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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.79 MB, 3168x4025, a updated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2653733 No.2653733 [Reply] [Original]

Pick a team /lit/

No Bible God.

>> No.2653735

Why no Bible God?

>> No.2653737

/pol/'s stealth is win

>> No.2653743

just choose shiva, yog-sothoth, or whatever
fuck your rules, we too smart for them, swag

>> No.2653747


We're so edgy xddddd

>> No.2653748


>> No.2653749


Makes no difference. /co/ have The Saint of Killers.

Game over.

>> No.2653751

Cthulu, Harry Potter, Gandalf, The Shrike, Moby Dick, John Galt

we win

>> No.2653758


>No Bible God.

But, but, but... /mu/ have jeebers. (and a refrigerator and a potato, granted)

>> No.2653760
File: 144 KB, 1292x727, 1334544766121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>his bullets never miss and will always kill
>mfw all his bullets are redirected at him and he dies

>> No.2653764


They always hit what he aims for and he killed Jehovah with them. Besides, Batman will thwart any of your clever clever plots and strategems. Then Popeye will beat everyone up and superman will use his Super-Ventriloquism or something to make all the other teams say "I R A FAGIT" just for the lulz and to show how easy the fight is.

/co/ are going to win.

>> No.2653767
File: 51 KB, 339x298, 1334220733021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh dear god did you just call that comics retarded shit-tier poser god "Jehova?"

Please be joking. Please be fucking joking. Otherwise you are a gigantic faggot.

>> No.2653771

/a/ has ajimu. She can do literally anything.

>> No.2653773
File: 158 KB, 750x640, SMACK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Yukari just summons a Demonbane version of SWAMP THING
>He beats Batman's ass

>> No.2653774
File: 9 KB, 261x193, u_mad_alice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Sits on a throne
>surrounded by angels and cherubim and seraphim
>cast the devil into hell

sounds like Bible God to me. Why so cranky?

>> No.2653776







>> No.2653777


>thinking that Batman can be beaten

If Bane and Darkseid and whoever the fuck else couldn't beat him then I think he'll work out a Yukari (whatever the fuck one of those is).

>> No.2653781
File: 213 KB, 480x360, cartman_cthulu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you play Cthulu (who's pretty shit-tier amongst the Great Old Ones - Azathoth is the daddy IIRC) then /tv/ will simply summon Eric Cartman and then where will you be?

In Cthulu's tummy, that's where you'll be.

>> No.2653782
File: 399 KB, 1535x1661, Happypatchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Sits on a throne

Well you see, now that's when you're wrong.

Also, lol did the angels look like beautiful women too? lolllll

>> No.2653784

Anasûrimbor Kellhus as leader

>> No.2653785


>Yukari summoning Swamp Thing
>Swamp Thing
>Kicked Batman with prep time in the ass

You clearly don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.2653787 [SPOILER] 
File: 34 KB, 353x628, saint_throne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Also, lol did the angels look like beautiful women too? lolllll

No - some of them look like coked-up TV producers. Do you have any idea what you're talking about?

Pic related - the dead person in front is an angel, the throne is a throne.and he just killed God and everyone else in Heaven

>> No.2653789

the langoliers.

>> No.2653793
File: 64 KB, 453x559, cuchulain_warp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruiser: Cú Chulainn

>> No.2653798 [SPOILER] 
File: 34 KB, 297x420, seraph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what a certain angel looks like

Clearly, whoever wrote the comic has no fucking idea what he's writing about.

>> No.2653800


>> No.2653803


Whereas you're an expert on angels? You've met your personal guardian, I'll bet.

fucking new-age whackjob

>> No.2653809


He got that from here


SoK is just a cowboy Kratos

>> No.2653810

Milton's Lucifer
Nietzsche's Ubermensch

The Hero with a Thousand Faces

Existential angst


Ahura Mazda
Aristotle's thought-thinking-itself

Laplace's Demon

>> No.2653812

>Ricky Rubio
Did /sp/ get asked in the middle of the night or something?

>> No.2653814

>No Bible God.
...and yet loads of the choices already made are predominantly from /lit/ material

>> No.2653816
File: 92 KB, 600x709, Disgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who let /mlp/ in?

