667037

Never skipped a chapter, although I should of just skipped "The Part About the Crimes".

>> No.2667048


except for the Bible

>> No.2667059

C'mon can't we all admit that Proteus is a waste of time and should be skipped

>> No.2667063

Oh, I thought you were suggesting his idea of a plot for Arya was to be raped by Rorge.
That would have been ridiculous.
Zombie Cat is palatable, and killing people suits Arya as a character. It doesn't matter, but she will end up in the Seven Kingdoms by the end assuming those clogged arteries don't catch up with GRRM.

>> No.2667070

Shit, I'm sorry. I hope I didn't ruin anything for you.

Stannis attacks King's Landing but his fleet is smashed because Renly's army turns against him.
Robb is murdered at the wedding of his uncle because he betrayed the Freys and married someone else. Catelyn dies too after killing a mentally handicapped clown.
Joffrey is poisoned at his wedding by Littlefinger's henchman, and Sansa is kidnapped by Littlefinger and taken to the Eyrie.
Arya never gets to Winterfell. She goes to Braavos on a merchant ship and becomes an assassin.
Tywin is killed by Tyrion with a crossbow before Tyrion's scheduled execution, after which Tyrion is smuggled to Essos and joins Daenerys.
Jorah Mormont was a spy, and Daenerys exiles him.
Ser Barristan joins Daenerys.
Her dragons grow to full size, but she can't control them and they kill hundreds of people.
Stannis goes north to protect the Night's Watch from a wildling invasion after his defeat. He beats the wildlings, but begins a hopeless war against the Boltons.
Jon Snow is elected Commander of the Night's Watch, but is probably killed by his own men after he tries to rally them to attack the Boltons.
The Boltons take Winterfell from the ironmen and torture Theon, who forgets his name.
King Balon dies and is replaced by Euron.
The Hound nearly dies and it is implied he becomes a monk.
Ser Gregor is poisoned following a duel with Oberlyn Martell, who none of you know because you haven't read the boks.
Cersei's infidelity is discovered, and she is stripped and paraded through King's Landing.

>> No.2667076

My bad.

>> No.2667079


I didn't mean it.

Kevan Lannister is murdered by Varys, who is skulking around the Red Keep after Joffrey's death.
Jaime Lannister's hand is cut off.
Catelyn frees Jaime in a prisoner exchange but doesn't get her daughters.
All of Robb's men abandon him.
The Greatjon dies hilariously (large man, fingers bitten off by wolf.).
Robb's head is cut off and his wolf's head is sewn on his body.
Daenerys starts an affair with a bluebearded mercenary after conquering a few cities, which she governs incompetently.
Qarth declares war on her.
Myrcella's face is scarred horribly after some Dornish people try to crown her queen.
Nearly all the Kingsguard die.
Loras Tyrell gets badly wounded taking a castle for the Lannisters. All of the Tyrells' men join the
Cersei fucks two/three sellwords and half of Lannisport.
John Snow refuses Stannis' offer to make him Lord of Winterfell, which will probably become a major issue in the TV series.

>> No.2667082

also snape kills dumbledore

>> No.2667099

I am going to organize these chronologically and by book/TV season, so I now which to unleash when.
I'm already working on getting banned from the GoT facebook page.
I have no sympathy for those whose jimmies are rustled because of their own laziness.

>> No.2667104

If I have to skip anything in fiction, then the book has obviously run it's course. I just won't fucking finish it.

Is that better or worse?

>> No.2667108

>reading any of the GOT books
>sansa chapter

>> No.2667123

haha dude ur so kewl and edgy xDD

>> No.2667446

fucking NEVER

I have stopped reading in the middle, however...

>> No.2667502

I don't see how skipping chapters is worse than not finishing a book you started.

>> No.2667508
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>skipping chapters

>> No.2667511


But only because I can't, I think I have OCD, skipping a chapter would eat me up inside.

>> No.2667517


>I have no sympathy for those whose jimmies are rustled because of their own laziness.

I don't understand how they're being lazy.

Are you just annoyed that not everybody prefers the same creative mediums as you?

Let people enjoy the fucking show. Why would you go out of your way to fuck with other people's fun? I don't even want to begin thinking about what that says about you as a person.