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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 35 KB, 413x577, epicwinforanonymous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2657287 No.2657287 [Reply] [Original]

IS this book any good /lit/?

I presume most of you had read it as its about our wonderful community.

>> No.2657288

Your presumption is wrong.

>> No.2657291

I'm not interested in criminals.

>> No.2657292

Can't imagine it being remotely interesting.

>> No.2657299

Moot said he hated it.

Apparently it's pretty accurate, but you can get the same, if not better, information from the internet.

For free.

>> No.2657303

Or you could just download the book, from the internet.

For free.

>> No.2657308

As if i'm going to value moots opinion of a book.

Biased or not, anybody who shits something like /b/ into the world and doesn't kill it should have their opinion on anything automatically void for the rest of their lives.

>> No.2657311

Conquered the web? How? All they can do is open LOIC websites and troll Internet forums.
This book sounds so retarded that now I want to read it. I read the whole Twilight saga just to see how stupid it was, I'm sure I can digest this

>> No.2657314


/b/ is the final and ultimate postmodern achievement.

>> No.2657324

oh boy, there we go..

>> No.2657332

/b/ is the best enema I ever pumped into my own mouth.

>> No.2657347

It's terrible and it's descriptions for boards other than /b/ are hilariously bad, give me a minute and I'll find one

>> No.2657350


> I read the whole Twilight saga just to see how stupid it was

What a horrendously silly thing to do. I bet you couldn't stop talking to your friends about the bone-breaking challenge you were to undertake.

Seriously, reading books you don't like. Well done.

>> No.2657352

You have my interest. Mainly because I automatically suspect anyone writing on 4chan to be really bad at it. I read a blogpost once by some liberal arts student called 'Wait a minute, did 4chan just enlighten me?' or something along those lines. It was an abomination.

>> No.2657355
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I'll do the whole section

>> No.2657356

There it it, for your lulz:

>> No.2657357
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>> No.2657358
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/d/'s probably my favorite

>> No.2657360
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>> No.2657362
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/lit/ next

>> No.2657363
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He thinks /lit/ is actually good!

>> No.2657364
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>> No.2657365
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He clearly never went on /sp/

>> No.2657366
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>> No.2657367


this stuff is fucking terrible ...

>> No.2657368

Hm, not actually that interesting... Maybe /lit/ was better when he wrote the book, but I doubt it. Did I miss /tg/?

>> No.2657369
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(Yes the formatting is this poor)

>> No.2657371
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/tg/'s in the 8th one, and /lit/'s been bad since way before /soc/ emerged

>> No.2657374
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Finally /b/, this fucker's the one true motivation I have for writing as if he can make money and gain relevancy through this crap anyone can

>> No.2657376

I just read this, fucking hell

>> No.2657377
File: 64 KB, 741x486, 1336292568272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>/b/ is where the trolls tend to gather in search of lulz

>> No.2657380

I don't even know how I found it, but it made me quite angry. Somehow media studies (and the Internet in particular) attracts the worst 'theorists' out there, even the successful ones are obviously incompetent, like Marshall McLuhan and John Perry Barlow.

>> No.2657386

It's because if you write a paper on the internet you can actually reference knowyourmeme and ED as legitimate sources, which is of roughly the same usefulness as referencing sparknotes or medieval: total war

>> No.2657390

oh not really, I don't have any friends to talk about books and stuff. I was just spending a weekend with my cousins and was extremely bored to the point that I just needed to read something, anything;and it was either Twilight or Eragon.
Then a few months later I bought a nook so I added a bunch of books to my list, and I thought "well, why not read the whole series, it took me only one day to finish the first book and it was so hilariously bad that maybe I should give the others a chance". At that point I was curious whether or not Stephanie Meyer could write anything shittier

I wasn't disappointed

>> No.2657393

in case anyone wants to take a quick look at it


>> No.2657397

He didn't review /ic/? Ok, I'm sad now.

>> No.2657398


Honestly, judging from what the others were it would have been

>This is where they draw things and say things about those things. They pay fun games like "draw the thing", and "look at the thing and then draw the thing without looking at the thing".

>> No.2657419

>The male dominance on the site aren’t a result of women not speaking up and making their presence known, but is perhaps a greater representation of male dominance in all aspects of our culture (that I will leave for you all to debate, if you so choose).

If only I could roll my eyes into the heavens.

>> No.2657699

where? all the links i've found are down...

>> No.2657913

there's a link a few posts above

>> No.2658159

It's Stephenie.

>> No.2658313

Is there an actual quote?

>Honest Covers
When the fuck have we ever played this. I've only ever seen one of these threads once, and it was inspired by the description in this book.

>> No.2658320

I have MacLuhan's "Understanding Media" on my desk right now and I'm dreading reading it.

>> No.2658330

Cole Striker is the biggest bullshitter out there. I called him out on his crap on reddit, and he responded something to the effect of "I don't have to be a good journalist, people buy my things, so that's good enough".