>> No.2653822

>Hero with a thousand faces

Oh shit!

Hey, can we put Mary Sue in?

>> No.2653829


I was wondering that too, especially since those guys hate Tebow like they hate soccer.

And wtf is going on with /mu/?

>> No.2653832

You all realize that Superman Prime is basically Jesus and Goku combined right?

>> No.2653834


Didn't Batman put Supes in the hospital though?

>> No.2653835


Mary Sue is an unofficial insert character.

We can't.

>> No.2653838


Someone post that picture where Superman tells batman that the next time Batman tried to punch him, he wouldn't move so all the bones in his body would break .

>> No.2653861
File: 162 KB, 1255x785, lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starter team.

>> No.2653866
File: 16 KB, 312x332, bat_marine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying that in that circumstance, Batman would be stupid enough to punch him again
>implying batman doesn't have enough Kryptonite in the batcave to actually rebuild the planet
>implying that Batman's super-power isn't "always wins"

>> No.2653871


No Cthulu - Azathoth if it's an elder god.

And Sherlock Holmes? Seriously?

>> No.2653874

Haha, excellent choice with Holmes.

>> No.2653882


Well if you put Sherlock Holmes in, /jp/ might have to put in Bernkastel

>> No.2653889

>No Cthulu - Azathoth if it's an elder god.
Don't worry. None of the other teams have a Norwegian fishing boat. We're good.

>> No.2653890


/co/ fields "the world's greatest detective"
/lit/ fields the second greatest.

beta, thy name is /lit/

>> No.2653904


jokes on you, Batman crossovered with Holmes and they tied.

>> No.2653906

Bottom row is pretty good here I think, and I think the top row from here is perfect:

>Nietzsche's Ubermensch

>The Hero with a Thousand Faces

>Existential angst

This would make a pretty good team. Unless you want to switch in Peter Wiggin somewhere...

>> No.2653914


/mu/'s list is better. it pains me to say that, but it's true.

>> No.2653918


Nietzsche's ubermensch as an actual specific entity?

Is everyone on /lit/ this fucking stupid, or just this guy?

>> No.2653921

Some kind of omniscient version of the worlds greatest detective, at that.

Surely we can do better than this?

Think bigger. We need not gods but creatures beyond gods, creatures who have killed gods. Also, time travellers. It's hard to fight an enemy who just heads back in time and kills you before birth.

Shit...if there are time travelling characters from different universes out on the battle field, that could get confusing, especially if the rules of time travel were different for each.

>> No.2653927


He selected three abstracts that you can't get even get a picture of. I think it's safe to assume he's an idiot.

>> No.2653931
File: 429 KB, 1036x966, shrikesmash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought we already agreed on an all-Shrike squad.

>> No.2653937

Hi, welcome to reading comprehension 099. Let's examine the following: Oh wait, why don't you fucking examine it yourself. The ubermensch doesn't have to be any more of an "actual specific entity" than "Existential Angst" does to be a suggestion here, does it?

You know, scrap that, let's make our leader be "Bitchy self-serving hipster pseudo-elitists." Works well enough for /lit/, might as well be our representative to the rest of the boards.

>> No.2653941

>implying that is our list
Ours had Thom, Varg, Jeff, Merzbow, #based god ultra swag, and Aphex Twin.
The one in OP always gives me a chuckle though.

>> No.2653943

It's just a joke, yo. Along the lines of Popeye or Doomguy being phenomenally powerful. Existential angst being the "attacker from afar" is a silly play on being hobbled by ennui. It evokes a humorous image of some powerful dude being crippled by navel-gazing nihilism. Same with the ubermensch - he's the abstract concept of the most exemplary leader ever and the epitome of auctoritas and charisma.

Leave it to /lit/ to take THIS shit seriously.

>> No.2653944
File: 99 KB, 301x333, stainless_steel_rat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stealth: The Stainless Steel Rat

I always hated this pic though, because I always thought the Rat was a black dude.

And I feel there should be a place on the team for Andrew Norton, the Prisoner of London, but I'm not sure where.

>> No.2653946


If you're making jokes, it helps to make them funny - then people realise that there's a joke there. Just a hint. You'll get there in the end, sport.

