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2663544 No.2663544 [Reply] [Original]

That feel when transhumanist apocalypse won't happen anytime soon.


>> No.2663567


Summarize please.

>> No.2663565 [DELETED] 

Dear Meat-Bag, your sympathetic views to our cause has inspired empathy and mercy in us. You will make a fine addition to our kind. We will upload your consciousness into one of our units.

>> No.2663571
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Dear Meat-Bag, your sympathetic views to our cause has inspired empathy and mercy in us. You will make a fine addition to our kind. We will upload your consciousness into one of our units.

>> No.2663573


>> No.2663579



>> No.2663581

Do you have free will or a hivemind?

>> No.2663583


>> No.2663584


Yeah, hold on, let me watch this hour-long video just so I can participate in your thread.

>> No.2663586

Which one?

>> No.2663592

Joke's on you! It's a 3 part documentary, so it's 3 hours long.


(no but seriously, it's very important for everyone in the world to watch the full documentary)

>> No.2663595

It's impossible to explain the concept to a meat-bag, your processing power is too weak.

>> No.2663606

I am actually very impressed OP. Did you edit in aftereffects?

>> No.2663623




>> No.2663620

Part 2

Part 3

>> No.2663627

As a singularitarian, I do believe we are the cusp of a transhuman explosion. However, Kurzweil's prediction of the 2025 singularity was based off of Moore's Law, which as we all know is faltering. I believe the Singularity will come soon though, around 2050-2075. Prepare yourselves.

>> No.2663630


Fine then, I'll watch it tonight, goddamnit.

>> No.2663635

The only reason why we aren't reaching it sooner is because of deliberate interventions of humans to curtail the exponential progression of technology.

>> No.2663641

You're welcome for expanding your mind.


>> No.2663652

Somebody find and bump the Kurzweil thread. We need to get this shit sorted.

>> No.2663661


OP, is this doc better than Transcendent Man?

>> No.2663665

>I believe the Singularity will come soon though, around 2050-2075

Most people will be dead by then, including you.

>> No.2663673

That's irrelevant. This documentary is very well done, and definitely worth your time (even though your time is most likely worthless).

>> No.2663676

Is this like Dooze-sex: Humorn Relavation?

>> No.2663682

That's your opinion, and a very slim one with circumstantial evidence.

Good luck being distopian, I bet your friends love being around you and your negative attitude.

You're most likely autistic anyway.

>> No.2663702

>Most people will be dead by then, including you.

If God is good.

>> No.2664847

OK /lit/, fuck you.

If you aren't going to take transhumanism seriously, you can all go to hell. I will not return to /lit/ for a long time.

Trust me, you have lost a very important poster.

>> No.2664860

Transhumanism is science-fiction fervently believed by gullible nerds. At least fantasy fags keep their LARP adventures to themselves.

>> No.2664869
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