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File: 1.61 MB, 2800x1867, bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2645571 No.2645571 [Reply] [Original]

Does the bible hold any aesthetic or literary value?

>> No.2645574

>le magic zombie jew from space

worst story since twilight LMFAO

>> No.2645576
File: 412 KB, 600x620, misc-coolstorytellsyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to Richard Dawkins, faggot edgy atheist kiddo.

>> No.2645577

dominant intertext until about mid-late 1800s brah. After that hamlet. Yeah it matters study it

>> No.2645578

in short: yes. but i refuse to consider it on literary ground until the majority of people accept that it is just that: literature.

>> No.2645579

Does the bible hold any aesthetic value? Is that a joke? Do you actually go around thinking shit like that?

Holy fuck, some of you need perspective.

>> No.2645587

Tu est un poisson sans l'eau
Faggot detected.

Yes OP. if anything it has literary value via correspondence with most literature ever written.

>> No.2645590
File: 229 KB, 625x808, genesis..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it has literary value.

Yes, it has entertainment value.

It's far better with pictures though.

>> No.2645593

Read the King James version.

>> No.2645595

>Implying Richard Dawkins hasn't made it clear that he loves the King James bible.

>> No.2645602

>implying he isn't the go-to author for edgy teenagers

>> No.2645650

Leviticus is hilarious. I recommend reading it with friends.

>> No.2645656

There's nothing hilarious about cleanliness, bro.

>> No.2645660
File: 214 KB, 1000x966, gemma-arterton-during-break-filming-byzantium01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying he hasn't done immense work within the field of evolutionary biology, and his books are must-reads for anyone slightly interested in biology.

>> No.2645663

yea but morons who read him cant seem to comprehend of more than a personal god or a religion without faith

>> No.2646116

Christian here. Just thought I'd mention that.

Parts of the Bible do hold literary value, but there's a ton of history, prophecy mixed in with it. You won't get much out of the Law of Moses. Also, a ton of stuff gets repeated (like New Testament theology)

Literary value (my ranking):

God Tier
1.Psalms and Proverbs

High Tier

Mid Tier
2.Traditional Stories (Abraham and Issac, David and Goliath)

Low Tier
1.History Books - ignoring the Traditional Stories
2.Various Prophet's Monologues

Shit Tier
1.Law (maybe someone who likes legal philosophy would disagree)

>> No.2646126

I was planning on reading that and Dante's Inferno and Paradise Lost

what order and what do you guys think of these books? anything else?

>> No.2646160

Eh, I went to the dentist with my friend while he was getting his teeth cleaned. The waiting room had nothing but bibles and home and garden magazines, so I picked the obvious choice and opened up to Job.
Pretty entertaining story. I'd also suggest Kings and the Songs.

I read psalms when I was a kid, so all that's just kinda worn out to me now.

>> No.2646165

Yes, genesis is purely wonderful. Not from a christian point if view, I'm somehow anti-religious. But the idea if the original sin is fabulous. Those nomads in the middle of the desert some thousand years ago got it well.

>> No.2646182

Ecclesiastes is wise as fuck and beautiful.

10/10 would read again stuff.

>> No.2646218

Yes. Backwater hicks who've grown up reading the Bible and nothing else are better-versed in literary symbolism and cultural theory than many professors of the humanities that I've met. Religious studies are essential to being a well-rounded person.

>> No.2646225

>Mid Tier
>Traditional Stories (Abraham and Issac, David and Goliath)

God tier, I'd say.

>> No.2646227

For fuck's sake, edgy teens don't read Dawkins for his biology research.

>> No.2646232

especially the story of Joseph (son of Jacob) and his brothers is beautiful. when the brothers finally reconcile in Egypt... moving stuff

>> No.2646240

Definitely. Being brought up by attending mass and going to Catholic schools I would often pick up a bible and read while bored, time would fly by. I'm not even religious. They're interesting stories, especially in the Old Testament.

>> No.2646255

The greatest traditional stories are God tier, then you have some books like Judges:

Israel sins -> God sends a foreign army to oppress them -> They repent -> a Judge rises up and defeats the foreign army -> Repeat for 30ish Chapters.

>> No.2646262

It's mainly historically and sociologically relevant.

>> No.2646605

aesthetic, literary, historic, philosophic value, yes.

>> No.2646610

specifically metaphysical and ethical value.