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2643417 No.2643417[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Dear lit,
Have any of you ever written a paper on the catcher and the rye? The assignment I was given is to read and review, the reviews others have written about the book, and I am bored by the reviews that I am finding online.. halp a fagot out?

>> No.2643420

Yeah, had to write a paper once about the fucking ducks. Which was basically "Holden is somewhat jelly of the ducks" stretched to roughly 12 pages. I don't even remember how I managed it or what sorts of bullshit I used as padding.

>> No.2643419

This is not the 4chan homework board. Please forcibly remove yourself.

>> No.2643424

Fuck yourself, it is /lit/ related where else was I supposed to take it?

There were 3 options, all of which were a cluster fuck to write about so I chose the one with the most resources, do you have a copy I can read of it?

>> No.2643428


It was so long ago. I no longer have the file and the professor kept the printed copy.

>> No.2643430

That sounds like it would have been an interesting read, considering you bullshitted 12 pages

>> No.2643450

nice Dude

>> No.2643480

If you're bored by this book, you're a faggot who lacks introspection and emotion in regards to the human condition. It's a book you don't just read, but also think about.

Granted, if you rate it on that scale from 1-5 it's only a 2 on that scale, but Jesus fuck shit it's better than goddamn nearly everything you're assigned in public school.

tl;dr: babby's first novel of worth.

>> No.2643486

I must disagree, this was the worst book I have ever read in my life. It let down my expectations in every way.
Maybe I do lack "introspection" but god dammit I hate that book.

>> No.2643487


I loved it in high school, reread it a few years later, still think it's great but not quite as much.

Salinger has better stuff, but Catcher is a good novel, imo

>> No.2643488

Ima gonna helpa you out. Cos I like your face.

Write about how Salinger completly nailed the persona of the whiney, entitled, precocious youth of today. "I'm special, everyone who doesn't think I'm special is a faggot/phoney" j.d saw your generation coming forty years away. And he didn't like it.
You have all of these things, smart phones, consoles, MacBooks, access to all the media, all the time. You have everything. You are the unhappiest generation ever.

Why don't you write about that, instead of asking for someone else to do it for you. Try and conceive one, just one original thought about something you have experienced without checking what everyone else
has said first.

If you really want to be different and stand out do that. Or don't. I couldn't give a fuck either way.

>> No.2643496


There's no way J.D. Salinger was prescient enough to expect that some future generation would possibly be more entitled than the baby boomers he saw come to pass, and indeed, there IS no generation more entitled than that.

Your disgust with our generation is misplaced, myopic, and probaby not even well-informed.

I hope everything you just said was a copypasta.

>> No.2643497

>The assignment I was given is to read and review, the reviews others have written about the book
Review other people's reviews? What the fuck kind of stupid assignment is that?

>> No.2643498


>Salinger completly nailed the persona of the whiney, entitled, precocious youth of today.

this is not what he was aiming for at all...

>> No.2643500

Whiners are the same in every generation, they haven't really evolved. How could they?

>> No.2643515

Holden doesn't think he's special. He just sees a world of fake people who all know the other person is fake, and doesn't get why people don't call each other on it. He doesn't get why everyone hates this world of unoriginality as much as he does. But then he grows up a little. He sees his sister having fun. He realizes that happiness isn't what he thought it was: an outward measurement of yourself against others. It's internal. You have to find it for you. He was happy watching his kid sister playing. He realizes not being so goddamn cynical, and making things better for other people, can make you happy.

Helping others was what his misheard song lyric was about, anyway. He realizes he wants to catch people that are falling. And he realizes he can't do that while he's tumbling down himself. So, he changes his perspective. Get gets himself right. He goes back to school. He's going to be a better person, and help people. Everything up until the very end shows you who he was, and entertains in story. Then you see a glimmer of who he could be.

So, this book is loved by people who feel like him. It's hated by some people who haven't come to this realization, and by others who, rather than open themselves to others, close themselves off. Ayn Rand fans, for instance.

So, that's why so many Anons don't dig the book. It's touchy feely hippie shit about becoming a man and making a difference in the world, rather than bitching and moaning like an eternal adolescence.

>> No.2643522

Holden is and was an uber-boomer. The bastard progeny of Americas new found post-war wealth and greed.

Surely the grandchildren of the boomers can only be worse. If the boomers were the "me" generation then this latest evolution have taken that sociopathic narcissism to a level that not even jd Salinger could have imagined in his worst nightmare.

>> No.2643524

I like how you guys are comparing boomers to kids today. Which ones are destroying everyone's pensions while simultaneously funding campaigns to rob social security?

Taking lots of pictures of yourself is one thing. But seriously. Perspective.

>> No.2643527

All well and good, but Holden does beleive he is special.

He knows he is different, he thinks he is better and more intelligent than everyone else. Why else would they single him out for punishment so often. If he was normal they would leave him alone. He thinks they feel threatened by his intellect. He is probably right.

