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/lit/ - Literature

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2661714 No.2661714 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on Haruki Murakami, /lit/?
The Elephant Vanishes, in particular, as it's his only piece I've read.

>> No.2661739


>> No.2661763

Why don't you give your idea of it first
But yes, I enjoyed it.

>> No.2661765

Love him. Writing is beautiful and engaging. Read most of his stuff, favourite would be Norwegian Wood but I can't get over one plot deal I hate how he sleeps with the carer woman at the end, just feels so random and wrong

I recommend After Dark

>> No.2661768

Wind-Up Bird Chronicle went on forever and made no sense.

>> No.2661777
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Well, The Elephant Vanishes was one of the works assigned to me for my latest English Literature class, and I can confidently say my favourite work, as well.
I find his writing style beautiful, his stories engaging, and his characters rather... relatable. They show the dichotomy of tradition and modernity in 20th Century Japanese culture.
I feel I'm just rambling though, as I don't really have any particular point to make, so I'll stop at that.

>> No.2661805

I really enjoyed reading his stuff and I've read most of it. I just stopped after finishing "Dance Dance Dance" and then immediately picking up Sputnik Sweetheart and feeling like he was retreading the same ground in different shoes, if you get my meaning.

>> No.2661817
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>> No.2661824

>thinly veiled homework thread


>> No.2661844

I just got IQ84, in the fancy paperback three-volume boxed set. I've only just started it, though. It's enjoyable so far.

>> No.2661846
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I recently purchased Norwegian Wood after hearing it was a good read. Anybody read it here?

>> No.2661850
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>implying people's opinions/thoughts could be used for homework
That hurts...

>> No.2661952


Pretty much one of the best definitions of nostalgia in literature. The writing is beautiful and the characters are moving.

Although the main character gets laid too much for being such an antisocial intellectual. Made me feel inadequate somehow.

>> No.2661968

Murakami is great. Hardboiled Wonderland and the End of the World is a fantastic novel, as are most of his. Wind-Up Bird Chronicle may be his most accomplished work, though the English translation is missing some chapters... blame the publisher for wanting to make it shorter.

>> No.2661975

I've seen more mentions of Murakami since I started reading Kafka On the Shore than I ever had in my life up to that point. What gives?

>> No.2662009


/lit/ won't shut up about him. You probably just didn't notice before.