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2653063 No.2653063 [Reply] [Original]

Why do we suppress our animal instincts?

Has there really ever been a time or place in history when primal instincts were a bad thing?

>> No.2653070

I'll take civilization for 1000, Alex

>> No.2653075

>Why do we suppress our animal instincts?
We don't. Almost every action performed and every conversation had is about sex. We may disguise emotions and instincts as arguments and question, but it is just a facade.

>> No.2653076

If civilizations beyond hunting and gathering requires law, and law requires suppressing our instincts it is easy to see that all civilization has given us is dependent on our suppressing our instincts.

>> No.2653087
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>> No.2653097
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You disagree? Maybe humanity is the noble princess of earth, eh?
"We're so neat"

>> No.2653109
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>> No.2653124
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what the fuck is this?
What exactly are you trying to convey?

>> No.2653125

I always think, how would an animal act? Why is this significant, on a base instinct level?

I ask questions and I am given answers.

>> No.2653135

I wouldn't say they are suppressed, just mediated. And not just by law, either.

>> No.2653136

Why did Hobbes write Leviathan?
For the sex, of course.

>> No.2653156

>Almost every action performed and every conversation had is about sex

>> No.2653157

I don't think that guy was being ironic.

>> No.2653159


>> No.2653165

90% of humanity's preoccupations are related directly to sex (the other 10% indirectly)

>> No.2653162


I'm in agreement here. But I think it's far more complicated than just the act. There's a million factors to sex and I don't think they're entirely understood.

>> No.2653176

In this context I would imply in "sex" reproduction, attraction, etc.. Not just the act itself, obviously.

>> No.2653181

you don't read, do you?

>> No.2653187
File: 30 KB, 481x478, caps-lock-argue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The defense of the fool.
Always the same.
Someone says p, making sure to clarify that he is not talking in absolutes.
Opponent ignores that and presents a few exceptions to p, thus denouncing every single p.
pic related. it's you.

>> No.2653192

do we exist in a bizarro universe where "all" minus "exceptions" does not equal "most"? Because that's what you seem to be saying. Please grow more intimate with the English language.

>> No.2653195

cmon bro u kno hobbes had mad bitches all like "oooh hobbes i want to touch ur sovereign authority" and he was like "yea bb lay down ur right to everythign and lemme get at that"

>> No.2653199

>not posting evidence
>having an argument

I'm just trolling. You're the one whose panties are in a knot over this.

>> No.2653230

What evidence do you want? What's everybody worried about most of the time? Finding a sexual partner, being desirable to others (even intellectually), their descendants, etc...

Just look at the real world. Do you need MORE evidence?

>> No.2653234

Also I was obviously not talking about Hobbes, or Nietzsche, or Aristotle in my original post (besides, who am I to talk about them?), but for every 1 Tesla, not engaging in sexual acts, thinking it's the secret to genius there are 100,000 girls and boys in malls, scanning everything in range thru sexual lens.

>> No.2653252

We have a consciousness that gives a choice (or an illusion of choice) with how to deal with our inclinations. Thus, I wouldn't say our instincts are "suppressed" so much as we are instinctively inclined to engage in thought as much as we are to engage in sex.

>> No.2653249

Agreed. It's like psychopathy when talking about human need of social interaction, the exception that proves the rule.

>> No.2653254

How does me arguing on /jp/ about which Touhou game is the best translate into sex?

>> No.2653262

Not every single statement has to be backed up with a survey done by Goldenstein Institutes®.
Sometimes you just share your experiences with the world.
One simple example: Why do women wear make-up and spend hours making themselves attractive?
Does the average male care more about the Wave–particle duality/Plato's Forms or that chick's nice ass/boobs?
By the way I'm not judging or implying I'm superior. Just making an observation.

>> No.2653268


It does.

>> No.2653272

Why are we talking about "average" here?

>> No.2653273

Look, idiot, maybe you should get some perspective.

>What's everybody worried about most of the time?

If you weren't a fucking teenage boy you might be worried about keeping your job, or making sure your children are safe, or watching the next fucking Bengals game.

>Finding a sexual partner, being desirable to others (even intellectually), their descendants, etc...

