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/lit/ - Literature

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2653865 No.2653865 [Reply] [Original]

How come most of English/Liberal arts majors fail at math?

I for one know many people who chose to do more science/math but were very interested in philosophy and literature too and used to excel at these courses, but as far as I know most people who majored in liberal arts failed at math in high school and now have a bad image of science. Whenever basic math is involved in a conversation one of them will typically say "ewww this is why I'm not a math major" or shit like that.

Furthermore, I've noticed that people who are good at math have many stereotypes attached to them: they're seen as autists, complete nerds, anti-social fucks, etc. And that's not true. I've worked with teachers and met many students in schools and universities and I swear I couldn't tell who was studying/teaching what based solely on how "nerdy" they looked. Yes, there are autistic nerds. However, I've met over a hundred "science majors" (or equivalents in my country) and only three were kinda weird - and not even autistic. Liberal arts don't have these stereotypes.

TL;DR: Science/math majors are interested in philosophy, Liberal art majors suck at math or hate it, discuss.

>> No.2653870


Seriously please fuck off you fucking trolls. We didn't do shit to you, you smug piece of shit.

We just want to read fucking books and talk about them, what the fuck is wrong with that?

>> No.2653877

>Science/math majors are interested in philosophy

But that's wrong you fucking retard. Stop by /sci/ once in a while and mention that you study philosophy.

Their high need for validation will betray itself.

>> No.2653878

So what books are you interested in, OP?

>> No.2653879

What'd we do to piss off /sci/? Was someone trolling over there? Why are y'all doing this, what's going on?

>> No.2653895

/sci/ has an incredibly small penis and feels the need to put down other disciplines because theirs is the most "worthwhile."

>> No.2653901
File: 27 KB, 775x387, 1324893166586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what English majors actually believe
whatever that keeps you comfortable with yourselves, hope you love your job at Starbucks

>> No.2653920


I would encourage people on here to not judge people studying STEM subjects based on /sci/.

Being a CS/Math major, I hate to be stereotyped as a philosophy/literature-hating prick, since I enjoy both greatly.

>> No.2653926

>science majors
>not trolls

>> No.2653928

No, no, whatever keeps YOU comfortable.

Keep pumping out those vaccines and technological innovations so the rest of us can enjoy ourselves. :)

>> No.2653936

All credibility lost

>> No.2653940

I'm sure Starbucks employees enjoy themselves a lot. Meanwhile, people you despise keep expanding the bounds of human intelligence and invention.

>> No.2653952

its harder to discuss higher math. The math guys know english, so they can jump into a discussion of philosophy more easily, even if theyre not so familiar with context. If you lack the background, higher mathematics are impossible to discuss. its a different language.

>> No.2653980

Pic sauce please.

>> No.2654215

Right, because every person on /lit/ is a philosopher just like every /sci/tard is a scientist and not a pretentious amateur.

>> No.2654292

OP's original post is very one sided.

I'm a math type person. But I love to read. I probably have a much harder time appreciating what I read because I'm a math type person. Majored in philosophy for a while and was better able to understand. Maybe due to being logical?

I have a very close friend, she's not a math type person. It's not much of an exageration to say she couldn't tell you what 10% of a dollar was if her life depended on it. But, having known her for 20 years, I can just tell, she's much smarter than me. A different kind, broader, more intuitve, more human related kind of smart.

OP just needs to meet more people.