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2659643 No.2659643 [Reply] [Original]

>Several of the stories also mock or criticize what Wallace saw as bad trends in the literary scene, including the cynical, amoral realism of 1980 "Brat Pack" writers such as Bret Easton Ellis, as well as postmodern literary criticism and metafiction. A novella, "Westward the Course of Empire Takes Its Way", draws heavily on John Barth's metafictional short story "Lost in the Funhouse".

So THAT'S why you all hate DFW

>> No.2659648

I like him

>> No.2659649

Nobody around here really proselytizes about Barth, if they've read him, and everybody pretty much hates BEE.

>> No.2659650

To me he seems to be one of those writers who's labelled as "pretentious" despite obviously being quite sincere in what he produced, possibly because people are lumping him in with his fanbase?

>> No.2659656


No, it's because he's more difficult to read than Palahniuk.

Genuinely, that's it. The people who say that are just like that, period.

>> No.2659694

in other words /lit/ in general hates every contemporary writer, specially the ones whose books have been adapted to movies or any sort of relevance and validation.

>> No.2659701


we could keep pointing out the obvious or... erm, discuss books and authors maybe?

>> No.2659702


No, we just hate people who want a round of applause for reading something without pictures in it, and the bitter GRRM fan who keeps calling people 'roach' and 'pleb'.

>> No.2659727


And I'm assuming you know who GRRM is, correct? Spend much time browsing fantasy?

>> No.2659746


Downright fuck to compare the difficulty in reading DFW with Palahniuk.

>> No.2659752

>>Hurr durr I have no original ideas

>> No.2659797

we all love DFW (except for those fellating Bloom), it's just not an opinion worth stating anymore

>> No.2659805


None. You started threads about him. You know this.

>> No.2659826

We hate DFW because he was all style no substance.

>> No.2659829


lol no

>> No.2659831


well I do not hate him

>> No.2659860

>The people who say that are just like that

reword please

>> No.2660357
File: 22 KB, 328x400, dfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spent whole life writing about the poison of irony
>strived to express self as sincerely and clearly as possible
>as result made some of the most deeply moving work of his, or any generation
>all style no substance

>> No.2660368

I love DFW.

>> No.2660371

Girl with the curious hair. Is this the one that comes before The girl with the dragon tattoo or after? I know there are a few different ones in the series.

>> No.2660372

>write diatribes against irony and in favour of a new sincerity
>write the most pseudo-intellectual, up its own ass, look mom no hands fiction of the end of the century
>wonder why Wallace is treated with disdain outside hipster communities

>> No.2660375


Bloomite detected

>> No.2660406

He's adored by basically everyone except Harold Bloom, ASOIAF plebs, and like 5 guys on /lit/. Peers, critics and readers alike. Voice of a generation. And that's why you don't like him: because you're a contrarian fuckwit.

>> No.2660425

posting in a pretty awful thread to say that lost in the funhouse is a really really good book