And after you've found a sexual partner, at, say, 30, like the vast majority of human beings? What happens after that? Thoughts of sex, sex, sex, until you die? Quit being a retard.

>Just look at the real world. Do you need MORE evidence?

You're the one who's not looking at the real world, because you're an insulated adolescent fuckhead posting a an imageboard almost exclusively populated by males who haven't seen a vagina in their entire lives.

>> No.2653279

Because you don't have a girlfriend and direct that otherwise boiling unexpressed sexual energy toward japanese bullshit like every other japanese kawaii bullshit lover.

>> No.2653282


>> No.2653285

>unexpressed sexual energy

Freudian theories are long outdated son

>> No.2653287

Ignorant assumptions coming through.

>> No.2653288

because average equals 90% if not more

>> No.2653294

I'm pretty sure it's agreed upon that "average" and "normal" don't exist and peoples' feelings cannot be generalized like what you're doing.

>> No.2653312


Because society forces you and teaches you so.

But the truth is that society has evolved and our nature hasn't. Our brains are the same as they were in cave man and the vast majority is guided by primal insticts while we live in a society which expects it's members to be above their primal instincts and think think rational. And that is the main problem of our existence.

>> No.2653320

>Look, idiot...
Starting with an insult.

>If you weren't a fucking teenage boy you...
Continuing with the insults

>might be worried about keeping your job
So you can have money and survive to spread your genes or help your descendants survive
>or making sure your children are safe
They have your genes afterall.
>or watching the next fucking Bengals game.
Yes, baboons clear each others fur, humans watch sports.

>And after you've found a sexual partner, at, say, 30, like the vast majority of human beings? What happens after that? Thoughts of sex, sex, sex, until you die? Quit being a retard.
Yes. How often do you think about sex?

>You're the one who's not looking at the real world, because you're an insulated adolescent fuckhead posting a an imageboard almost exclusively populated by males who haven't seen a vagina in their entire lives.
Closing the same way you opened your wonderful post. Love your consistency.

>> No.2653335

I present to you, "Life, According to Anon":

>I just got a raise, Paul!
>That's great, Steve, now you can get more sex!
>I sure do love how more money gets me more sex!
>Me, too! Hey, wanna watch the Bengals game?
>Sure, as long as it makes me more attractive to women!
>Great! I'll head out and get some buffalo wings!
>Absolutely! Gotta get energy if we want to have sex with people tonight!

>> No.2653354


For the majority of the males the world revolves around the vagina and the sarcastic green text you think is funny is actually reality.

>> No.2653359

>If you weren't a fucking teenage boy
Oh! I love it when they get mad.
>you might be worried about keeping your job
this is indirectly related to reproduction
>or making sure your children are safe
this is directly related to reproduction
>or watching the next fucking Bengals game.
this is related to our instincts of survival, which is indirectly related to reproduction

>And after you've found a sexual partner, at, say, 30, like the vast majority of human beings? What happens after that? Thoughts of sex, sex, sex, until you die? Quit being a retard.
Wow, you're actually stupid. Why does this disprove me? You still think about sex until you're decaying (ask any old man). Also, you still worry about your offspring.

I love the end. Pure madness. Keep it real.

>> No.2653360
File: 87 KB, 500x281, keanu age.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"average" and "normal" don't exist and peoples' feelings cannot be generalized
We're not that special. We're not unique snowflakes. We're all crudely similar corn-flakes. Ever wonder why the same arguments for and against god that were being used 3000 years ago are being "thought anew" and used today? Why do our minds produce the same things, I wonder? Why, even our faces look the same? Maybe there are enough archetypes to create an illusion of uniqueness, but maybe if you look close enough........

>> No.2653364

You people are confusing sex with pleasure. How do you take into account gay people you fucking idiots?

>> No.2653371

>in any way related to child-rearing except by the original act

It's like you've never even had children before, anon.

>> No.2653372

It's ironic that you think what you've written is ironic, since things are not like that, but this text is actually ironic because things are like that.

>> No.2653374

gay people don't exist in the world of reductionists. They're just "confused."

>> No.2653378

Then I pity your existence.

>> No.2653377



>> No.2653384

>in any way related to child-rearing except by the original act
sex in the context we are using it, means reproduction and everything related to it including but not limited to the actual act of fucking.

