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/lit/ - Literature

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2650318 No.2650318 [Reply] [Original]

I read these books quite a few years back.

Do they suck?

I can't remember.

>> No.2650323

The up until 7, they were glorious works of children's literature.

After that, I feel they replaced the author with a bad fanfiction writer who didn't know how to end the story.

>> No.2650328

Damn good for kids books. Worth reading for fun if you're bored and want something really light.

Kind of a sad end, especially since it ends with a cliffhanger with the kids in a boat called the Beatrice, in the middle of the ocean, with only each other for comfort, and there's a puzzle book released a while later, where the puzzles each reveal a letter, then the reader unscrambles the letters to reveal the words BEATRICE SANK, implying, if not outright stating, that the children drowned.

A series of unfortunate events indeed.

>> No.2650330

I remember enjoying them all up until the last few. A good, fast, easy read

>> No.2650334

I remember the 9th one being terrible.

I really liked the one with the mill though.
And the one with the school.

>> No.2650363
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I stopped after the one in the submarine

holy shit.

>> No.2650410

The first ones were wonderful. I'm pretty sure they took a turn, for the worse, towards absurdity after the vile village one. Where the children become convicts or something.

>> No.2651414

What's the name of this puzzle book?

>> No.2651716

I still love them. They were my childhood. This series got me into reading and writing as a child.

>> No.2651721

>reading before age 24 after you've developed the proper experience to get most literature

you're doing it wrong.

>> No.2651733

why are all the grumpy farts out in force tonight

>> No.2651754

I remember getting hooked on this as a kid because of the huge underlying mystery thing it had going on. IIRC, in the final book, didn't it just end with some dude all "LOL WHAT DOES IT MATTER IF YOU FIND OUT THE TRUTH" and then the book just ends? I remember being hugely buttmad about that. I was in my early teens when I read it though so I probably missed an absolute shitload of subtleties though.

>> No.2651761

>implying he was wrong
>implying "grumpy farts" is acceptable around here.
>implying /lit/ isn't predominantly grumpy.

>> No.2651763

This series taught me how to read and write in English, so they'll always have a special place in my own heart. Hell, they even got me into Kurt Vonnegut.

Putting that aside, the ending was a complete and utter shitstorm of emotions for me. I was pissed. I still am. There was SO much that wasn't ever revealed.

>> No.2651769


Okay, good. I am recalling this correctly.

>> No.2651787

I remember at my elementary school you were either a Harry Potter fan or a SoUE fan.
potter fans were faggots

>> No.2651788


He was wrong.

>> No.2651814


>> No.2654069

I regarded them as "better" (in whatever capacity that was when I was 10 or so) than the Harry Potter series. Handler is a pretty good writer, haven't read any of his "adult" books though.

The series didn't need to go on as long as it did, from what I remember.