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2662313 No.2662313 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good, consistent Sword and Sorcery series?

Pic slightly related.

>> No.2662317

Lord of the Rings is pretty good.

>> No.2662318
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So, what, you've read the ERB Mars books?

Jack Vance and Phillip Jose Farmer. That should tide you over

>> No.2662415

Most of the Conan stuff is a great. Also try some of the Elric series.

>> No.2662440

The Lord of the Rings are High Fantasy, though.

>> No.2662455

Robert E. Howard and Michael Moorcock invented the genre if you haven't read them yet.

>> No.2662460

This was me (>>266245)
This gentleman beat me on both >>2662415.
Fritz Leiber is my only other solid suggestion.

>> No.2662628

You know, I'm not sure but the Dresden files is awfully s&sy.

Though it's more revolver and sorcery.