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2644645 No.2644645[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the saddest books known to mankind?
I'm talking heart-wrenchingly depressing stuff that would make even the most stoic person break down in tears.

Please respond.

>> No.2644656

i recently read escape from camp 14, made me depressed for a couple days afterwards
dunno op, don't read much fiction

>> No.2644660

Also I forgot to mention don't recommend anything Holocaust related.

They are lies manufactured to guilt trip goys and I hate Jews anyways so it actually makes me happy when I read descriptions of them dying.

>> No.2644670


and to think I was about to give you some serious recommendations

>> No.2644673

I don't really feel sad when reading H.P. Lovecraft, but his stories are incredibly oppressing.
I know I'll sound entry-level, but The Great Gatsby and Of Mice and Men. No matter how hard Gatsby worked, he couldn't get her. And the ending of Of Mice and Men had me on the verge of tears.

>> No.2644676


Please do mang

>> No.2644681

the book of op's life

>> No.2644683

Of human bondage. Its really grim and some great literature

>> No.2644679


You, using, word, doesn't, think, means.

>> No.2644688

Night, By Elie Weizel (probably spelled that wrong, but don't care)
The one part that hit me the hardest was the second boxcar ride where the Germans throw loaves of bread into boxcars full of starving Jews. I was freaking the fuck out when they started fucking murdering each other for one bite, only to be killed by another . Then it gets worse when he describes an encounter in South American with a British woman decades later where she throws spare change to poor, nigh-starving children who are so desperate for money that they start choking the life out of each other for a few coins. . And what does she say with Elie calls her out, "Why, what did I do wrong? I'm giving to the poor" . That single line made me lose all faith in humanity

>Inb4 kike propaganda

>> No.2644692

"The cocks I've sucked" by OP

>> No.2644694

I am using it correctly. His stories make me feel like I can't do anything to the world around me. They make me feel like I can't change anything because there are forces truly beyond the comprehension of the human mind.

>> No.2644699

He's a proven fucking liar.

>> No.2644708

Please, stormfag, enlighten me.

>> No.2644712

Hating Jews makes you a stormfag now?

>> No.2644717

[citation needed]

>> No.2644720

I don't even hate Jews.

Learn to Google, you retard.

He is a liar.

>> No.2644725

All I can find is that he just changed the names of some people. I can understand that, because he wanted to protect the identities of the dead. But he still did go through the Holocaust, you can't deny that.

>> No.2644734

Go back to your Nazi circle jerk stormfag.

Also know that your cause is literally hopeless.

>> No.2644740

>"Six million Jews, four million gays, Gypsies, communists, and rebels dead" = a lie
Okay, did they all go into hiding? Were the Nazis secretly helping them? Or, they killed themselves. I'm sure you think God struck them down as punishment for not believing in the right religion

>> No.2644798


There weren't even six million Joos in the country at the time.
There were at most 2 million

>> No.2644801

Juice was spilt all over Europe. Find another argument.

>> No.2644803
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>> No.2644804

Yeah, blame the Soviet Army's 'objective' reporting. That doesn't mean that a lot of people didn't die.

>> No.2644810


20 milloin chinese died in WW2, how come you never hear them bitching? 25 million commies died, how come you never hear them bitching?

it's the kikes who bitch the loudest

>> No.2644812

>I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked. One fig was a husband and a happy home and children, and another fig was a famous poet and another fig was a brilliant professor, and another fig was Ee Gee, the amazing editor, and another fig was Europe and Africa and South America, and another fig was Constantin and Socrates and Attila and a pack of other lovers with queer names and offbeat professions, and another fig was an Olympic lady crew champion, and beyond and above these figs were many more figs I couldn't quite make out. I saw myself sitting in the crotch of this fig tree, starving to death, just because I couldn't make up my mind which of the figs I would choose. I wanted each and every one of them, but choosing one meant losing all the rest, and, as I sat there, unable to decide, the figs began to wrinkle and go black, and, one by one, they plopped to the ground at my feet.

>> No.2644814
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>how come you never hear them bitching

because they don't own Hollywood. If you own media, you're going to shape public opinion. That's how propaganda works.

Trust me, the Chinese hear a lot from their government about the Japanese, none of it very nice.

>> No.2644815


I meant to put this in the feels thread, but they're pretty much the same thread to who cares.

>> No.2644820

You do realize that the Japanese apologize for the war all the time, and if you could read either language and explore either web, there's still a lot of animosity between the two because of it?

>equating races to people who believe in certain ideas
>you never hear communists bitching
"When I first joined the Communist Party forty-seven years ago, the Party was virtually outlawed under the provisions of the McCarran Act. The act itself defined the Communist Party, USA as part of an international conspiracy directed from Moscow. That definition came from Hitler; it was Hitlers big lie and the Nazis used it to rationalize histories most heinous crimes."

A worldwide coalition of many nations united to defeat Hitler fascism in World War II. But let's be clear. No nation sacrificed more than the Soviet Union. More than 20 million Soviets, many of them communists, died saving humanity from Nazi racist extermination and enslavement. Victory over fascism triggered a worldwide wave of democratic struggles in which many oppressed, colonial nations and peoples won their freedom. Some took a socialist path of development. "~http://www.cpusa.org/a-proud-moment-for-our-party/


You literally have no idea what the fuck you're doing.

>> No.2644833

>you'd know there's still...

