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File: 573 KB, 548x599, A_Game_of_Thrones_Novel_Covers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2646625 No.2646625 [Reply] [Original]

do i miss out on anything vital by skipping a game of thrones, having only watched the tv show and begin reading a clash of kings?

>> No.2646629

Robb stark gets killed at the Frey wedding for not marrying who he agreed to.

Cat gets killed then comes back as a zombie

Tyrion kills Tywin

Joffrey dies from choking on food

>> No.2646636

what's your problem?

>> No.2646640


You miss alot of the lore and shit I guess. I wouldn't do it, shows blow compared to the books.

>> No.2646665

That's what I did, OP, didn't seem to miss much.

>> No.2646666 [SPOILER] 
File: 24 KB, 296x328, bobweirsaysfuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the guy you're replying to but jon snow dies in the last book.

>> No.2646670


>choking on food

No, he got poisoned. Did you not see when Dontos showed her the dark crystal thing?

If you're going to spoil things at least tell real spoilers.

>> No.2646672


No he doesn't.. it's a cliffhanger..

Besides, Jon Snow is Azor Ahai reborn, if he dies all of Westeros is fucked.

>> No.2646681

What was the point of Cat coming back to life? I didn't get that part... she just wanders around with bandits killing people?

>> No.2646682

it may very well be a cliffhanger.

But until the next book expands on the situation that faggot is dead

>> No.2647037

it's been years since I read the asoiaf series so when a dance of dragons came out i'd forgotten all the plotlines

is the latest book fantastic? should i try to get caught up?

>> No.2647178

10/10 made me rage