>> No.2653389

You would make a great anthropology student.

>> No.2653394

What about gay people? They cannot reproduce and to most of them it is something they don't want to do.

>> No.2653397

Yeah, gay people aren't driven by instincts.

>> No.2653401

Then no fucking shit it's tied to everything we do, because the way you're simplifying existence means that for every step back you take there's a sexual relation that had to occur.

The problem, of course, is the way in which you so meaninglessly simplify this existence.

I posit that life is about eating, since everything we do requires that we eat. It's a totally useless argument about nothing.

>> No.2653405

Leave him alone, he just got mad.

>> No.2653407
File: 502 KB, 1600x1067, gay-pride-parade-answer[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gay people
they have sex too, you know :-(_____)
The sole purpose of the term is identifying someone in regard to sexual preference.

>> No.2653409

Eating doesn't necessarily perpetuate the specie, breeding does (so far).

>> No.2653411

They have sex with people with whom they cannot reproduce. Once again, you are confusing sex with pleasure. Sex in this context is talking about reproduction, and gay people cannot pass on their genes with another man, nor do most of them want to or care to.

>> No.2653413

a lot of butthurt children in this thread, op really has a knack for shitposting

>> No.2653419
File: 459 KB, 512x526, Hurr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eating doesn't necessarily perpetuate the specie

>> No.2653422

They have sex for the same reasons we (heterosexuals) do. Reproductive instinct. Instincts are supposed to be adaptive, they fail eventually though.

>> No.2653429

I had to go to the basics because the conversation seemed to require it. Arguing with retards is hard sometimes...

>> No.2653430

So you don't believe in love or anything like that?

>> No.2653434

>They have sex for the same reasons we (heterosexuals) do. Reproductive instinct.

It's like I'm really communicating with someone who's talking out of his ass!

>> No.2653437

Believe? Is not a matter of faith, love exists. Humanity would be extinct if it didn't.

>> No.2653440

can you provide an example of when eating was not a prerequisite to existence?

>> No.2653447

All living beings do. It's a very basic concept but I can search sauce on some high school textbook if you need.

>> No.2653449
File: 85 KB, 442x550, California_Brown_Bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They have sex with people with whom they cannot reproduce.
Instinct isn't the contemplation of the result and long-term consequences, but the enjoyment of the process.
When you eat, you don't think: "I should really get some energy to be able to function", but "Feel hunger. Want food."
Thus enjoying the process rather than the result, may be more motivational in the evolutionary process, but can lead to a mutation which retains the process (sex), with the same motive (pleasure), but with a twist (gay people can't reproduce) which leads to a selection against it by nature.

>> No.2653458

So maybe that alone accounts for some people having sex, hmm? I guess reproductive instinct would be important so we know HOW to have sex, but that's kind of its extent now. We don't jump on every woman we see like cavemen most likely did. Spreading our genes is obsolete. What we want now is to spread our influence, which is where the theory of memetics comes in.

>> No.2653463

>Eating doesn't necessarily perpetuate the specie, breeding does (so far).

Well, I'll start from the beginning...

>I posit that life is about eating, since everything we do requires that we eat. It's a totally useless argument about nothing.

>Eating doesn't necessarily perpetuate the specie, breeding does (so far).
Eating is vital to YOUR survival. But without sex the future of humanity is not guaranteed, even though you keep yourself fed.

>> No.2653472

Yes. Culture is involved in our adaptation now. Sexual reproduction is still fundamental though.

>> No.2653471

>When you eat, you don't think: "I should really get some energy to be able to function"
But I do. I rarely get up and get food even when I'm hungry if I'm actually still functioning well. When I get tired, I go eat something or drink some coffee. Enjoying the food is part of the entire act of getting energy just like reproduction is part of the act of sex, but the purpose of that instinct has been completely turned on its head at this point.

>> No.2653469

ahahaha, this thread needs to be posted on /sci/.

>> No.2653484

Also, I should say at this point, you are porbably not arguing to see what is right, but to prove who is. And that who is you, of course. Don't worry... Testosterone does that. Maybe you should have some sex?