>> No.2644841

Any Russian, Chinese, Japanese treatment on WW II?

Already read Solzhentisyn, Grossman and that short story collection.

>> No.2644848


Actually, no. This one's derailed by stupid shit.

>> No.2644852


JIDF derailed it

>> No.2644856

JIDF here.
No we didn't.

>> No.2644924

Norwegian Wood was pretty depressing in an introverted way. Lots of tragic romance and suicide. But, it's done rather tastefully, besides the extremely random, and very graphic sexuality (i.e. it isn't a YA emo novel).

>> No.2644951
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>> No.2644966


>> No.2644995
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>depressing in an introverted way


>> No.2645021

The depressing aspects of the novel are presented thought the introverted personalities of the characters, rather than extroverts toy through what they openly say or do. There may be a better way to put this but I'm not about to sift through a thesaurus for a post on 4chan so deal with it

>> No.2645030

Ugh autocorrect. Extroverted, not toy

>> No.2645063

I don't get why stormfags idolize Hitler. He was paranoid and incompetent he led Germany to one disaster after another, Stalingrad, El Alemein, couldn't even stop the Dunkirk evacuation. His best generals wanted to kill him. He made friends with muslims, japanese people, Romanians, Italians, Spaniards, none of whom are Aryan by Hitler's own definition. The Iron Cross was awarded to Finnish Jews. The thousand year Reich lasted less than a decade and ended with slavic communists in control of half of germany.

>> No.2645064
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>There may be a better way to put this but I'm not about to sift through a thesaurus for a post on 4chan so deal with it





>> No.2645082

>the Japanese apologize for the war all the time

I live in Japan and this country is in pretty much full denial mode about their atrocities committed in the war. They like to go on and on about how sad the bombs were, but don't really teach kids about the imperialism that prompted military retaliation. I told my girlfriend about the rape of Nanking and she called me a liar at first. I showed her a British doco about it and she was in tears for an hour afterward, "Why didn't they teach us this?" History textbooks pretty much skip it and all the other forced-labor, death marches and so on.

About five years ago, the PM got into some shit with China because he went to pray at a memorial for the "heroic" dead Japanese soldiers from the war. Japan's reaction? "Waaaaaaah! Why does China haaaaate us?"

>> No.2645087

I know most won't agree, but I thought Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates was pretty sad. I felt torn up reading the whole thing, but I love that book so much.

>> No.2645097

ZHKND, I'm not that poster, but we all get it; you're smug and deliberately obtuse. You'd rather willfully misinterpret some poor kid's post in order to tell him how shit he is at expressing himself.

There are far more pedagogically sound ways to guide him towards better expression of his ideas. Please don't be such a cunt.

>> No.2645102

Yeah, but to be fair, does ANY country really want to look their imperialism in the face? Does Israel want to acknowledge what it is doing to the Palestinians or does it only think about the retaliatory suicide bombings in Tel Aviv buses? Does America acknowledge its imperial meddling in the Middle East, or does it focus on 9/11 as this anomaly out of the blue committed by irrational savages? And so on and so on.

>> No.2645125

Its pretty obvious OP that sadness relates to our very personal feelings. Ain't no such thing as a saddest book when we don't cry with the same tears. sorry for syntax im a foreigner

>> No.2645138

>so deal with it

Just be a man about things. Only cunts use this phrase.

>> No.2645159

Kokoro. It's about stoic people trying not to break down into tears.

>> No.2645185


>> No.2645190

those russian things are usually depressing as a bitch

>> No.2645222

to be fair, the memorial is for all dead soldiers, and he prayed at memorials for dead soldiers everywhere. china was using the opportunity to be a little pissy bitch. it's not like it's the "war criminal shrine" it's painted as

>> No.2645337

>does any country want to look their imperialism in the face?

Fair point, but there's a difference between not directly acknowledging current actions and pretending long-finished actions never happened. To completely ignore past war crimes in history classes is absurd.

>> No.2645344

>to be fair, the memorial is for all dead soldiers, and he prayed at memorials for dead soldiers everywhere. china was using the opportunity to be a little pissy bitch. it's not like it's the "war criminal shrine" it's painted as

Yeah, I was being a bit hyperbolic. It is the only shrine I've been to that has Japanese flags around it, though (it's VERY rare to see Japanese flags flying here, except for on the back of the big black nationalist vans).

>> No.2645347
File: 165 KB, 375x550, a singe tear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Velveteen Rabbit

>> No.2645415

Post some written prior to 1950

>> No.2645940

where the red fern grows

>> No.2645969

>hailed as a genius and great leader for rebuilding germany after wwi
>finds himself in the middle of a war with the russians in the dead of winter

yeah, no

>> No.2645987

Oh dear, I'm getting some of them nostalgia tears coming. Really sad book to read as young kid.

>> No.2646000

'Rabbit, Run' by John Updike is one of the saddest most depressing books i've read.
I hate it when the protagonist end up unhappy

>> No.2646025

Hunger by Knut Hamsun. He was also a Nazi-sympathiser, I think OP, so it might be right up your alley.

>> No.2646029

Growth of the Soil is a great book as well.

>> No.2646050

I've never read that one, because I'm a slow reader and afraid of very long books. Hunger is the only Hamsun I've read.

I should probably give a long novel a try some time. I'm thinking of Anna Karenina.