Buy it if you want some melodramatic and romantic tale of how a virgin 16 year old led an army of internet hackers into the heart of the world.

>> No.2658347


oh god, my sides.

>> No.2658366

You only have yourself to blame in this case, because both the names you cited are barely at the fringes. Besides, "media studies" is incredibly nebulous. What particular aspect are you interested in? If it comes to mass culture and iconography, then there is WJT Mitchell (UChicago). If it comes to mass culture, vernacular modernism and film as *the* 20th century art form, then there is Miriam Hansen (UChicago). On the other hand if you're talking about media in a broader sense then there is network aesthetics/network theory (Wendy Chun, Brown Univ.), temporality/memory/archive/historicity (Phil Rosen, Mary Ann Doane, Brown Univ.), if it is architecture and public space vs. visual culture, then it is Giuliana Bruno (Harvard) or Tom Conley (Harvard).

On the other hand if it is more techno-stuff, then there is Alexander Galloway (NYU), Eugene Thacker (New School), Bernard Stiegler (can't remember his current affiliation), Mark Hansen (Duke), et al.

Really, media studies is like saying you're interested in English. Well, fine, but what specifically?

McLuhan was a pop intellectual; the Slavoj Zizek of his day. He did make *some* good points, but largely he is not someone to take seriously.

>> No.2658547

my bad. i figured that was just an excerpt...

>> No.2658569


I wish I could be /fa/. I'm too poor.

If you don't think that /fa/ is generally quality in their discussions then I don't know what to say.

Only problem is they expect everyone to be an 8/10 with twenty thousand to blow on clothes.

>> No.2658577

OMG those descriptions...

>At the end of the day, we all love each other! WE'RE A SOCIAL MOVEMENT HOORAY!

I'm going to puke blood.

>> No.2658591
File: 75 KB, 1216x258, fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you don't think that /fa/ is generally quality in their discussions then I don't know what to say.

>> No.2658783
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>yfw he published this too late to have taken in /new/, but too early to have taken in /pol/

I really wonder what he'd have to say about that/those boards.

>> No.2658804

This looks fucking terrible.

>> No.2658824

What impresses me about these descriptions is how wrong they all are.

/lit/ is not exactly waist deep in Randbots... Who paid this mongrel?

>> No.2658866

this was written a couple years ago, when "There shall be no posting of Ayn Rand" was not in effect

>> No.2658880

what about /mlp/ imagine if the public knew we had that attached to us, like a multicolored tumor on the side of the face.

>> No.2658894

i didn't know i could hate anyone this much from just reading their work

>> No.2658981

The name alone tells me I should stay the fuck away from such a book.

>> No.2658994

Should have been called
>Newfag: The Book

>> No.2659005

Cole Stryker?


>> No.2659022
File: 3 KB, 126x91, 1299623624702s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan's music board gives music geeks a platform to engage in the age-old practice of cultural snobbery. It's dominated heavily by metalheads, the one true music of computer nerds. People post what's currently on their turntables, take glamour shots of their hi-fi setups, and create lists upon lists that quantify specific eras and genres.
>It's dominated heavily by metalheads, the one true music of computer nerds.
>metalheads, the one true music of computer nerds

>> No.2659041

well they clearly have not heard of the gore-spammer then have they.

>> No.2659060

It looks less like he visited 4Chan and took in the info first hand, and more like he just went to Gaia or SA or WoWforums and asked what the place is like.

>> No.2659079

>Gaia or SA or WoWforums
I have no idea what any of these are.

>> No.2659087


Gaia? SomethingAwful? World of fucking Warcraft?

>> No.2659091

lol @ you for not at least knowing what Gaia, Something Awful, or World of Warcraft are

have you ever been on the Internet before (not counting facebook and tumblr)

>> No.2659094

I have heard of World of Warcraft but not the other 2. I take it they're games as well.

>> No.2659101



>> No.2659108

Gaia Online and Something Awful Dot Com are two of the largest forums on the Internet. In fact, 4chan is literally an SA spinoff project formed by people (including m00t) from Something Awful's anime board (the Anime Death Tentacle Rape Whorehouse). Seriously, if you're a 4chan poster, not knowing this makes you kind of ignorant.

>> No.2659109

Something Awful is 4chan 1.0. Basically 4chan in traditional forum form + somewhat arbitrary moderation.
Gaia is like bizarro 4chan.

>> No.2659119

I just went to the gaia website. Why would even want to know about that site, its for little kids? I think im probably missing something, but I really don't care

>> No.2659121

yeah Gaia is terrible, and has historically been kind of the nemesis of 4chan. but not knowing what it is means you're kind of ignorant, for real.

>> No.2659151

it's the literary equivilant of a meme t-shirt

>> No.2659157

I frequently wear a trollface t-shirt.

>> No.2659268

He Thinks /v/ even likes video games? Did he research at all?

>> No.2659355
File: 36 KB, 326x295, 1317778929083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to class
>best friend has this book on her desk
>calls the guy behind her a "newfag" several times
>tells me later that she's known about 4chan for four days