>> No.2653959


that angst bit doesn't make any fucking sense.

and that's not even what the ubermensch is an abstraction of. try again.

>> No.2653963


>try again.

Don't encourage the fucking idiot.

>> No.2653966
File: 46 KB, 300x225, AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was funny.

But lets get back on topic here. Would AM be a good decision?

How about the Monolith or Halman?

>> No.2653968

If you don't find it funny, that's fine. If you wig out and call people out on their sarcastic suggestion that abstract, ill-defined or hypothetical concepts or individuals be used humorously as "team members" to fight other teams composed of video game characters who are only powerful on account of wonky in-game physics engines, I think you have a broken, autistic sense of humour. Or you are a pedantic douche. Either one is cool on /lit/.

/r9k/'s suggestion for a sniper was "that feel when no gf." The feel itself. If you can't see the joke behind this you are broken in the head.

And yes, that is the ubermensch. Master moralist, Apollonian and Dionysian fusion, amor fati. All great men have had the theoretical ideal of the ubermensch in them. That's the point. They are natural leaders because of their qualities.

>> No.2653977


>autistic sense of humour
>pedantic douche

looks like you're right on point, over-fag

>> No.2653978


>/r9k/'s suggestion for a sniper was "that feel when no gf."

But the arcanines are absolute faggots. Are you sure you want to bring them to your defence?

>> No.2653982


And that's actually quite funny. Better than existential fucking doubt, anyway.

>> No.2653984

It's just an analogous joke, man. Like I said, I don't care if someone doesn't find it funny, but it was distinctly douchey to hop on such a flimsy pretext just to call someone a retard. It's emblematic of this awful dilettantish board.

>> No.2653986

>It's emblematic of this awful dilettantish board.

Jesus, and you're calling other people douches? You write like a cunt.

>> No.2653991

And still, no matter how pretentious I might be, I'll never lurk /lit/ like a vulture looking for excuses to make meta lowercase shitposts about how someone is wrong and dumb, without ever contributing anything.

>> No.2653994



Wait. This is an insult now? Or is it just this nutless prong?

>> No.2653996


i will never contribute (or go uppercase)

>> No.2653997

fyad post-fyad 4 life (except without the humor or timing or content)

>> No.2654000

Don't put any Lovecraft since /jp/ will rape it.

>> No.2654003

Put ice nine or ubik for special

>> No.2654009

>/vp/'s Wobbufett uses counter to reflect ice nine at the other boards
>they all freeze permanently

>> No.2654029

We can use the Ubik to protect ourselves from the Ice-Nine.

>> No.2654048
File: 908 KB, 1255x785, IfTheyDontDieInBattleThey'llProbablyKillThemselvesAnyways.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we should use authors, not book characters.

>> No.2654051

4/6 of our team killed themselves and only 2 lived past 50 (both of those killed themselves)

>> No.2654052

Leader: Eru Ilúvatar
Bruiser: Typhon
Sniper: Artemis
Guard: Achilles
Special: Yog Sothoth
Stealth: Morgoth

Meh, I tried.

>> No.2654061

Thus the file name.
Anyways, most of these guys could beat the other teams with one hand tied behind their back. I think this team would have a good shot at winning.

>> No.2654063

Yeah, I'd probably change Camus for a Russian though.

>> No.2654097

Good going guys

>> No.2654130

>the sun was in my eyes

Let's go with this.
If not, who gives a fuck. We have books to read, children.

And why the fuck does /mu/ get Jesus and Anne Frank? I figure the potato, refrigerator and vacuum are from John Cage.

>> No.2654134

>Ernest Hemingway
-Anti-Semitic (trumps /pol/'s jew stealth)
-Served in both world wars (Trumps Hitler)

>Yukio Mishima
-Was extremely influential in Japan, very conservative and well known around the world (Trumps /a/ and /jp/'s crap)
-Was a bodybuilder (ties /sp/)

>George Orwell
-Already killed an Elephant, should have no problem taking out most "brute force attackers" as well as animals like /mlp/ and /vp/
-Hardened war hero that fought fascists, probably able to kill half the people here, and take out /pol/

>Albert Camus
-Already fought with his demons (or lack of), could talk out /x/ no problem
-Killed an Arab like it was nothing, no doubt he'd be able to take out other races as well
-Ignored religion, beats Jesus

>Hunter S. Thompson
-He pioneered an entire field of journalism and made a living doing drugs and getting into adventures, he could fuck your shit

>Osamu Dazai
-He was able to device even his closest friends and family since he was a child, AND he wrote a book about it. He's clearly the superior option for stealth.