>> No.2653486


>> No.2653488

But I think most people today would agree with me. I'm not an exception to that. Why do people use caffeine if not for that exact reason? If anything at all, obese people are the exceptions. They eat because they get hungry.

>> No.2653489

>Enjoying the food is part of the entire act of getting energy just like reproduction is part of the act of sex
You are confusing attributes with properties here.
Enjoying food isn't part of getting energy. It's the motivation of partaking into the process that results into the latter.

>> No.2653495


>> No.2653502

Are you sure you understood the post?
anyway... "I don't do what you said. I'm special" Isn't an argument.
People eat because their hungry. I'm eating some peanuts right now, cause my stomach was growling.

>> No.2653504

you're all fucking retarded, of course almost everything (social) is somewhat about sex, and almost nothing (except for say maybe a mild-blanking orgasm) is entirely about sex
everything people do in a social way is to be an admirable person, this is society, and one of the effects of being an admirable person on individuals is that they want to have sex with you. it is but one of the many benefits of proper socialization but of course is always there as would make sense because those that are wired so to be shitty at it would have been less likely to pass on their genes.
there are again anti-social things one can do such as take drugs that may be almost entirely asexual.

>> No.2653512

so these two evolutionary psychologists walk into a bar
everyone else leaves
thank you i'll be here all week

>> No.2653517

>evolutionary psychology
Don't know why but every time someone says these words the shitstorm starts.

>inb4 "psychology is not a real science"

>> No.2653530

It's because we're still very much in the dark about a lot of the connections evol. psychology attempts to make. It dresses itself up as science, when it has nothing to do with it.

>> No.2653550

psychology can climb far up the abstraction layers and deviate from the strict structure of other sciences. It's as scientific as the extent to which it uses the scientific method.
Of course it can become very influenced by politics and the spirit of each age.

>> No.2653674
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I'm reviving this thread 'cause it deserves it.
Somehow that action has something to do with sex.

>> No.2653691

I'm reviving this thread 'cause it deserves it.
Somehow that action has something to do with sex.

>> No.2653692

well, you reviving a thread about sex is pretty straightforward ain't it?

>> No.2653718
File: 11 KB, 220x232, Jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HUrring the durr up in 'dis.

Yes, animal [read: homo sapien] instincts govern our every move, since we are animals. It's a tautological question. BUT, the type of animal instincts such as selfishness, empathy (limited) and so on affect various people in various degrees.

Some people rationally (that is disinterestedly) see that applying empathy beyond ones natural tendency to express it towards loved ones, countrymen and so on, is a virtuous act, and do so. Some people also see that not fucking every chick you see (>tfw no gf) is a rational decision, but in these cases it's hard to determine where rational decision, learned behaviour (cultural norms etc.) and evolutionary logic (you gonna get yo' cracka ass whooped if you fuck Shanaynay AND Laquisha Barnes) play their part.

>> No.2654573

That's not exactly how rationality works.

>> No.2654579

Yes. The supposed disinterested rationality is not only an ideological mirage (especially visible in this example, there cannot be such a thing as 'disinterested virtue', what would its values be derived from?) but if it were to really exist, it would be completely nihilistic. However, we may have a problem here in terms of philosophy: From Kant on, the dominant dichotomy has been one between Verstand and Vernunft. The former is logical rationality, the latter encompasses the former but also includes aspects we would refer to as common sense and wisdom (as far as I understand it, this may not be 100% accurate for Kant as I haven't read him but only people who develop beyond him), which are decidedly interested. Does anyone know what the English equivalents to Verstand and Vernunft are?

>> No.2654607

>Has there really ever been a time or place in history when primal instincts were a bad thing?
Short answer... since the beginning of civilization.

>> No.2654609


>> No.2654614

Is only afraid of biological determinism because knowing doesn't help. That's English. (old)
So, I can go back to /b/ if you like.

>> No.2654617

Vernunft is usually simply translated as reason. I don't know what would be the proper translation of Verstand, but I remember Wittgenstein using it and I think it would be something like understanding or something like this...

>> No.2654927

>when primal instincts were a bad thing

>well i could hunt and gather.
>or i could learn to participate in an economy and play its culture games.

you can loincloth and nomoney.
but dont expect any company or compassion.