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/lit/ - Literature

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2654213 No.2654213 [Reply] [Original]

What is the "Big Bang Theory" of literature?

>> No.2654217

Science fiction.

>> No.2654221

anything steam punk.

>> No.2654236

Infinite Jest.

It makes sense. Think about it.

>> No.2654241

I'd say a good portion of the young adult genre.

>> No.2654249

Ayn Frank

>> No.2654260
File: 45 KB, 625x352, post-26635-0-72228100-1306520833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, now what's The IT Crowd of literature?

>> No.2654264
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Something designed to appeal to certain demographic but only appeases those whose tastes were formed by the corporate corruption of that demographics beloved media and those who have either no or a vague idea of what actually represents that demographic? Infinite Jest sounds good, but it's not as popularly digestible. Probably David Sedaris.

>> No.2654269

A show about that same demographic only its job specific inaccuracies are born through a purposeful abstract concept rather than uncorrected ignorance?

>> No.2654475

Ew, ugly female on television? What were they thinking?

>> No.2654478


For yuropoors that is considered a SOLID 7.

>> No.2654485


>> No.2654494


>> No.2654500

>implying European women aren't better in every single way than your fat barbaric colonial scum

>> No.2654515

"Big Bang Theory" in the sense of "low-budget comedy shit which is just as bad as other low-budget comedy shit and is only different insofar as it reflects poorly on a cultural identity of which I personally am a part" or "Big Bang Theory" in the sense of "Low-budget comedy shit which everyone compares to sparkling, high-quality comedy and then feels smug about how much worse it is because they may then safely avoid taking a look at the facile, materialistic, predictable and entirely banal subculture which it reflects comedically with the subtlety and keen edge of a rusty cleaver?"

Or I suppose you could mean "Big Bang Theory" in the sense of "Threatening popularization of a traditionally marginalized subculture which serves only to eradicate that culture's distinctiveness, monetize its interests and violate the sense of exclusivity which was its only attraction in the first place".

You really must be more specific.

>> No.2654520

harry potter

>> No.2654533


It's either this or the Hunger Games.

>> No.2654535

apathy and other small victories

>> No.2654699

Is this g serious?

>> No.2654703
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Do Seinfeld next.

>> No.2654712

You think that's clever, let me tell you something: It's not nearly half as clever as coming up with a /lit/ equivalent for any one of these disambiguations. Enjoy your aspie-cleverer-than-thou-question-the-questioning, but don't fool yourself and think you are more intelligent than OP just by turning one question into three. If you cannot answer any of these, you have not contributed anything.

>> No.2654717


and I was just considering reading it since his speech was mentioned several times here...

Is it still a good book though?

>> No.2654724


>Is it still a good book though

Everyone has a different opinion on this, some stronger than others. It's wisest usually to just see for yourself, in my experience

>> No.2654736

It's excellent, pay no mind to the handful of bitter Bloomite classicists who constantly put it down. They're the literary equivalent of those "L1K3 TH1S C0MM3NT IF UR 13 AND L0VE L3D Z3PP3LIN \m/" YouTube kiddies.

>> No.2654743


Uh, Bloom isn't a classicist. He likes Pynchon, he fucking loves McCarthy. He's down with pomo, friend. Wallace is just shitty pomo, and Bloom knows it when he sees it.

>> No.2655083

Oh, god, no. It just isn't a very good book. I don't like Bloom and I do enjoy a lot of postmodern fiction, but Wallace didn't know what he was doing.

>> No.2655791
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>What is the "Big Bang Theory" of literature?


>> No.2655800

>From the creator of JUST SHOOT ME

>> No.2655825
File: 38 KB, 640x352, motherofgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2655846


Even if you don't like it, it's easy to read and amusing.

>> No.2655861
File: 57 KB, 575x356, ICe-Cube-fishing-pole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best image board on the internet, i swear.

>> No.2656096
File: 15 KB, 244x225, 1274436084236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't judge a bookstore by its cover girl.
>You can't judge a BOOKstore by its COVER girl
>You can't judge a BOOK by its COVER


>> No.2656143

the hitchhiking manual of the universe

>> No.2656146


I don't care how old she is, or how many cocks she's had, I would still totally wreck Pamela Anderson given half a chance.

>> No.2656177

>"Threatening popularization of a traditionally marginalized subculture which serves only to eradicate that culture's distinctiveness, monetize its interests and violate the sense of exclusivity which was its only attraction in the first place".
If you don't mind im gonna keep this as pasta
quite succinct...

>> No.2656203

Snow Crash

>> No.2656213
File: 66 KB, 600x600, hmm..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the "Game of Thrones" of literature?

>> No.2656324
File: 22 KB, 492x400, 1325555416454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game of Thrones.