>> No.2654137

ITAOTS. That is why they get Jesus and Anne Frank.

>> No.2654138
File: 405 KB, 703x516, victory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just leaving this here

>> No.2654141
File: 35 KB, 300x300, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most are from ITAOTS
Potato looks like the tambourine on the girls head
Jesus comes from King of Carrot Flowers Part 2
Anne Frank is a major theme throughout the album
The vacuum is from some shit band that sounds like a vacuum.

>> No.2654144

>Osamu Dazai
Forgot to mention, he was angstier than bat-man, so he beats /co/

>> No.2654155

>No Bible God.

hehe......the rest of the 4chan dislike our ancient group 3 team? It's......interesting how many religious we have in this image board...

(sorry, really bad english here)

>> No.2654159

Yes. Every one of these dumb things should be answered with James Joyce.

>> No.2654180
File: 23 KB, 538x396, 353504-light_yagami_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a writer... of sorts... sniper?

also obv. Cthulhu for our special.
Bruiser can be Moby Dick
this. Also leader, Captain Ahab or Captain Nemo?

>> No.2654181

I don't understand why we need to choose writers. /v/ has a locked door and /mu/ has household appliances. Shouldn't we have an indestructible leather book cover for guard or some crazy plot device as our stealth?

>> No.2654193

/pol/'s is the best. Pitting imaginary characters against each other is as amusing as playing with action figures. What's the point?

>> No.2654194

Deus Ex Machina for stealth?

>> No.2654197

Its funner that way.

>> No.2654270

Once again proof that /mu/ is the worst board.

>> No.2654272

I liked /mu/'s the most just because they didn't take this power level bullshit seriously

>> No.2654280


I really like /mu/'s actually.

>> No.2654281


Vacuum is My Bloody Valentine
Fridge is Sunn O)))

>> No.2654282

let's choose books
fuck the police, etc

>> No.2654285


I thought vacuum was Sunn O)))?

>> No.2654286
File: 136 KB, 665x598, 1332538934224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2654287

Seconding this.
Adorno, DFW, Ayn Rand, Camus, Pynchon, J.K Rowling... the team's all there!

>> No.2654289
File: 28 KB, 300x297, pub_voices_owls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And the owls are from pic related.

>> No.2654290

hmm I've never heard a fridge make a noise before. I should go to /mu/ more often.

>> No.2654291
File: 101 KB, 500x410, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Old broken fridges make a buzz/ hum.

Doom Drone can be described as people getting very angry near old refrigerators.

Relevant MBV comic.

>> No.2654294



>> No.2654352

Just use the Joyce pictures and use those names.

>> No.2654355
File: 126 KB, 1255x785, TeamLit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are my picks.

>> No.2654369
File: 489 KB, 890x779, template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2654375 [DELETED] 

/pol/ is O,P.

>> No.2654378

This. /pol/ needs to be nerf'd.

>> No.2654395

Looks good. We're all done here.

Honorable mention to
That's a pretty sweet sniper.

>> No.2654398

Nailed it, buddy tripfag.

>> No.2654399

I'm sorry, but /a/ wins everything.

Gold Experience Requiem nullifies every action to zero. An attack can never be made because it is deleted before it happens.

That being said, there is only one literary hero who can find a way to save us:


>> No.2654401

Are you actually trying to win this childish game? We're done, anyway.

>> No.2654402

I just want more Borges

>> No.2654644


Yes, childish games is a quality. So stop samefagging your shit team.

>> No.2654657

Arthur (either the king or the aardvark)
The UU librarian, with his library burning down
Jean Valjean (dude is a fucking god with a gun)
Hank Rearden with a suit of armor made from his metal
The ghost of James Incandenza

>> No.2654669


China Mieville

>> No.2654674



>> No.2654675


The lols just keep on rolling in!

