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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.73 MB, 240x135, What the fuck.....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2650361 No.2650361 [Reply] [Original]

Be Honest

Why do you keep coming back here?

I'm trying to figure out if I'm the only masochist on this board...

>> No.2650367

even though I hate it, I actually think it's the best lit forum there is.

that's not a compliment to /lit/, it's an insult to the internet at large

>> No.2650369

spontaneous recommendations

>> No.2650374

Stop making metathreads

And it's better than /mu/ at least

>> No.2650375

There is like 4 good posters on here (including myself)...

I don't know...I'm thinking of excommunicating /lit/ from my life.

Bunch of dumbards who don't try at anything, and leech off my intellect for petty amusement.

>> No.2650378
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is OP's gif from trailer park boys?

there's a guy in my class who keeps going on and on about trailer park boys, but from what i've seen it looks like canadian Shameless and that can't be fucking good.

>> No.2650380
File: 1.22 MB, 229x140, 10 outta 10.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP, I come here to laugh at the elitists

>> No.2650381

Masochism, and the chance to tell idiots that they're cunts.

I honestly don't know why I come back.

>> No.2650383



>> No.2650384

i come back cuz it motives me to read fiction, i read non-fiction all the time but reading some dudes made up story just doesn't seem productive but when i see the pricks on here going on about how glorious these tales are i get motivated to read some of them

>> No.2650388
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Like some of the writers on here, also I like to be around or just talk to people who like books too.

>> No.2650392

Because it's the only place online where I can find tons of people just like me, and hell, I'm a lonely person. /lit/ is a pretty lonely place, but it's better than nothing.

>> No.2650398
File: 78 KB, 289x375, You heard me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come to see you e/lit/ists, because, believe it or not, I actually love you guys.

Even you, High-Schooler-who-can't-do-his-own-book-report...

>> No.2650430

Because people don't get banned from the board for telling you that your ideas and writing and book interests are utter bullshit and you should go kill yourself for being so pathetic.

>> No.2650437

I've learned to enjoy this place.

We're all fucked, we're together, and we're all waiting until there is nothing left to wait.


>> No.2650631

Because I feel home.

>> No.2650635

You're all I've got.

Besides, the discussion topics are interesting, even if the posters frequently are not.

>> No.2650647

Between the unending waves up leftist douchebags and pedantic cockbusters I honestly don't know why I come here anymore. I'm trying to broaden my reading horizons I guess.

>> No.2651000

Not masochistism. More like...solitude.

Entering /lit/ is like walking into a private study, replete with favorite chair and ${insert-favorite-vice-here} within arm's reach, along with lots of good reading. Top that off with the above-average discussion that is not found anywhere else on the board and you have instant attraction.

4chan is already noisy enough as it is. So many threads of hurp derp bullshit and people posing to impress no-one. Why bother wading through that crap? About 80% of the threads here could go die in a fire and no-one would care.

>> No.2651010

I'm a leftist douchebag. I support gun ownership, the constitution of the United States, etc. Does that bother you? It should. Why? Because I opposite rampant free-market economies because they never fucking work. Free market as a mantra has fucked the nation repeatedly up the eye-socket with barbed wire. Now our economy is tatters, the rich are actually expatriating to other countries and we have millions of people that have nothing to look forward to other than government food stamps, mind numbing entertainment, and really shitty anal sex. The real "free market" has come down to near-monopolies, a decline in our business ethics, horrible service, mass layoffs, products that have no market (because they were excuses for some other VP's pet project) and other incredibly stupid business decisions.

I also oppose central planning as well, for all the reasons you oppose it. It does nothing other than to force business competition out. The net effect is the same.

So for you, right-wing-nut, I say, Get over it, the right did "win" (at least they "think" they did) and now you are living with the results. Enjoy your self-inflicted poverty, despair, declining education and intelligence standards, and all of the inane bullshit that comes with it. Sitting here in /lit/ pissing and moaning about how it's all the fault of the left - when the right has raped the country - shows just how far out of touch you are with reality.

>> No.2651036

Even though it happens rarely - I'm not a frequent browser of /lit/ anyway - It's one of the only places on the web I know of that talks about books without jerking off to the same crappy teen fiction or sci-fi books.

>> No.2651040

> I support gun ownership, the constitution of the United States
Get out amerika

>> No.2651045

Gimme head 'till I'm dead.

>> No.2651048

Because there's an occasional actual good thread here amongst the crap, and it moves faster than most book forums.

I am sick of the way how most things here end up dividing into highbrow-lit-only vs fantasy/SF-only.

>> No.2651054
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In before conservafag claims this is a samefag.

Sage for shit thread.

>> No.2651063

Well, lucky for you I speak fluent Redneck. I believe I shall translate that sentence for the edification of our readeship here:

Please vacate the United States as soon as possible, as you no longer belong to our demographic group.

Now, I appreciate the suggestion and gesture, although I find the sweet, heady schadenfreude too good to pass. Here we have a classic example of "I made my bed and now I'm sleeping in it", or more precisely, "I made my bed in pigshit and now I'm wallowing around in it". In this case, the poster actually defends the state of the country as it is, while rejecting the notion that decades of far-right politics have tilted the country's policies towards disaster.

Leaving the country is a good idea, given that the civil liberties in the US are so far-gone and shot to hell, that packing up and going elsewhere wouldn't be nearly as bad as implied by the poster. If the poster was actually aware of anything going on outside of the borders of their country, they would realize that China is rapidly gearing up to take on the US as the world's superpower, and by the time they are ready to do so, the US economy will be such a collapsed mess that it won't matter. But years of propaganda and indoctrination prevents the poster from understanding that the promise of a free America was long ago left in the gutter to die.

>> No.2651066

Too late Amerika

Too late

>> No.2651072


I actually think you think you're intelligent.

>> No.2651088
File: 278 KB, 500x509, 1335499412366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YES! Successful Troll Scores!