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2647444 No.2647444 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Currently reading
what you plan on reading next.

Pic related, it's okay, not particularly exciting but not boring enough to walk away from.

Next, I want to (re)read The Shining

>> No.2647450

Currently reading: The Master and Margarita
Intend to read: Unknown. I'll just pick something random on my kindle, I'm relatively sure that all of the books on it are worth reading.

>> No.2647461

Currently reading: The Society of the Spectacle by Guy Debord
Next: Jealousy by Alain Robbe-Grillet

>> No.2647463 [DELETED] 

I'm reading 2666, The Pale King and Mason & Dixon next.

>> No.2647465

Next: 2666

>> No.2647469

Currently Reading Starship Troopers By Robert Heinlein; Just getting into it but so far its a fascinating read even though I don't care much for military stuff.

Next up: Billy Budd

>> No.2647486

Currently reading: Brave New World
Plan on reading: Childhood's End

>> No.2647498

Currently reading:
Middlesex - The one that I've read the most into. Quite enjoyable while not what I was anticipating, but still enjoyable and worth finishing. A very modern jaunt but still carries feels all over the place. A multi-generational culturally minded love story of incest and genetics.
100 Years of Solitude: Almost a third of the way nto it. While I understand the praise and importance of this book (on both a cultural and literary level.) I feel the need to relax, this is a book to be slowly consumed, morsel by tasty banana-flavored morsel.
The Centaur: Less than 20 pages into it and the going is slow. My first book that I'm underlinning/highlighting/writing in. Anyone here got any tips for one who wishes to start writing in their book to gain a better personal understanding of a work?

Planning on reading:
Virgin Scuicides
The Sound and The Fury(for the 3rd attempt). Got through Benjy's part on the first try, got through over 2/3ds the second but as I'm starting it now it doesn't seem imposing at all.
The Pale King

>> No.2647510

Pynchon's 'V.'

Faulkner's 'As I Lay Dying'

>> No.2647517
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Current: House of Leaves
Next: *Gulp* Infinite Jest

Loving reading through the postmodern era of literature.
Pic Related: House of Leaves

>> No.2647894

Currently- Notes of a Dirty Old Man
Next up- Then We Came to the End

>> No.2648073

Current 2666.
Next: Im not pretty sure if Journey to the end of the night or The Dharma Bums

>> No.2648076

current: The Gulag Archipelago
next: The Magic Mountain

I really liked Never Let Me Go. I agree that it's not exactly "exciting," but don't you think Ishiguro nails the somethings-not-quite-right vibe?

>> No.2648080
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Just finished The Maimed by Hermann Ungar. It was amazing. Seriously. Go and find this book and read it.

I'm waiting for my copy of Lanark by Alasdair Grey to be delivered. It should be here within two days, so I'll read that as soon as it gets here, and until then I'll just be reading random short stories.

>> No.2648086

I really enjoyed the scenes with the song. Wish the song was real.

>> No.2648090

Currently: Songs of a Dead Dreamer

Next: I don't know yet. Might jump into Roberto Bolaño (whom I've never read before).

>> No.2648092

That's exactly how I felt about the book. It was barely good enough to keep me interested. The movie was enjoyable.
Keep going! I think it was an overall decent read.

>> No.2648102

Currently reading: The Savage Detectives. It's pretty good, but I can't shake off the idea that Ulises Lima is very much inspired by Jack Kerouac, aka a wandering bum who can't write very well. I don't like Kerouac too much.

Next up? Don't know yet.

>> No.2648103
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I picked up a copy of Lanark in my local FNBS yesterday for only 3,99. I was pretty stoked because I haven't read it for years, and I remember it being awesome.

I hope you enjoy it, but I bet mine was cheaper, so nyer nyer, mucky bear.

Pic related, Alasdair Gray designed the ceiling of this boozer in Glasgow. One day he'll be recognised as one of the 20th century's greatest talents.

>> No.2648105

Ficciones by Borges

>Plan on reading
The Pale King

>> No.2648112


woah wtf that ligotti collection is like £140!

>> No.2648118

Last Exit to Brooklyn

I was not expecting the gayness of this novel. It is ass-packed full of gay, and anywhere it's not gay, it's atrocities, and sometimes it's gay atrocities.
It's also really fucking good.