>> No.2654677

>The UU librarian, with his library burning down

I think he's called Oot.

>> No.2654697

Yossarian - Catch 22
Dr Gonzo - Fear and Loathing
Legolas - Lotr
Detritus - Discworld
Bigsby - Trainspotting
Randle McMurphy _ One Flew over the cuckoos nest.

>> No.2654698



Milton's Satan




>> No.2654733

Ok, we should all agree that fucking MOBY DICK should be the bruiser.

He's the force of nature, the unbeatable. It can take on Hulk all day every day.

>> No.2654750

Alexander the Great

Mr. Hyde


Abraham Lincoln

Eddie Drood

Arsené Lupin

>> No.2654768

Daenerys Targaryen

Jaime Lannister

Melisandre the red witch

Mance Rayder

Tyrion Lannister

Arya Stark

>> No.2654782
File: 74 KB, 594x396, Peter+Dinklage+Peter+Dinklage+Erica+Schmidt+SNY8TrMnHbTl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tyrion Lannister

>> No.2655057

Leader: Descartes' Evil Demon

Bruiser: Cerberus (Divine Comedy, Inferno)

Sniper: Carlos Hathcock (Marine Sniper: 93 Confirmed Kills)

Guard: Phalanx (Gates of Fire)

Special: Can't think of something good...

Stealth: Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)
[can't get credit for his own crimes even when confessing them etc]

>> No.2655058

Special: Plato's Forms

>> No.2655059

Jesus, look at Tyrions horse.

>> No.2655067


>> No.2655154
File: 16 KB, 469x320, 1334318378307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2655168

>making a team of fictional characters to fight other fictional characters
Can only be sci-fi/fantasy fags

>> No.2655178

Not everyone there hates Tebow. The board is fucking riddled with dumb christfags

>> No.2655192

Leader: Plato's Socrates

Bruiser: Shakespeare's Anthony (Anthony and Cleopatra)

Sniper: King's Roland (The Dark Tower series)

Guard: Gaiman's Shadow (American Gods)

Special: Rowling's Dumbledore (Harry Potter series)

Stealth: Milton's Lucifer (Paradise Lost)

Honorable mention for leader: Conrad's Kurtz (Heart of Darkness)

>> No.2655197

>ctrl+f "marx"
>no results found

Enjoy having a bruiser who is weak bourgeois scum.

>> No.2655208

Leader should be DFW.

Obviously ironic though.

>> No.2655346

The Hero with a Thousand Faces
Existential Angst (enemies must either be smart enough to overcome it or dumb enough to not have such thoughts)
[insert fictional God here]
Andrew Harlan
The King of Pointland, in all his zero dimensional glory. He may be glowing, but being so small and quiet he can be hidden. Enemies can't attack him because he occupies no amount of physical space.

>> No.2655447
File: 1022 KB, 890x779, winar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this look?
I don't think I missed anyone, and this should be powerful/funny enough to beat the other boards.

>> No.2655448

Stealth should be Pynchon or Godot.

>> No.2655474

Judge Holden from Blood Meridian has to be in our team. Nobody faggot animu character is going to fuck with Judge Holden.

>> No.2655789

THE character's team:

Jean Valjean

Alex, the droog


Doc Ganeeka explaining Catch22

Chesire Cat

The invisible man

Now that's a team

>> No.2655901

Cthulhu and his old god friends

game over

>> No.2655927

/mu/ is the worst board on 4chan.

>> No.2655955
File: 256 KB, 1127x1000, fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are people trying to win this stupid shit. Just use the six-Joyce list that's the equivalent of saging and saying 'this is a fucking retarded competion' and move the fuck on.


>> No.2655965


Based on this thread, /lit/ is gunning for the title.

/mu/ is too cool to get involved in this shit, so their leader's a potato. /lit/ debates it for two days straight.

>> No.2655967
File: 26 KB, 250x195, pynchon_simps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2655972

Obvious Neutral Milk Hotel reference is obvious.

>> No.2655984

>/lit/ is gunning for the title.
Go take a look at /v/.
They argue nonstop about this shit.