>> No.2643529

That's my point. If the boomers fucked things up beyond all recognition, then how badly are their kids and grand kids going to screw things?

I have been sucked into a /lit/ thread on the The Catcher in the Rye, goddam it. I have work to do.

>> No.2643530


Salinger didn't mean to portray him as a whiner. He's meant to be read as sincere in what he thinks and says. It comes off as whinyness to some, but that doesn't mean it was intentional

>> No.2643535

Everyone not tell him to fuck of gtfo this thread

>> No.2643536


Again, you're making this into much more of a commentary on social generational conflict than it really is. Probably because you have a serious beef to pick with society. That wasn't really Salinger's intent.

And further:

>Surely the grandchildren of the boomers can only be worse.

No, you fuck: Some kids out there are entitled because they don't understand how things are not adding up between the opportunities they were promised and the real lack of oppurtunities out there, or why college isn't free when they in fact have to shell out fifty grand for it, but even they, the most ignorant (and thus loudest, and thus most noticed by yourself, and thus made to be a poor representation) of our generation are finding they're having to go to extraordinary lengths to make ends meet, to comprimise dreams and pursue careers they hate, because their talents yield them no pay, to endure the weird exprerience of having to move back into one's parents house after college to pay off loans, or just generally understand in a thousand different ways that they world that the baby boomers came to enjoy and ruin isn't the world we have now, and the wealth of opportunity is mostly just a bunch of fragments that we have to piece together. You'd know this far more defines our generation than iPods or whatever the fuck else you think actually defines it, if you actually went outside and communicated and worked with the people in this generation, and discover that nobody gives a fuck about early adopter technology; now everyone is worried about just making things work.

The only entitled prick here is you, because you have the luxury of categorizing a vast number of people you apparently don't like because it's too inconvenient to recognize that we're all struggling.

>> No.2643560

But you're not "going to extraordinary lengths" are you?

You are waiting it out and hoping that things will improve.

Because you deserve it.
Because they told you things will only get better.
Because this is the price we must pay to live in freedom and peace.

Do you feel peaceful? Are you free?

Good luck with that as a life strategy.

>> No.2643568

>But you're not "going to extraordinary lengths" are you?

Yes, I am, in fact.

Stop with this pedantic bullshit and admit that it's nothing more than empty, juvenile rhetoric. You know absolutely nothing about the very generation I suspect you're a part of.

>> No.2643572

Nah, early gen x. Ive been around and seen some shit.
You're the one who decided to defend your generation. Who elected you the voice of youth?

Also, you have a problem with comma splicing. If I was being pedantic. Which I'm not.

>> No.2643580


>Who elected you the voice of youth?

I have no idea, but I feel my position amongst the crowd is more credible than yours, from afar. Generation Xers had jobs and had their show. Now that Generation Y is stepping up to the plate, it's increasingly obvious that the rules changed and we're playing with the same wiffle bats your generation had, but now Mariano Rivera is pitching. The economy is shit now in ways it hasn't been in decades, and that's our gig.

I've been told about the comma splicing before, as well. But since my English education so wildly failed in preparing me for these things, I still have no idea what "comma splicing" is, and, since I'm an economics major, I'm letting it slide for now. Besides, it's only post-modern to do away with the established and observed conventions of the English language. Thanks, Chuck Palahniuk.

>> No.2643586

So it's not your fault. It was the education system that failed you.
They can't have seen how special you were.

Whiffle bats didn't do us much good either, they just didn't hurt as much when Greenspan whapped us in the balls with them. Actually it was kind of nice.

>> No.2643599

>So it's not your fault. It was the education system that failed you.
>They can't have seen how special you were.

I can see that it was a mistake to admit that I stubbornly refused to look up "comma splicing" as a way of lightening up the conversation and lessoning my hostilities towards you. No, education didn't actually fail me, I was joking about that.

>Whiffle bats didn't do us much good either, they just didn't hurt as much when Greenspan whapped us in the balls with them. Actually it was kind of nice.

Yeah...okay. Sort of. The metaphor sort of holds up there. But Greenspan's policies initially boosted the economy before leading to all the unraveling in the late 2000's that we've been mentioning. Such is the nature of deregulation. So that's like signing Albert Pujols for a decade and being surprised when, in those last few years, he's a financial burden and he's no longer productive. Although he's getting to a slow start so even that's not a great metaphor.

But look, I'm too tired for this right now. Sorry for the tirade. Have a good night.

>> No.2643617

We would probably have found some common ground on deregulation, but then wandered off on a "invisible hand" tangent that would have led to the inevitable "my free market is better than yours" pissing contest.

You made some good points though.

>> No.2643621

goddammit! 24 replies, no calling out of:
>Catcher and the rye reviewreview Anonymous
>Have any of you ever written a paper on the catcher and the rye?
>catcher and the rye?
>and the rye?
>fucking AND

OP is a fag, once again

>> No.2643629


How the fuck did I not see this?