>> No.2648125
File: 105 KB, 720x538, soup-for-sluts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryū Murakami - Lines

>Next up
can't decide between:

Ryū Murakami - Piercing
Hideo Okuda - In the Pool
Paul Auster - New York Trilogy
William Gibson - Neuromancer
or something else that will get delivered in meantime, I believe I ordered some books few days ago but I don't really remember which

>> No.2648126


His artwork is great. I'm really looking forward to cracking it open when it arrives.

I paid £6.99 for it. Fuck you.

>> No.2648208
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Ha! And that was EUR 3,99 as well. With the current exchange rate, that's about twenty five new pee or something.

If you do enjoy Lanark, check out Poor Things. Also awesom.

>> No.2648341


Yeah, if I like Lanark I'll look into it, thanks.

I noticed he has a full collection of stories coming out later this year too -- every story he's had published plus new ones -- I might look into that to if Lanark is as good as I expect.

>> No.2648432
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Currently reading: Just finished Juan Rulfo's Pedro Páramo. I think the translation let me down, feeling a bit underwhelmed as well. My expectations were very high, that's always a bad outset.

Next up: Not sure yet. Maybe Zsuzsa Bank's The Swimmer, an author I don't know yet. I'm also reading this thread to get some ideas. I might go for AL Kennedy's latest...

First novel I read by Ishiguro, I was very impressed, especially the first 50 pages or so blew me away. Story is a nice example of good speculative fiction. Still have to read his other works though...
Why not Virgin Suicides first (assuming you're not a member of the Oprah book club)? I thought that one was extremely original + it was Eugenides' first. He likes to switch styles, and of his three(?) novels i thought Virgin Suicides the best. ALso, Sophia Coppola's movie is a horrible adfaptation (this is a new word now).
Magic mountain was stunning. Originally started out as a short story, ended up as a +1000page work. Loved it, but I needed a month to get thorugh it. I also need to read it again soon.
Loved that one. Reading this for pleasure is much more interesting than actually trying to analyze it though.
Lanark is a weird book. I'm still of the opinion it should have been split into two separate works (can't go into detail because spoilers). It's a masterpiece, that's for sure

>> No.2648437

Ray Kurzweil - The singularity is near.
Terence McKenna - Food of the Gods.

>> No.2648456

What is your opinion on Ray's book?

>> No.2648467
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Just finished Blood Meridian yesterday

>Currently reading:
A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson
Indoctrination U by David Horowitz

>What I'll be reading next
Parliament of Whores- P.J. O'Rourke
Hegemony of Survival- Noam Chomsky

I'm possibly going to start on Faulkner in the near future.

>> No.2648496

I've only just started reading it, he's still talking about the exponential growth of technology and demonstrating how everything follows the same curve. So haven't made up my mind yet.

When I first heard of his theories and predictions I think I laughed (genetic manipulation, embedded tech, full atomic control of the galaxy, a microscopic replication of the entire biosphere). I've heard similar ramblings before from various physicists and psychonaughts. Then I started reading into some of his justifications and became worried when he actually seemed to make sense, so had to order the book.

>> No.2648506

A Short History is fantastic. There are a few bits that dragged; rock formation and mold spores. It seems everybody who's read it loved it, but found one or two particular topics boring.

Fear and Loathing is also fantastic. I wish I could unread both and have your current reading list.

>> No.2648512

Currently reading - The Master and Margarita, the collector
Next- I'm thinking more John fowles. Is the magus any good?

>> No.2648513

Yeah I'm definitely loving A Short History so far. Fear and Loathing is semi-spoiled for me though, my friend forced me to sit down and watch the movie while I was stuck at his house, but I'm still enjoying the book.

>> No.2648815
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Currently : Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans. It is absolutely epic reading about these legendary men.

Next : Thus spoke Zarathustra , Nietzsche

>> No.2650567

Brothers K-I have about 200 or so pages to go. I enjoyed the hell out of it. DAT GRAND INQUISITOR chapter.

Thomas Paine's works-just started, no comments yet.

Sound & The Fury
An Invitation to a Beheading

>> No.2650595

Thinking of Reading 'The Ring' I haven't seen the film before and don't intend to, is the book good?

>> No.2650599

The Magus is excellent.