>> No.2655987
File: 28 KB, 150x190, 1307155578280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/mu/ is too cool to get involved in this shit, so their leader's a potato

>not getting the reference

>> No.2655990


Really? d'ye think?

There isn't anyone on 4chan who didn't get the reference.

>> No.2655995

Still, they have a joke team, so the "too cool to get involved in this shit" stands still.

>> No.2656002


/lit/ should be too cool for this shit. But they're not. Still, life is full of disappointments.

>> No.2656007

From what I've seen, this thread has been full of jokes.

>God as author of the bible
>"the sun was in my eyes"
>Pynchon for stealth

Its not like we're have massive flame wars over what team would be able to beat the other teams, its just a bunch of people slapping images on a template and trying to come up with as many references/in-jokes as they can.

>> No.2656015


Well, aren't you just not mad as fuck.

Anyway, since you're 007, why the fuck isn't James Bond in there?

>> No.2656761
File: 121 KB, 399x599, 399px-Jabberwocky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the Jabberwock as our Bruiser?

>> No.2656795

>no Bible God
>/mu/ gets Jesus

Fuck you then. I pick Ahura Mazda.

>> No.2656815

Definitely need Harold Bloom for Guard. He's the last line of defense against the French and cultural Marxism.

>> No.2656832

But Jesus dies. He's not much of an asset.

>> No.2656854

What about Paul Atreides as leader? Or Mahasamatman?

>> No.2656855

>dat Lich Jesus

>> No.2656859

Fuck it. Let's do this. Can we just be done with this shit?

>> No.2656860

What about Paradise Lost God?

>> No.2656862

Wtf happened to our post-ironic victory team?

>> No.2656865


Meh. Paradise Lost Jesus might be good, dude shut down that war in Heaven real good.

>> No.2656866


>Can we just be done with this shit?

Pretends not to care

>Fuck it. Let's do this

Actually cares a very great deal.

>> No.2656875

That was a DIFFERENT multi-board team battle. Yeah, that's right. There are multiple multi-board team battle graphics.

>> No.2656887

It may be a stupidly obvious question, but does anyone actually have the faintest idea how this game works?

it's just the 4chan ball part II, isn't it?

>> No.2656890
File: 180 KB, 400x522, gustave_dore_paradise_lost_001_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, that's a great idea for a Bruiser: The Son of God, armed with the heavenly battle Merkava!

The best part is that strictly speaking, The Son of God is not the same character as the historical Jesus of the Gospels, so /mu/ can't call dibs.

>> No.2656897

Probably. There wasn't a resolution to the first 4chan inter-board battle that I know of.

>> No.2656902


>no resolution

well colour me shocked as fuck. It's taken two days for the faggots on /lit/ to work out half a team and understand the concept of no bible god. The project to hash out the rules between all boards will probably take over 9000 years.

>> No.2656911

Hehe, you know you love it. Where else can you find such dysfunctional charm as 4chan?

>> No.2656913


Well the "no bible god" thing is a bullshit rule. It's not our fault literature is top-tier.

>> No.2657790 [DELETED] 


>> No.2658092 [DELETED] 


>> No.2658992


>> No.2659071
File: 911 KB, 891x783, care.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2660264
File: 125 KB, 1255x785, danger-zone-team-lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that this whole debate has been tearing this board apart, but I'd like to present what I think can be a consensus team roster based on the discussion we've had over the past few days. Please let me know what you think.

>> No.2660267

Who is the sniper? She's actually pretty hot.

>> No.2660273

>Harold Bloom

yeah, nah. being fat doesn't make you a good "Guard"

>> No.2660278

Please refer to:


>> No.2661925

Well all right, if there are no further objections / nobody cares anymore...

>> No.2661969

>Mary Sue as a teammate

My fucking sides. This has to happen

>> No.2662227 [DELETED] 
File: 1.12 MB, 2535x4109, 1337562272816ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2662237
File: 1.45 MB, 3010x4880, 1337562272816ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2662304

This needs to be added

Fuck Harold Bloom. Fuck Terminal existential despair, fuck the grand inquisitor, and fucka you

>> No.2662993

There is no need to be mad.

>> No.2663017


Make this happen.