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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.64 MB, 2455x1735, asset.JPG?id=8E6F21FC-B9E3-442D-B4EF-2DA64623A06E&ext.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2650377 No.2650377 [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when my gf is editing my novel before I send it off to the publishers

You mirin?

>> No.2650382

nigga she ugly as sin you gotta step up yo game son namean?

>> No.2650387 [DELETED] 

ya nigga, step the fuck on up

>> No.2650393

Kinda yeah.
She aint a looker, but she's not obese either. Probably a freak in the sack.
Plus if she can edit worth a damn she's one to have around.

>> No.2650389

she looks like that dude from a sitcom i forgot his name

>> No.2650396
File: 226 KB, 1872x796, 1331015042255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mirin. It's hard to find beautiful intellectuals, but I'll take an intellectual lady over a beautiful one for someone to talk to and have around and spend time with. I don't find it particularly hard to sleep with beautiful women, but it's essentially a pretty boring time with them

>> No.2650400

Op she look like an ugly Christina Richie(I already think Christina Richie is ugly so whatevs.)

>> No.2650401

She is a munter, and she looks like someone smeared shit on her top lip. I don't think she likes what she's reading.

>> No.2650404

That feel when your girlfriend's face looks sickened and she doesn't want to tell you that her feelings for you are lessened after having read your stupid bullshit novel.

>> No.2650405

if that's a cardigan i want it

>> No.2650406

yeah when this lame guy's hard working on his awful novel she sneaks over the frat house and lets illiterate broman jocks pound her pussy

>> No.2650408

The expression on her face obviously shows she thinks your novel is shit. It probably is.

>> No.2650415

The acne and her expression make her ugly, at least on this picture.

>> No.2650416

Oh boy, I am Jelly, you have both a novel and a significant other

>> No.2650417

Yeah well I read my poem at school the other day OP and a girl who might have been autistic and certainly had just gotten out of high school asked me for my signature. Enjoy your old hag.

>> No.2650421

Agreed. In order to better judge OP's girlfriend, he should post more pics of her to convince we are wrong.

>> No.2650423

im happy for you OP

>> No.2650432


Indeed. Perhaps including some pics of breast and/or vagina. Sharpie in pooper would be a plus.

implying that OP has a girlfriend

>> No.2650436

It's probably just his sister.

>> No.2650438

I don't think you even have a girlfriend.

Enjoy your novel.


>> No.2650441


He can still take pictures of her tits/cunt though can't he?

>> No.2650444
File: 2.69 MB, 448x336, 1332128432356.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm your girlfriend, /lit/

and you'll all be suckling on my dry tits forever

>> No.2650449

I hope OP is reading this all, crying, and now devising a way to break up with his girlfriend because it so happens that he actually greatly cares about our opinion and has been molding himself to fit our standards since the day he discovered us.

>> No.2650454


I just hope he's screaming at her and telling her to get her fucking clothes off so that he can take a picture of her flange and put it on the interwebs. I hope when we get the picture, she's got a black eye and she's sobbing.

>> No.2650479

i've seen this picture before. think it was on /r/writing. sorry OP, that and the filename gives the troll away.

>> No.2650628

Not really jelly, but I'm happy for you. I really am, OP. I hope it sells well, and you can go on living your life.

Not mirin your room/house either. Read some books on interior design.

>> No.2650669

It's a man, baby.

>> No.2650676

I was mirin that portrait monitor until I saw it was a mirror. It's all good though, afterwards I mired the big ass mason jar. Do you drink from that thing? Please tell me I'm not alone.

>> No.2650693

oh jesus i've been looking for a jar like that for forever. it's impossible to find a decent one at the goodwills i go to because i live in a shitty bourgeois suburb.

>> No.2650700

You might find some at some store for shitty home decorating stuff. Bitches love to put stuff in jars and put them somewhere without using them.

>> No.2650716

but then it'll be expensive as hell.

and i'm not saying that because i'm cheap.

i just won't pay for massively over-priced goods on principal.

>> No.2650739

you cant find food in glass jars where you live?

>> No.2650740

She looks like she has unprotected sex with niggers behind your back OP.

>> No.2650747

nah, i want REAL glass jars though, not some shitty boring grocery glass jar.

i want like old 19th century bullshit to show off with.

>> No.2650749

I can relate. If you're really ghetto can just get a big jar of beans and use it as a liter glass afterwards. I also like little pepper jars and such for double shotglasses. Nutella glasses make for awesome tumblers, by the way.

>> No.2650751


>> No.2650768

/lit/ has the most newfags of any board except /hc/

>> No.2650792

2/10 would not bang

>> No.2651018

Poor woman looks tired, what the fuck are you doing to her

>> No.2651029

Take no notice of these fuckwads, try publishing it on amazon first, see if that does well.

>> No.2651042

I would lick your girlfriend's asshole, OP.

Does that make you angry?

>> No.2651049
File: 75 KB, 500x369, tumblr_lxcocmoP0R1r4nyq4o1_1280..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like a regular person ellen page. girl is a keeper if she's willing to read and edit your unpublished manuscripts.

in my youth i pushed my unfinished novel on a girl i dated for a couple of months. she broke up with me before finishing it and half a year afterwards had a short story published in a lit journal (not a /lit/ journal) on her first try. and so i completed my evolution into the jeff daniels character from the squid and the whale 25 years ahead of schedule.

>> No.2651052

Enjoy your rejection letters, OP. Publishers aren't going to take any agentless unsolicited work unless it's about sparkly vampires doing light b&d then going on a shopping spree.

>> No.2651056

>>before I send it off to the publishers
>>to the publishers

>> No.2651149

Not into chicks with hair on legs. Sry.