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/lit/ - Literature

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2650626 No.2650626 [Reply] [Original]

Post your self and guess someone's area of study or expertise.

Me first...what do I do /lit/?

>> No.2650634

You're a student of lefty pseudoscience

>> No.2650639


What are you, a fascist studying engineering?

>> No.2650644

You rape dead people and keep their bodies in the closet with your mother's vagina in a jar.

>> No.2650645

>Implying that I don't work since I finished high school, ignoring the fucking studies, and living the dream

Sure, I may not be rich, but its enough for bills , food, and crap I need.

>> No.2650657

I'm guessing you're a sociology or philosophy major.

>> No.2650665

>post your self

I'm guessing your good at storing information.

>> No.2650670

You have aids.
You enjoy entry level philosophy.
You like taking pictures of books and posting them on the internet.


>> No.2650674

i hate it when people put things in front of books on a shelf.

get other shelves that you can use to put your glasses and shit on.

>> No.2650688


Undergrad: Anthropology
Masters: Anthropology
Masters: Humanities and Social Thought
PhD: History and Philosophy of Science (starting in Sept.)

one shelf of many and all that's left before moving to the city my PhD program is in...

Someone else post your fuckin' shelf....

>> No.2650696
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Mine looks like this, filled with Nietzsche.

>> No.2650697

rebellious homosexual male with a diamond earring. and likes Neu!

>> No.2650701


Ouvre and Nachlass too?

>> No.2650706

Damn straight. Also the huge biography by Curt Paul Janz.

>> No.2650724


Hope you left his Nazi sister's schlock out...

>> No.2650727

That I did. I figured I already got the Nachlass and I didn't need her personal selection from it. When I'm done with all his stuff I will give the e-book of the Will the Power a read though, out of curiosity.

>> No.2650756


I greatly recommend John Richardson's "Nietzsche's System" it argues that the Will to Power is a trans-perspectival truth. You can see it to the far left of my shelf. Took a class with him at NYU definitely a good read for a Nietzsche scholar.

>> No.2650761

I've heard of that before, sounds interesting. Thanks for reminding me! I've been casually looking into secundary literature to read when I'm done with his own stuff, this will go on the list.

>> No.2650796


Kaufmann's biography is also a great read. I actually did my graduate thesis on Nietzsche's philosophy of science (for the record Babette Babich's work is pseudo-scientific quackery). What are you working on with Nietzsche's thought?

>> No.2650816

Andy Kaufmanns biography - lost in the funhouse was indeed brilliant.

>> No.2650817
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>> No.2650825


Walter...but an Andy Kaufmann one could be fun..is Mighty Mouse der Übermensch?

>> No.2650838

Well, I'm still working through the whole thing chronologically (although I have read most of his later stuff already, I've decided to read everything in order) to get a good overview. I don't know where I'll go from there yet. I dropped out of a philosophy bachelor last year, the academic path wasn't for me. I don't plan on writing anything on my findings other than for my own use.

I do tend to find myself pondering the relations between Nietzsche's thought and my other interests though. Nietzsche and ancient Cynicism is an interesting combination. In a lot of ways he could be said to be their literary heir. Nietzsche and transhumanism is also interesting. As is Nietzsche and Buddhism, with which he shared more than he perhaps knew himself knew.

>> No.2650847
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What is wrong with u? Shelves? I gave my books away when ebooks get big.

Pic related, close equivalent.

>> No.2650850


I would say he is more the heir to Heraclitus than say Diogenes of Sinope or Agrippa...

>> No.2650855

Things i have read:

>> No.2650858


He shared thought with Buddism through Schopenhauer's misreading of it.

I still find Buddhism to be as far embrogated in slave ethics and conventional Christianity.

Though it is more Kantian...like Nietzsche and Schopenhauer are...

>> No.2650867

I would say both. The following gentleman can perhaps better explain the Cynic angle than I can with my tired head:


>> No.2650882

I cannot believe I am the only one who is brave enough to post their shelf...come on /lit/ are you mice or men?

>> No.2650913

>Menneskers seksulle omgang med ...
Yes, humans sexual relations with what? Now you got me wondering,

>> No.2651004


Det Dyreetiske RådUdtalelse om menneskers seksuelle omgang med dyr

The the council of animal ethics's pronouncement on humans' sexual relationships to animals.

>> No.2651156
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Foucault & Schopenhauer

>mfw I have those exact books sitting in my shelf right now.

>> No.2651805


One of these things is not like the others...

>> No.2651810

OK I will guess everyone on this thread's expertise right now.......Barista!

>> No.2651817
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>implying Starbucks isn't still forwarding my calls.

>> No.2651862

Hva studerer du? Biologi?

>> No.2651907

>>The Game
Terrible with women

>> No.2651914

>Not having "religion" as a sub-folder in fiction, or self-help.

>> No.2651933


>> No.2651936

Nice, thanks dog.

>> No.2651959

Sure, Searle's falls under the analytic side of the philosophic spectrum. Doesn't mean one has to only read and enjoy one side or the other.

>> No.2651961 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2651962
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You are all terrible and should feel terrible.

>> No.2651965


Sure, but Searle is an absolutely shitty philosopher. His philosophy of mind is a thinly-veiled argument for man being God's chosen species. Sickening, really.

Aside from this, OP has great shelves. I was spot-on with anthropology and expected something more philosophical too. Didn't expect the philosophy/history of science though.

>> No.2651969

Ah. Ok. I assumed this was the old Continental Vs. Analytical bullshit rearing its ugly head again.

No matter.

>> No.2654059

>"Introducing" series
>Basic Writings

You're a pleb.

>> No.2654955


searle is just intuition-bait for materialism-skeptics, which is fine.

but when pressed they cant produce any implications.

his every argument a flawed premise.

>> No.2654960
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