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/lit/ - Literature

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2644568 No.2644568[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

which books have the most feels?

>> No.2644573

Bioy Casares

Their short stories have feels to last a lifetime.

>> No.2644576 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2644582
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>> No.2644593

A lot of Faulkner.

>> No.2644601

Usually any of the russian big names.

Tolstoy, Dostoievsky, Checkhov and others. I get the most feels with their stuff.

>> No.2644619

I read The Sun Also Rises and extracted few feels. Doing it wrong?

>> No.2644648

What is meant by 'feels'?
I'm an anal and literal person.

>> No.2644651

>that feel when no gf

>> No.2644665

+1. Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy are the ones I'd recommend. Personally I get the most feels reading Tolstoy.

It's new-school 4chan-speak that has unfortunately infected /lit/. You're better off ignoring it.

>> No.2644669
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>That Feel when my balls don't work either.

>> No.2644716

I didn't either my first time through. Read it again and just think about the emotional states of the characters. It is truly sad

>> No.2644722

Post titles of books you recommend, PLEASE

I've read Dazai, Dostoevsky, Chekhov etc :(

>> No.2644727

Norwegian Wood by Murakami had some feels

>> No.2644731

Bumping for interest

>> No.2644735

Infinite Jest

>> No.2644739


>> No.2644743

When I finished the book for the second time, I was really sad.

>> No.2644755

2nding these. Infinite Jest has the most feels by volume. Also from different characters.

>> No.2644757
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The lady of the Camellias gave me a whole bunch of feels. But the book that's given me the more feels really is the catcher in the rye.

>> No.2644764

A feel... A feel is a relatble but intense emotion brought upon by strange situations, realizations, bad and good times, and many other things.

>That feel when your stuck in traffic a lane apart from the burning wreckage that sparked the jam

>> No.2644777


They could have had such a damned good time together.

>> No.2644786
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Overflowing with feels

>> No.2644787
File: 37 KB, 315x450, absalom36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absalom, Absalom! Holy jesus tittyfucking christ. I actually wept at the sheer beauty of the prose at one point. When I finished reading Sutpen's rant, I just put the book down and said "Hoooooly shit" b/c I couldn't handle how intense a read it was.

>> No.2644794


shit, i'll have to read this next. Faulkner is a fucking beast

>> No.2644872


Yesyesyes... this!

>> No.2644883
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>> No.2644894
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White Fang and Call of the Wild

And the book in the pic.

>> No.2644912

I would say Catcher in the Rye. There is definitely a lot of feels.

>> No.2644964
File: 31 KB, 304x500, All Quiet on the Western Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh the feels

>> No.2644975
File: 9 KB, 179x282, Into the.....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno 'bout you guys, feels for days in this piece.

>> No.2644977

cirque du freque

>> No.2644978

I was in a slump for a 24 hours after the end of Call of the Wild. I'm not sure it was supposed to be a sad ending but still, I got so sad after that one guy died while Buck was off doing his thing in the woods.

>> No.2645002

reading the picture of dorian grey and pro-tip i got the feels he can't feel. feels bad man

>> No.2645005
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/lit/, I just read Less Than Zero and American Psycho. I really loved them both.

What should I read now? Stick to Bret Easton Ellis or try something better?

Also, tell me why his books are good/bad.

>> No.2645006


Fuck, I thought I was creating a new thread.

>> No.2645016

You might like Slaves of New York or Bonfire of the Vanities then

>> No.2645033

The only feel I have ever extracted from Hemingway's novels is uncontrollable hatred towards every single character. THEY ALL FUCKING SUCK. ESPECIALLY BRET FUCKING ASHLEY

>> No.2645045

I got lots of 'feels' from The Sun Also Rises. I felt for Jake. And even for Robert Cohn.

>> No.2645050

Got lots of feels from the Nick Adams stories too.